
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rais VS .... Rocky Bru ' those not affected will not understand'

Minister of Information, Communication and Culture, Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim defended his actions to make a police reports against blogger Rocky Bru @ Datuk Ahirudin Attan and two others for claiming that a company belonging to his son is involved in the broadband contracts worth millions of Ringgit ... because it is my right to defend myself and to clarify the truth.

"It's easier to create an issue. People not involved would not understand. They have publicly humiliate me. I am a member of the administration and have served for a long period now and have never been publicly humiliated like this.

"They have provided an incorrect report. So, as an ordinary citizen, there is no other way except to report to seek justice. The only option is to make a police report and a report to the MCMC for them to investigate and to get to the bottom of the truth, Datuk Seri Rais spoke to Agendadaily reporters when met outside Dewan Merdeka PWTC Hall today.

Datuk Seri Rais was asked to comment on reports published in several blogs after a meeting with some bloggers at his residence on Monday. Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak has also expressed his displeasure on the move by Datuk Seri Rais to lodge a police report against Rocky and two other bloggers , Big Dog and TNT.

So far, Rocky has been called to give evidence to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in relation to Rocky's posting under the title Who gets Santa Rais RM1billion handout?on October 9.

"Lodging a report (the police) is my right to clear my reputation and he hope that the facts are not twisted to undermine him. Datuk Seri Rais further quoted that he was unaware of any comments raised by the Prime Minister in connection with this misunderstanding. Datuk Seri Rais claimed that its his right to defend himself against false allegations.

When asked to comment on whether he would withdraw or continue with his report on the Rocky and the two bloggers, Rais said he insisted on only exercising his rights to clear his or his family's reputation after a false allegation.

"That's my right to make a police report to defend the allegations raised. Datuk Seri Rais claimed that he has no other intention and would not inconvenience and undermine any party.

"I had worked under his father (the late Tun Razak). Now I am working under him, so if he does not like it or do not feel comfortable, he has a choice to retain me or replace me.

"Its Rais Yatim's rights to clear his name as alleged by certain parties concerned. The best alternative would be for the legal system to investigate and for the authorities to carry out an investigation, according to law, a police report need to be lodged. In this way I can clear my name which has been tarnished .

"For those who are not affected will definitely not understand. The claim is untrue and incorrect, so the best option available in law is to lodge a report. That's it. "

When asked whether his actions were done because of an instinct as a father, he denied.

"It is not true. As an individual, a citizen of Malaysia who upholds Malaysian laws, it is not wrong for me to seek justice to clear my reputation and to seek justice, I have no choice but to report to police or relevant authorities to defend my case.

"Maybe I need to take action under civil law. Will need to make a police report to conduct investigation. If its criminal, the authorities to prosecute the parties concerned. I had no other choice in my pursuit for seeking justice to clear my tarnish reputation. "

courtesy of agendadaily

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