
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Biased K.L. Sessions Judge in P. Uthayakumar’s Sedition trial refused after lunch adjournment even when told of P. Uthayakumar’s back spine pain

Biased K.L. Sessions Judge in P. Uthayakumar’s Sedition trial refused after lunch adjournment even when told of P. Uthayakumar’s back spine pain which started during his ISA detention at Kamunting for 514 days. No mercy No Justice.

by Human Rights Party Malaysia

police shooting

Justice must be tampered with mercy. Justice must not only be done but must manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done. But these legal principles has no place with the 95% malay muslim dominated Malay-sian Court Judges

But this biased presiding Sessions Court judge Sabariah binti Othman started at 9.25 a.m and stopped only at 12.59 sharp for lunch with 15 minute in between for P. Uthayakumar to check on some new documents tendered by the witness.

At 12.59 after suffering from back pain and having been on his feet the whole day yesterday with only the lunch break and half a day today P. Uthayakumar asked for the afternoon’s court hearing to be vacated to the next court hearing date aweek later on 6/12/10.

But this biased Judge rudely remarked “sampai bila” referring to the detailed questioning of the witness by P. Uthayakumar and not moving on fast enough to complete this case as soon as possible. Justice hurried is justice buried.

Or irritated at the pleading guilty as in 98% of the cases as the Malay-sian Judges are so used to and getting a walk over and sending thousands of Indians to jail when forced to plead guilty when they cannot afford the bail or legal fees.

The demeanor of this biased Judge was so obviously on the instructions from UMNO to go full steam and convict P. Uthayakumar so that he is sent to jail and is silenced or he cannot stand for the elections in the forthcoming general elections.

The Deputy Public Prosecutors present were Noorin Badaruddin Mellisa bt Md. Akhir and Hanim bt Rashid.

The witness who was grilled by P. Uthayakumar about police brutality killings in police custody and by police shooting for the second day in a row was no other than DCP Dato Acryl Sani bin Abdullah Sani the Deputy Director I of the Criminal Investigations Department Bukit Aman Federal Police Headquarters.

Among the highlights in today’s hearing is:-

1) 126 Malaysians died/were killed in police custody from 2000 to February 2010.

2) The youngest detainee killed in police custody out of the 31 Indians listed (killed) during this period is Hendry Sreedharan (19) and S. Tharma Rajen (19). Do they deserve to die at this tender and youthful age.

3) P. Uthayakumar put it to the witness that this list was fabricated by excluding scores of other Indian youths killed in police custody.

(See list below)

The other points would be continued tomorrow.

The court proceedings today proceeded right up to 17.00 (5.00p.m) sharp despite P. Uthayakumar’s obvious backbone pain.

This case is to continue at full steam on 6/12/10.

Justice not Mercy. The Hindraf struggle continues.

Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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