
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, October 15, 2010

The Indian community - my community - warts and all!

Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle

EDITOR'S PICK The Indian community in Malaysia may to a certain extent appear as a group trying to earn sympathy from others. This is probably due to their unstable economic status where there is still a large number of Indians left behind suffering hardcore poverty.

In social terms, Indian youths help fill up the gangsterism quota at schools and even colleges.

Jeopardized economic and social status have made their political rights available for sale as trump cards by irresponsible politicians. Whoever feeds them with sweet promises, they channel their vote to - without any second thought. In some worse cases, they remain loyal to certain candidates because they have no choice and keep their fingers crossed in the hope that one day these politicians will help them out even though decades have passed without any light in the tunnel

All the races; Malay, Chinese, and Indians approximately begin from the same starting line in the race to uplift this nation as a successful nation. Let's put aside our political preferences, religious views, ideology, and principles. Let's explore this issue neutrally with naked eyes and sincere thoughts.

Put in its raw form, Malays are being helped by the Government through their privileges, while the Chinese people are well known for their hard work, intelligence, and most importantly, UNITY.

So what are Indians well known for?

• Are they well known for complaining and complaining without any effort? When candidates for JPA scholarships were announced, they protested, sent memorandum (worse, some happily scanned and published these at Social Networking Sites) and conducted conducted press conferences slamming the authorities. So, how does this solve the problem? Did it scare off the government? Gimme break, la, folks.

• Are they well known for their extreme creativity when they portray the 'beauty of Hinduism' through many ways regardless of cost, time, and energy involved? Do you know how much approximately an Indian spends for temple, prayers, festivals, TAMIL MOVIES, ALCOHOL, and etc? Do not be surprised that this amount is not even 30 percent of the money that they channel for the remaining 523 Tamil schools, their kids' education, society's welfare, and family's betterment.

In the name of serving God a large amount of money is spent without thought. A walk during Thaipusam would explain things better. Why do you need a 'Manchester United'-type of chariot on Thaipusam Day. Is the Lord a of Manchester United? (Are you sure or not? I thought he is a fan of Arsenal!). But why can't this money be used to feed one's own family or others who are in need?

• Are they well known for their ignorance for transformation? Do you know that a big chunk of Indians are still living in the past echoing the same rotten slogans; 'Proud to be an Indian'; 'Indian found this, Indian found that. First Indian to do this, First Indian to do that'? Yes many did achieve in the past but what have you achieved now?

Take a glance into schools and even Higher Learning Institutes (public and private). See with your own eyes how some Indian students are behaving. Many young Indian girls, influenced by Tamil Movie heroines fall in the trap of love and are driven far away from their initial purpose. While parents are bathing in sweat and blood to send their kids to study, these kids transform to 'adults' and deviate from their focus. Some Indian undergraduates are not less competent though. For them, campus life is not only to get a scroll or a degree but also to indulge in their 'well of love'.

This is of course not a race-based phenomenon but looking at it in a larger context, Indian students as usual lead the list. How many Indian students are productive at campus? You can count by fingers. Do you have any idea how many Indian students are in the Under Observation list? Ironically, you will be surprised to see them leading the Indian students in the campus. Just like a crab, teaching its young how to walk straight. When a call for change is generated, they rebel! This is exactly what is happening in the community out there. Incompetent people try to be heroes and still live in the past - hoping to win 4-D or 6-D numbers forecast for a better life. ROTFLMAO!

One or two pages is not enough to highlight how Indians themselves are the reasons for their own downfall. It is all in their attitude, their ignorance, their inability to accept the naked truth about reality and how ugly they have become even in the eyes of their own community.

If you are sipping a glass of Carlsberg and talking about how inefficient Samy Vellu is for not bringing change to the community, SHAME ON YOU!!! He at least dares to be in the race despite his shortcomings, ulterior purposes and what not. Whereas YOU are not even able to attend a proper job and channel a proper income to your family. Yet you condemnn another man for his failure to uplift the community. Whose failure anyway? His or yours?

If you belong to this group of dim-witted people who bark for the sake of barking for transformation, or who bash Hindraf leaders for engulfing the people's money but refuse to change yourself, then you should keep your mouth shut and mind your own business. Why on this earth should they fight for people who are lazy, incompetent or narrow minded?

If you belong to the group of students who feed on their parents' blood who hope that one day they would bring betterment for the family but instead of fulfilling this promise, they become obsessed by unhealthy activities, then please back off rather than destroy the community.

People, it is not anyone's fault for your contemporary condition but your own. Why do you wait for people to feed you? Why aren't you independent? Why aren't you striving forward for your own cause? It is you who are privileged with your ignorance and laziness. If you want a better life for your future generation, then change should begin from you!

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