
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 22, 2010

Rais lauds Najib's courage, defends police report on Rocky's Bru

Rais: Najib - brave. Rocky's Bru - police report!
KUALA LUMPUR - Information Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim said that his action in lodging a police report against blogger 'Rocky's Bru' was in line with his rights as a citizen of Malaysia.

He said it was only right for him to do so as stipulated by the law after his name was tarnished following a report published in the blog.

The minister said everybody should respect the law and regulations introduced by the government in the country as they were made to provide protection to the people at all levels.

"I am one of the people. So, I am not afraid of any comments, but if it violates my rights as an individual, I have to seek protection under the law," he told reporters after attending the opening of the Umno general assembly 2010 at the Putra World Trade Centre today.

On Oct 12, Rais lodged a police report against Ahirudin Atan claiming that that latter had alleged in his blog 'Rocky's Bru' that his (Rais') son was one of the beneficiaries of the ministry's RM1 million grant to improve broadband access nationwide.

Najib, a brave prime minister

Meanwhile, Rais described Umno president Najib Abdul Razak's opening speech, especially concerning Malay rights, as a 'brave action' which would encourage the party to further continue its struggle.

"This is a very clear message, which we should explain to the people at the grassroots level later. We have to congratulate the prime minister for being brave in explaining the situation," he said.

Rais said the social contract was the backbone of the Malaysian constitution which should be respected by every citizen of this country.

As such, he said the people need not be afraid to take legal action or even lodge a police report against any quarters, especially those who tried to question the constitution, or those who just wanted to test how far the government would go in tackling the issue.

"If somebody insulted the Article 153 (about the rights of the Malay and bumiputeras), we should lodge a police report and let the police investigate as it can influence the public," he said.

At the same time, he said the government should offer explanations to the people on every issue to prevent certain quarters from taking advantage of the situation. - Bernama

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