
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Legal Right to Unethical Morally Wrong Actions

The MACC seems to be trying to explain itself on 'old cases' that a blog seem to have a flurry of 'evidences' to show that some activities by past personalities reek of corruption looking at the genuine documents of expenditure being published.

The MACC seem to admit implicitly that the documents published in MT are genuine and complained of mole poking holes into their investigation. Seems official and classified documents seems to have been conveniently leaked to the public. The ulterior motive is likely to try to paint a dirty picture of personalities 'exposed' than opposed to the 'clean bill of health' the MACC has given to those being accused of corruption.

If they are old cases and they have been declared NFA or No Further Action, why is there a need to try and reexplain what they have already satisfied themselves as having legally settled the case?

By trying so hard to rebuttal the insinuations being exposed in invoices etc, it only weakens the credibility of MACC to have done their job right. What they are doing is akin to a Judge having to explain himself after he has given his written verdict!

The expose of genuine documents is actually a greater threat to the government than the MACC or even the subject of the documents. The man at the top will be fairly or unfairly accused of perpetuating such corruption or allowing abuses to continue without stopping such legal rights to morally wrong actions.

And BN has much to fear if more documents are exposed because they mostly try to confirm the public's suspicion of secluding and cover up, than a truth that is believable!

While there is a move to introduce the Freedom of Information Act which raises the bar of accountability and transparency of public officials in managing public funds, we have those who seek to have a tighter and more draconian OSA! And the journalist themselves, at least those who show they are probably armchair journalists who do the bidding of their shareholders than being interested in seeking the truth!

In UK, MPs were embarrassed because the journalist was brave enough to review receipts spent under the FOI Act and what shameful acts of abuse, corruption and hypocrisy were revealed on some supposedly clean respectable MPs!

At least the English fellos when their dirty habits were exposed were gentlemen enough to admit to their wrongs, resign or not rerun again in the elections. In BolehLand, it would be madness for polluticians and ex polluticians to admit they did anything wrong. As if their words are not believable you have now and then an institution that Make A Convincing Case that all those supposedly 'corrupt' and misuse of funds were done legit! In a sense to declare Morally Acceptable Certain Corrupt actions.

So Toyo isn't the corrupt fello we all think he is because he has been officially declared to be Morally And Completely Clean with legal right to rather unethical morally wrong actions in terms of treating himself to first class five star luxuries with taxpayer's money!!! Gosh it does pay to be a BolehLand pollutician and especially one that is on the ruling party side and heading a State government, no?

Why is it considered official secrets if the public wants to know how taxpayers money are being spent! If such expenses are deemed secret because it deal with the security of the nation, then there is no point really in having the Auditor General's Report at all, right? Does it mean the AG is only at liberty to report those expenses that will not embarrasses the government?

The supposedly excesses in Toyo's expenses for his holiday learning tour were not even reported in the AG report in 2006! Were they not aware of it or did they think it's his right and we can't question it because the General Orders allow him to travel first class and spend like it was his money?

And the government is asking its citizens to be honest, save and not waste pubic funds!

If the citizens believe their government and leaders are clean because their leaders say they are, the citizens are either stupid or made to be afraid. You see, when you have laws like the OSA you instill fear into the citizens and all those who are party to an unethical morally wrong act to sanction and worse perpetuate it - simply because the OSA serves to protect the crooks and victimise whistleblowers.

Which brings us to the point, what is the use of trying to implement a whistleblowers act when you now and then threaten the people with the OSA?

Is the MACC the last word on the innocence of alleged corrupt fellos? One must symphatise with the MACC, they can't really serve two masters. The fellos who pay their salary ie. the government or the people who pay taxes to enable the government to pay their salary?

Their hands are really tied in trying to decide if a case is NFA or prosecutable. They still have to bow to a greater force and God with the initials, the A.G. and the present fellos has the distinction of being one and playing one too!

In which case both MACC and the AG, each has been bestowed respective legal right to unethical morally wrong actions too, no?

courtesy of YAHMEH!!!

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