
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 22, 2010

Transformation, Reform, and penetration.

"No one will want to remind people that Malay special rights are guaranteed in the Constitution would not be guaranteed without power. It is true that the Malays still have their last line of defense of the Malay Rulers, but not the rights and privileges of the Malay Rulers in the Constitution was also amended. So had also accepted by the Malay Rulers. "

President keynote address at the United Malays National Party General Assembly today welcomed by the silent majority Malays and non Malays. It is regarded as an assertion that should remove all doubts and all their worries on the status and rights of the Malay privileges and guarantees the rights of Malay descent will not be preserved with a fair, even in a state of emergency.

New Straits Times quoted the President of UMNO, who is also Prime Minister of Malaysia as saying,

"If a two-thirds majority in parliament too, will not be able to change the drop of anything, without ceremony, which comprises nine Malay rulers.

"In other words, in vain, shrill scream for the provision of citizenship to threaten other races because of this provision is written as though the concrete emergency is declared, it would not be touched,"

What is interesting is that the mandate of the Prime Minister yesterday was a confirmation of what diselama UMNO that is sung by Anwar Ibrahim is true at all.

Anwar Ibrahim, opposition leader and Prime Minister of People's Alliance Shadow repeatedly reminded the Malays that they do not have to worry about their position if they choose the party's People's Alliance tunjangnya the DAP, as the rights and privileges guaranteed them directly in the Constitution .

In the Umno president brushed off the criticism and pressure from scholars and entrepreneurs, maybe he was trapping him and his party? President of UMNO political thought more in tune with Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the Malay vote is no longer enough to be brought to the power of heaven. Conversely, the need to pursue the non Malay votes, especially the Chinese voters vote.

In the pursuit of electoral votes of Chinese, Malays have to scream, yell stop. Malays do so leaves a mess. Malays do so in the coal dust.

And if that is true, whether Malays have to scratch his head to choose between the name Najib Razak, Anwar Ibrahim, or Nik Aziz? They like harmony and rhythm but different pronunciation and sabdu dengu sway of their songs.

Neither did he want to remind people that Malay special rights are guaranteed in the Constitution would not be guaranteed without power. It is true that the Malays still have their last line of defense of the Malay Rulers, but not the rights and privileges of the Malay Rulers in the Constitution was also amended. So had also accepted by the Malay Rulers.

What the Kings in the Federated Malay States to guarantee its own security position of the Malays? Negeri Kelantan late now see how the Malay Rulers can also descended from the throne by the constitution.

What we need is line of great lawyers. Which party is littered with great lawyers? UMNO, PKR, PAS or DAP?

I see what is contained in the policy speech yesterday was the pronouncement of the President of UMNO's integrity. Although the message was successful relief of the Malays and defuse any tension between those who are now in the Philippines but later the Malay people should not feel totally relieved.

As a responsible leader, Najib Razak wanted to bring Malaysia and especially the Malays go ahead on the vision. It will not happen if the Malays themselves are not moved from debating the question of purely academic. Unfortunately I can see Najib Razak in Malay so he did not take it to criticize the choice of his own people. Instead take the diplomatic option.

However, unfortunately for the Malays today, when political parties are the Malays themselves have accepted as a fact Malay disunity. Thus, the fate and future of Malay political parties now had to be determined by the Non-Malay voters.

Although backed by the mandate of the President of UMNO yesterday, the Malays take immediate back asleep. This is really time for us to rise up, up and running pursuit of success. If we miss it, its impact not only on our descendants, but the Philippines as a whole.

And let us not smile because we have the rights and privileges guaranteed. Remember, as long as there is the moon, stars and sun, while the world is spinning on its axis, anything can happen.

Is not what we face, we will be able to face better when we are united. United Malays stand, divided the Malay collapse.

Is that really to be delivered by Najib Razak?

courtesy of Fundamental

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