
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, October 17, 2010

When constructive criticism turns into "derhaka" or seditious

We would like to ask the authorities, if a ruler commits a crime or wasting public money for his own publicity or his lusts for fame and glory, shouldn't he be criticized constructively? Are these constructive criticism viewed as "derhaka" or seditious even if the ruler is morally and technically wrong in doing its wonders? And why? On what provision and so on?

Does that mean the ruler is above the law, and he also has the powers to sentence his people or subject to death, thus bypassing the judiciary and the existing laws? In the federal and state constitutions, it clearly states that all the rulers are subject to the constitutional provisions, which clearly explained that they are constitutional rulers and they shall at all times subject to the constitution and its stature.

This means, the rulers' role and responsibilities are based establishment as written in the constitutions be it federal or state. These rulers are paid by the governments of the day, both federal and states to play their role as the subject of the constitutions of the federal and respective states.

Therefore, as "paid subjects" they are also viewed as employees, who must carry out their roles and responsibilities in a proper and responsible manner of which will benefit the people under his care.

In this case, by calling a facebook writer who criticized a ruler for being overspending public funds as seditious or "derhaka" are completely wrong. This writer is merely voicing his views and discontent over the way the public funds were spend and suggested that the money could be spend in a better way for the benefit of the people. Is this wrong?

Let's not wrongly defining such words and criticisms as seditious or "derhaka" so fast. The authorities should stay calm, not to act in a panic way, be focused and act professionally instead of being constantly influenced by Umno or Perkasa's way of extreme racial politics. These are all incorrect.

Actions deemed to be seditious or "derhaka" are those who intend to incite the people to go against the ruler or to overthrow the ruler in a forceful manner, or by use of weapons and ammunitions to stir unrest in the state in order to harm the ruler or his people.

We supposed that most of us, even the police, judiciary and the ruling elites in Putrajaya did no really understand the Federal Constitutions, its provisions and by-laws at all. That is why, a lots of misunderstandings happens, the constitutions are being frequently politically manipulated and misused by irresponsible politicians for their political and extreme racial gains.

And those who politically manipulating the constitutions, its provisions, by-laws and even often making use of the rulers for their own political and extreme racial gains are the ones who should be branded as seditious and "derhaka" but they are not, because they are holding the powers in the administrative capital.

So, as long as those real seditious and "derhaka" politicians are still in powers, the Federal Constitutions, its provisions and by-laws shall continue to be ignored, manipulated and treated with disrespect. And if the Federal Constitutions, its provisions and by-laws continue to be in such a situation, our people's rights, human dignity, justice, freedom, equality and democracy shall be denied continuously.

We need to discontinue all these negative elements. It's hurting our nation, the economy and the well-being of our people almost everyday.

courtesy of socio-economy, political & education

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