
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 22, 2010

Letter to Umno - Young Loyar

Sincerely I go to a party that has served the country for 64 years. Indeed the existence of Umno has changed the landscape of life of Malaysians from 1946 to 2010.

Many good changes in the political, economic and social have been enjoyed by us all because the services are given by Umno. This party will continue to be remembered in history as a political party that initiated the independence and govern the country until today.

I am compelled to write this letter for a position that as a younger generation to see how this party is going through a very challenging situation, a time that demands change in total and have no time to delay the change.

Often the ideas thrown in and a new general assembly, and often it was also abandoned the idea immediately. Not harvested and watered to germinate and can be enjoyed together.

This year the rally is a rally that is very unique because of the grassroots to the leadership of throwing everything that Umno needs to be changed to remain fresh and relevant.

Thus the intent of this letter was written to share a little of what is seen from their perspective young generation that will meet their responsibilities as voters in the upcoming elections.

Maybe what I say is just representing myself alone, perhaps no other young people who agree with my views, but in the face of the future can not be guaranteed, Umno can not stand up and continue to play the issues that have been swallowed bad times.

Forgive me for being skeptical attitude is thickened in me when he wants Umno to change. Is it true that you would change? Really Umno willing to change to remain relevant and to be elected by the people?

What is going out the same as before. No new approach is taken. No reform is thrown. Still more about the issues and the same political games played since then. The rights and interests of people continue to be the main essence of the hope of getting back the lost votes in recent elections.

Are not the rights and interests of these people had already been agreed upon in the Constitution? Did the Federal Constitution had to be protective, defender and guardian of the rights and interests of all communities in this country?

What is relevant if Umno continues to chant the slogan that he would protect and defend the rights of the Malays with not marginalize the non-Malay rights?

Why still need to stand on the same rhetoric while people are increasingly aware that the Constitution is the true guardian of the rights? Even the Constitution itself stipulates that the King and the Conference of Rulers will maintain, protect and maintain the special position of Malays as well as non-Malays citizenship rights? Why should the same slogan echoed again at PWTC? Is this the promised reform Umno?

In my view that this was not enough salt, should know that is not the time yet to chant the same slogan. This is the time to educate, inform and real menjelaskankedudukan rights and interests of people in this country. Implement what has been provided in the Constitution in the government's policies and plans.

It is time to move and change Umno as a whole so as not to be just talk but do not like making. If you really want Umno to remain relevant and fresh in the hearts of voters, then stop debate these issues.

Enough games are just about the rights and interests of people only. There are so many other issues that must be faced by Umno, especially from the question of integrity, responsibility, corruption, elitism and approached the young voters. Do not just sing but want to remain relevant will not be aware of what needs to be changed to remain relevant.

How many have been spared from the punishment of corruption so successfully held key positions in the party?

How many programs reach young voters have been carried out by Umno?

The extent of transparency of Umno in the voice of young people receive and listen to their problems?

How many promises of Umno MPs who have been discharged since the 2008 election?

Umno must be realistic and courageous to accept the fact that there is more to do than to speculate excited when general elections will be held. Prepare the implementation of programs of scientific discussion and show of openness in accepting new ideas and concepts from various quarters, especially from the younger generation.

Head of Youth has been listed 10 needs to be removed by the attitude of Umno. Most of the attitudes of their own just like the hit that is not included at all is "Do not be bribed to be standing."

Umno Wanita Chief, said it was time to get out of our comfort zone. If so, why not proposed a new plan for the economy? Why not touted that the Malays will no longer need the NEP staff 30 percent?

Why not tell people that 30 percent are not enshrined in the Constitution. That there is "by what he deemed reasonable by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong" not "in accordance with what is deemed reasonable by the Mighty and Umno."

Sorry if what I write these words angered and publication of a traitor to my race. I really do not want to see the Malays would ask, and backward, but it happened not because of the loss of the status quo and the privileges that have been enjoyed, but the Malays such as fear of change and out of our comfort zone.

At the time when the world is changing rapidly, we are still comfortable and did not participate in these changes. How can we change if I just continue in the house and did not see the situation around, the more he changed? There is also good that we consider Neale Donald Walsch says "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

Umno is only necessary to change the approach because it is all very welcomed by the people in general. Do not just remind people that Umno has served to bring the country's independence vote in favor of the Umno should have already happened in Japan about how the Japanese governing party that had finally fallen since the beginning of independence.

If you want to raise the issue of thanks or gratitude, then Umno must also remember that the people should also receive the gratitude of the party because without the votes of the people, Umno is not going to lead Pakistan for 53 years of independence.

I pray that Umno will continue to change in order to maintain the freshness and relevance to the people. What is relevant in 1946 may have been irrelevant in 2010. The approach taken in 1946 can not be reasonable for use in 2010.

Although amulets "before, now and forever", meaning that Umno to remain relevant and accepted by the people but the mascot that does not mean that Umno should be used, now and forever singing the same issue, drums embarrassing political rhetoric serves the same since 64 years .

Umno must change or the people who will change the Umno! - Malaysian Insider

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