
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Isa Samad as Felda chairman is like ‘pagar makan padi’

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was adamant that the selection of politicians to head government-linked companies (GLC) was based on competence and not their background. He tried to justify their appointments by saying that the government was not bound by any policy.

He said, “We (the government) do not have such restrictions. The government makes the appointment based on the competence of an individual, regardless of whether he or she is a corporate person, former government officer or ex-politician.”

Recently, the country’s leading economic advisers publicly warned Najib that corruption could only be checked if politicians were banned from occupying senior positions in GLCs.

It appears that these criticisms have hit a raw nerve with Najib. To compound the problem, Najib’s feeble attempts to deflect the stinging criticisms he received, have failed to convince the public.

National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) member Dr Zainal Aznam Mohd Yusof who helped draft the New Economic Model (NEM) called for urgent reform. He recommended that politicians be denied the top jobs as heads of GLCs.

Zainal said, “Power corrupts. To put a politician in the iconic successful world of Felda is a double blow.”

Zainal referred to the new Felda chairman Mohd Isa Abdul Samad, who was once convicted of graft.

He said, “It’s a sad day when Isa was appointed chairman of Felda.”

Maybank Investment Bank CEO Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz agreed with Zainal and said that the corporate world was concerned about Isa’s appointment.

“As a market practitioner, it sends the wrong signals,” said Zafrul.

Former Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir also joined the chorus of people lamenting the rife corruption and cronyism afflicting the nation.

He said, “If the founding fathers could see what is happening now, they will turn in their graves. Corruption is everywhere, you have to bribe people to get things done. Cronyism is everywhere.”

Najib responded by saying that politicians with qualifications, such as a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), were experienced in the corporate field and were seasoned in administering ministries and so on.

But did he have to choose someone with a history of corruption to lead FELDA?

Isa was suspended for three years (reduced from six years after an appeal) for money politics in the 2004 Umno elections.

Former Prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has condemned Isa Samad’s links with corruption and has warned the party that Isa Samad could tarnish Umno’s image.

Although Felda is not a GLC, it is nevertheless a federal agency which is in charge of land development. It is dominated by Malays.

Last July, Putrajaya admitted that FELDA’s cash reserves had plunged from RM4.08 billion in 2004 to RM1.35 billion in 2009.

In 2011, Mohd Isa Abdul Samad became the FELDA chairman. He will be in charge of an agency with over a billion ringgits in reserve. His past record would put most people and governments to shame.

But putting Mohd Isa in charge of FELDA is like ‘pagar makan padi’.

Najib’s error of judgement will cost him dear.

In most civilised countries any politician with a whiff of corruption about him, has his political career effectively terminated.

But evidently, not in Malaysia. Our nation is where scandal ridden and corrupt politicians find that their criminal past qualifies them for top jobs in government agencies.

The last thing we need is a deluded and confused prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak, who cannot differentiate between corruption and competence, or qualifications and a criminal past.

Several disillusioned Malays have joined the ranks of those who are ashamed of the current crop of Umno Malay leaders. Their disgust with Najib's betrayal is one message that has to be urgently conveyed to the Felda settlers. Najib and Isa Samad are gambling with the futures of these hard-working people. - Malaysia Chronicle

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