
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 3, 2011

‘..Satan his constant companion.’

By Syed Akbar Ali


Here is a picture of Jordan as well. The Jordanians are also rioting. They asked for the Prime Minister to be kicked out. King Abdullah panicked and did exactly what the demonstrators asked – he fired the Prime Minister. Maybe as a next step the people will ask that King Abdullah be fired too. Baru tau.



The lame brained Hosni Mubarak now says he never wanted to be appointed for another term as President. He will step down in September. This is insulting the intelligence of 80 million Egyptians. I hope they throw him out by Friday. The Americans have signed the death warrant on Hosni Mubarak. Now they are using the phrase ‘peaceful transition.’ I think this is the end of Hosni Mubarak. The Americans made him, now they can replace him. By the way, the American anointed successor El Baradei is also ‘US-er friendly’.


And do you think if El Baradei takes over, Egypt will be saved? Think again. That country is doomed. Egypt is looking at another 25 or 50 years of doom. The problem with Egypt is NOT Hosni Mubarak or El Baradei. The problem is the Egyptian people themselves.


Outside Egypt, outside the clutches of his religion, his culture and his society El Baradei can become the Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA. But once he is back in Egypt, he will become an Egyptian. Club of Doom.


Folks here I would like to put up some of the wonderful comments I have received in my Blog over the past few days. With all you brains out there in Malaysia, I think surely our country can do much better than what we are doing now. Here are some of your comments. Thank you.


Muhd said : “We have thousands of students studying in Egypt. I have a question for the Malaysian Government. Dude, why in the world you send your kids to a place where youth unemployment is high, poverty is rampant, economy is stagnant etc. What are you expecting your kids to learn from an environment like that? How to make pyramids? Last I check, I don't see Al-Azhar Uni or whatever Eygptian Unis (even Middle East unis) are ranked as top universities in the world. How many Islamic scholars do we need anyway? I mean there is only so many places you can have in the Jabatan Agama. What do you do with these Eygptian graduates? Are they even good at Maths? Hello? Are we importing jobless youth back to our country? I say aren't they better off enrol in our own universities? Even our private universities would be better than Egypt.
I am just surprise the Eygptians haven't blow up their pyramids yet. They should take a leaf of from the Talibans. But apparently the only thing that is sustaining the Muslims over there is tourism. Thanks to their kafir ancestors who built the pyramid. Man, and I thought the Muslims in Malaysia is progressive. You don't need to be a genius to know not to send your kids to another backward country to do tertiary education. What are you trying to achieve? Your kids are so smart you want to make them stupid?”


SAS says : I couldn't agree more with anonymous 11.13 pm Muhd. Why on earth are we sending bright muslims to backward country such as Egypt. Majority of them overstayed (pasal tak lulus) and look forward for hajj season pasal nak buat upah haji! We should start sending students to Germany and Scandinavian countries the home based of Fortune 500 companies. . . SAS


And here is Stowell : “Anon 11.28 , more than 25 % of the graduates in Egypt cannot get a job. This is despite some universities there are institutions with a thousand years history. Same in Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan etc. They are unemployable with no useful skills and no knowledge of English language. Maybe we can bring them over here to be guru ugama so that we can further increase our ranks of unemployed. Stowell”


Thanks Muhd, SAS and Stowell. Spot on bro. University education is not just attending lectures and reading textbooks. If you study overseas you want to study in a country where the society is progressive, the economy is modern, the cities are clean, modern and sparkling, the culture is super modern and the people are civilised. Then living there for four or five years may benefit you.


When I first landed in the US in 1982, I was mesmerized by their 18 wheeler trucks.All standard size. Then I worked on campus and was impressed by their attention to hygiene and cleanliness. Until today I know the proper way to maintain the cleanliness of a restaurant and its kitchen and dishwashing area. Then their people talk less and they work more. To a very large extent their people do and deliver on what they say. Cakap klentong kurang sikit.


I can guarantee you 1000000000000000% you will NEVER see this in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordan, India or the other God forsaken places on this earth. So why send your kids to study in these countries for four or five years? So what you get your medical degree. Balik jadi d*ng* First Class juga. Why not send our kids to study medicine in Zimbabwe or Burkina Faso? I am sure they have medical schools there too?


In this regard all the Islamic countries (Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia) are just backward, backward, backward. Also some other non Islamic countries like India are also just dirty, backward and quite uncivilized (but isnt that why they are not Islamic?).


If you send your children to these countries for four years or five years, your kids may become like them. The PAS supporters and many Kelantan people like to send their kids to study in Al Azhar, Pakistan and even Darul Uloom, Deoband, India. Jadi d*ng* first class. Balik boleh kerja “ustaz putaq”. “Ustaz putaq” (putar) is like a hawker – going from house to house teaching agama classes, pinjam surau to teach agama or part time cikgu in sekolah agama.


Yang pandai sikit masuk UMNO atau PAS, jadi poly-tikus. Yes boleh jadi Menteri, can become entertainers on TV, boleh juga jual kismis ajaib, air jampi ajaib and other such crap. Then they help manufacture thousands more unthinking masses like them.

Here is another note from hi2 : Salam Sir, 43:36 “Anyone who disregards the messages of the most Gracious, we appointed the satan to be his constant companion.”


Exactly Hi2. And please see the next verse 43:37 Such companions will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided.


The Quran says when they ignore the Quran, a satan will be appointed to be their constant companion. This is what has happened. They are being guided by satan. But they will think that they are guided. This is a very terrible situation. They think they are angels. Actually they are satans.


Here is A GOOD MAN DOES NOTHING with a precise analysis:


The so called calls for change is rather puzzling. The chaos is typical with Muslims the world over, trying to change others except themselves. Their religion never change, is not supposed to change and must be accepted despite thousands of changes since religion was invented. It is always between the haves and have nots. Egypt may have been the centre of civilisation at one point in time but other countries have overtaken them by the basic traits of unison. It will take a very long time to rebuild a nation embroiled in religious supremacy, blaming the west for the turmoil created by themselves. Yet, Malaysians feel so proud to have graduated from the orthodoxical universities which do not practice what it preaches. Well, if chaos is what they want, that's exactly what they are getting.

Yes Sir. 100% agree. Almost all Muslims are constantly taught (from morning till night) to pass judgement on their fellow human beings, their friends, relatives, the neighbour’s cat, most certainly on dogs and just about anything else. And it is always a negative appraisal.


The Muslim psyche is such that it constantly seeks to measure the next person and pass any kind of negative judgement on the next person, despite the fact that they themselves maybe dirt poor, unhygienic, uncultured, unread, impolite, rude, crude, stupid, with no manners and even suffering poor table manners (chewing loudly, eating with the mouth gaping open – yukk).


The question is why? Why, despite all the crap, the Muslims still feel that they are superior to the next person? Here is the magic answer : they are convinced that they are going to “heaven”.


Lastly here is Keturunan Jebat.


Salam Bro, I do hope that can change their future because their psyche is flawed. I used to ask an Egyptian who is married to a Malaysian as what is wrong with egyptian. His reply to me...they never want to change and that is what he loves about Malaysia..our ability to adapt and change with new things that flows into the country either culturally, socially, religiously, economically.

I consider that as an interesting observation on his part...My question is...are we that adaptable and flexible? Given the current way we are doing things now? The old leadership is clinging to what has been rather than letting go? That is why we are having so many politician s dropping dead because the only way they can let go is when Allah SWT take their life away which is exactly like Hosni Mubarak except that he screwed up too hard and too harsh of his people that they are fighting back. Is this what need to happen to Melayu before we kick out our old politicians and their old ideas? Keturunan Jebat


Keturunan Jebat, I was on BFM radio last Saturday at 10:15am – pre recorded. I myself could not listen to it cos I was travelling. BFM Radio interviewed me about my Blog and my book “Malaysia & The Club of Doom – The Collapse of the Islamic Countries”.


(If any of you are interested, go to BFM’s website here http://www.bfm.my , click on “Podcasts” and type ‘Syed Akbar Ali' in the Podcasts search box. You may still be able to listen to the podcast. So far I have done two interviews on BFM Radio)


I made a forecast on BFM. I said that we may see demonstrations in Malaysia in say the next 5 or 10 years. I did not have time to say that it will be the Muslims who will be demonstrating and rioting. The same thing that has happened in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Indonesia in the 90s will happen here. The Muslims have little or no marketable skills. They are dependent on the Government from cradle to grave. They cannot compete in the market. The Muslims are the ones suffering high unemployment.


The few rich and wealthy Muslims are all cronies, earning money not through competitive skills but because of racial profiling. They cannot compete. Meaning they will not be able to teach their kids how to compete either. Folks, the economy cannot sustain this behaviour, even if Petronas discovers more oilfields. The population is exploding. There will be 30 million Malaysians soon. Egypt has 80 million people. There will be insufficient Petronas money to burn. So people will riot and demonstrate in the streets.


On the other hand the non Muslims will have no time to riot. Instead of wasting time passing judgement on people, checking for peoples’ aqeedah, checking for halal tak halal, the non Muslims reach out to shake peoples’ hands (men or women), make new friends and acquaintances, make the sale, do the business and move on in life.They have no time to be poor. They just get on with life.


The Muslims - "yet make them believe that they are guided"

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