
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Najib's 'Male Y' DNA and the second framing of Anwar Ibrahim

Can there be any doubt that the so-called ‘Male Y’ DNA that Prime Minister Najib Razak's prosecutors and their expert witnesses are so eager to emphasize will turn out to be Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s?

So far, 5 DNA profiles from 5 different males have been found on complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s anus and pants.

Since Monday, senior government DNA expert Dr Seah Lay Hong has failed to give satisfactory answers to the barrage questions raised by Anwar’s lawyers.

At the most intense moments, she could only gulp for air when asked why she recorded in her report the discovery of semen belonging only to Saiful and 'MaleY', but left out three other unidentified DNA profiles. All five profiles were shown in the print-out from the DNA analysis machine but she only noted two.

Is there really any mystery in 'Male Y'

However, despite her credibility shaken, during cross-examination by prosecution team she was allowed to rearrange her ruffled testimony. She rounded off by reiterating that the predominant semen found on Saiful's lower anus was that of ‘Male Y’.

That single-minded focus on Male ‘Y’ was continued by her colleague in the Chemistry department, Nor Aidora Saedon, on Wednesday afternoon.

Aidora found DNA samples on a toothbrush, towel and bottle that matched Male Y. “DNA profiles of towel, bottle and toothbrush matched each other, indicating same source,” she told the court.

Two strands of hair were also found but attempts at producing a DNA profile proved unsuccessful. Aidora also told the court she was given the samples for testing by one DSP Jude Pereira, a senior police officer who has been accused of being part of the conspiracy to 'nail' Anwar.

Getting Anwar's DNA

And framing Anwar with use of planted DNA is a cinch.

PKR leaders such as Sivarasa Rasiah have long ago warned of this - from way back in 2008. when Anwar was detained overnight prior to being charged for the sodomy.

“Datuk Seri Anwar turned down both the requests. No DNA sample was taken Wednesday night," Bernama had reported Siva as saying in July 2008. He was at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters after having accompanied Anwar there.

According to Siva, the moment Anwar was released a specialist team was immediately despatched to make a sweep of the prison cell to catch as much as they could from the Opposition Leader.

Bringing the corrupt to justice

There is also the DNA that Anwar left behind from his years in jail from 1998 to 2004. But using old DNA can be detectable.

Even so, Prime Minister Najib Razak may still have an ace or two up his sleeve and all eyes are on what will next be revealed.

“Put it this way, Anwar had alibi and yet, Najib can still bring him to court even though the trial comes at the expense of investments into the country and tarnishes our image. His fear of Anwar knows no bounds. It can be the most ridiculous factor or reason but you can be sure Umno and Najib will still try it out and push it through even if the world laughs at them. They just won't care,” PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

To most Malaysians, the reasons for this doggedness is obvious. If Anwar and Pakatan comes to power, Najib and Umno cronies will have to pay for their misdeeds and account to the public for their corruption.

Anwar was accused of sodomising Saiful in June 2008 at a posh condominium in Kuala Lumpur. He has denied the charges and accused Najib and Rosmah of conspiring with Saiful to destroy his political comeback.

"For Male ‘Y’, the prosecution had better have good answers. The world is watching us. Najib must give plausible scenarios how Anwar’s DNA can get mixed up into nearly a dozen of others,” said Tian. - Malaysia Chronicle

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