
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cabinet Reshuffle: Bye To Rais, Ismail Sabri, Nor Yakcop, Shabery Cheek, Khaled


By Fareed Dawood

Rumours has it which there will be a cupboard reshuffle soon or some-more accurately, only prior to a PM Najib left for abroad in December. At least, 5 names have been speculated to be forsaken as well as most some-more will finish up in different portfolios.

Among a names pronounced to be concerned in a reshuffling are:

1. Rais Yatim, Minister of Information, Communication as well as Culture - is pronounced to be weak, far behind as well as is seriously lack of believe of his job. His new confront with a pro-government bloggers reliable which he is unqualified as well as way as well isolated from a world of a multimedia, which is a most important means of report as well as communication of today. A new as well as younger face competence be allocated to reinstate him.

2. Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Minister for Domestic Trade, Co-operatives as well as Consumerism - is pronounced to have unsuccessful to proof himself in a portfolio. There have been talks which his name would be forsaken altogether.

3. Tan Sri Nor Mohd Yackob, Minister in Prime Ministers Department as well as in assign of Economic Planning Unit - has always been a Pak Lahs people. With two of his cupboard member being concerned in unclean activities, his name has additionally been dragged along. There have been additionally unreported scandals being unofficially exposed by bloggers regarding his nepotism, cronysm as well as hurtful practices as he openly favours his own people (the Indian Muslims) in granting projects as well as contracts.

4. There have been additionally talks which Ahmad Shabery Chik, Minister of Youth as well as Sports will be transposed by a immature figure from Terengganu.

5. Mohd Khaled Nordin, Minister of Higher Education is additionally during risk of being forsaken for having served prolonged enough. He is ! not a me mber of a MT as well as thus does not have a await of a MT to remain in his post. Naturally, MT members should be since priority for any cupboard post. As a Minister in-charged of higher education, Khaled somehow unsuccessful to make his presence well known to a university students. Khaled fell during no. 49 in an eccentric consult of 50 most well known personalities in a university. Another factor which should be taken in to account is which there is a small as well most Johorean in a cupboard during a moment as well as maybe its improved to open a post to those from alternative states, namely Perlis, which has no deputy in a cupboard during all.

6. Zahid Hamidi competence have to change portfolio as he fails miserably to perform as Defense Minister. His lack of believe in troops principals as well as protocols has done it impossible for him to tackle inhabitant confidence as well as invulnerability issues impeccably. Zahid is seen as a some-more suitable celebrity for Rural as well as Regional Development as he is most during home between a villages.

7. There have been additionally talks which Tan Sri Muhyiddin would additionally be expelled from his portfolio of Education as he hasnt been profitable enough courtesy to a particular task.

8. Datuk Seri Shafie Afdal, Minister of Rural as well as Regional Development competence be replacing Zahid Hamidi based upon his experience as Deputy Minister in Defense. However, Tan Sri Muhyiddin is additionally pronounced to be between a intensity total for a post.

9. Dato Seri Hishamuddin, Minister of Home Affairs - has unsuccessful Malaysians in so most ways for so prolonged for being really weak as well as out of touch from a rakyat in roughly each issue. He should be grateful to be behind to Education.

These have been only talks as well as speculations as well as there have been no certainties in even a date of a reshuffling. Lets only wait as well as see who gets whatand.who gets out.

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