
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 27, 2010

Baru Bian at MACC Kuching

The following press release was e-mailed to me a few hours ago


State Liaison Chief for PKR Sarawak, Baru Bian, accompanied by his lawyer Desmond Kho and several party members, paid a visit to the MACC state office at the 12th floor of Bangunan Sultan Iskandar at Simpang Tiga here today at 3pm.

Bian said serious allegations are reported in an article which is posted at a news portal called www.sarawakreport.org under the provocative heading of ‘TAIB SHARE SHOCK!’ at http://www.sarawakreport.org/2010/11/taib-share-shock-exclusive/

According to Bian, the article contains information which is of public interest, especially for Sarawakians. Bian said it is his public duty to alert the MACC and bring the article to the MACC’s attention for further investigations.

“These are very serious allegations. As a responsible citizen of this country, it is my duty to bring this article to the attention of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission. It is up to them to further investigate the allegations,” said Bian.

“Malaysians, Sarawakians in particular, would be interested to know if these allegations are true or not. The MACC has a public responsibility to serve the public interest,”
said Bian.

Bian gave a printed copy of the article to Puan Suzita bte Marikan and Encik Omar Mokhtar bin Jahari, the MACC enforcement officers at the Investigations Unit.

courtesy of People's Parliament

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