Let BN politicians be reminded that they should stop blaming the rakyat if they find themselves down the slippery slide of popularity.
They should also stop blaming their diminishing chances of landslide victories in the coming general elections on the demographics. Likewise, they should also stop blaming their coalition counterparts for failures and for losing territories to the Opposition coalition.
BN's precarious sitz-im-laben has nothing to do with race and religion either. And the mother of all their contentions - that Anwar Ibrahim, is the primary cause of their loosening ground is also not the problem.
It was Dr M who killed Umno, not Anwar
The core cancer that is eating into BN today is the fact that they were deprived of true leadership by their chief architect Tun Dr Mahathir. Remember, he sacked not one potential successor but far too many.
BN must not forget that the Tun not only flushed out potential talents but also did massive surgeries on UMNO and subsequently setting in irreversible serious, secondary infections.
Let us remember the pages of history. The nation had Musa Hitam, a man who made it into the TIME's pages as an Asian promise. Then came Anwar Ibrahim who was also sacked from BN. Remember the potential stars of Semangat 47? All were thrown out into the cold and so also went Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah right up to this day.
Then BN pushed Pak Lah to the frontier only to see BN itself have him replaced by Datuk Seri Najib. But even before Najib could warm his high chair, the Altantuya saga brought the roof caving in for BN.
Today, can anyone be chided for telling and perceiving that there are no charismatic leaders within the BN fold?
We need a personality, a voice, a beacon of hope
The populace needs a personality. The voters need a voice. The citizens need a beacon of admiration and hope.
Do we have one single personality within BN who can stand tall and command the respect, support and undivided loyalty - someone whom the rakyat can agree hands-down as the person who can put the country on track?
Do we have one single voice within BN who can speak in the best interest of all Malaysians, the nation and its Rulers without marginalising anyone - rich or poor; Malays, Chinese, Indian, Sabahan or Sarawakian; Muslim or non-Muslim?
Do we have one single beacon of admiration and hope within BN who can stand tall and untainted with allegations and corruption or living a lifestyle that is exemplary for and proudly recognized by all Malaysians?
Like it or not, the people accept Anwar as a leader
If you look at the Opposition coalition, they are not free of allegations. But what is very clear is that they are able to put aside their differences in political ideologies and visions of their future and rise to push for the people's interest first.
The Opposition camp has been able to quickly identify its leader and put their weight behind him despite all the allegations about this man's personal lifestyle preferences.
And whether we like it or not, whether Tun Dr Mahathir likes it or not, Anwar Ibrahim is being recognised as a leader not only by the coalition camp but also by all their respective supporters and members.
In fact, much as BN may denounce, even the corporate corridors, individuals from the global business arena, leaders in other countries, and maverick politicians are in alignment with the very positioning of Anwar ibrahim by the Pakatan Rakyat forces.
Is there anyone in BN who can do what DSAI has achieved, namely to reign in the opposition parties and have them anoint him as their forefront leader?
Internal cancer
So BN is not fighting a political war today. It is actually suffering from a depletion of its marrow, i.e. lack of leadership.
And who do we blame for BN going bankrupt in leadership after fifty years of getting full support from the rakyat? Blame the rakyat still? Or blame the Opposition? Or find a scapegoat in the person of Anwar Ibrahim?
The rakyat gave BN every opportunity every five years, seasons in seasons out, to lead them and the nation. But today BN is fighting for its life to win with a landslide victory of bygone eras.- Malaysia Chronicle
Old foe Anwar giving Mahathir a run for his money in GE-13
Mantan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad akhirnya mendedahkan. Pimpinan tinggi Umno sengaja menahan golongan bijak pandai melayu sebagai rancangan untuk terus berkuasa antara sesama mereka, dan mengakibatkan keadaan sekarang bila parti kekurangan bakat baru terutama di peringkat tertinggi.
“ Sejak berdekad yang lalu, Umno tidak membenarkan mereka yang bijak menganggotai parti. Sebab itu ramai doktor masuk PAS. Ini membuatkan susah untuk Umno mendapat calun sesuai untuk menjamin kemenangan dalam pilihanraya.” Mahathir memberitahu Bernama rabu lepas.
Siapa patut dipersalahkan
Tapi Mahathir ialah bekas PM dan presiden Umno selama 22 tahun,dari 1981 hingga 2003, maka bertanggungjawab bagi sebahagian besar polisi yang membentuk Umno sehingga kini. Samada kita suka atau tidak, Umno mempunyai reputasi buruk berdasarkan perkauman dan agama untuk memenangi kaum etnik terbesar dinegara ini-orang Melayu.
PM Najib Razak, khasnya, di cerca sebagai “jaguh talam dua muka” kerana menyokong tumbuhnya kumpulan NGO extremis hak ultra Melayu seperti Perkasa dan anti Kristian seperti Jati, sambil pada masa yang sama, menyebut2 polisi kesederhanaan kepada masyarakat antarabangsa.
Mahathir juga menggesa pemimpin Umno supaya meninggalkamm amalan hanya memilih ketua bahagian untuk bertanding. Komen ini timbul ketika Najib mula pusingan terkahir dalam memilih calun2 boleh menang untuk pilihanraya umum 13 yang dijangka tahun ini.
“Kita harus terima calun yang baik, samada mereka ahli Umno atau tidak.Kita mahu orang yang layak dan berbakat, kemudian baru kita boleh membentuk kerajaan yang berupaya,” kata Mahathir.
Perselisihan dalaman
Pemimpin pembangkang tidak terkejut dengan komen Mahathir, dan merasa kan beliau cuba mempengaruhi keputusan Najib berkenaan calon2 , daripada mengubah Umno.
“Umno sedang mengalami perselisihan dalaman paling teruk.Dalam semua negeri yang mereka perintah, sekurang kurangnya ada 2 kumpulan yang berlumba lumba untuk kuasa. Semua mahu calun mereka dipilih.
Dalam politk, jika tiada kerusi samada di Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri, maka ibarat harimau tak bertaring. Mahathir ialah salah seorang dari panglima perang.Najib juga.Mereka ada kem mereka dan akan cuba memberi kan penyokong mereka sebahagian dari kerusi tersebut.- Malaysia Chronicle
Mahathir Yang Terus Terlupa Dan Nyanyuk
They should also stop blaming their diminishing chances of landslide victories in the coming general elections on the demographics. Likewise, they should also stop blaming their coalition counterparts for failures and for losing territories to the Opposition coalition.
BN's precarious sitz-im-laben has nothing to do with race and religion either. And the mother of all their contentions - that Anwar Ibrahim, is the primary cause of their loosening ground is also not the problem.

The core cancer that is eating into BN today is the fact that they were deprived of true leadership by their chief architect Tun Dr Mahathir. Remember, he sacked not one potential successor but far too many.
BN must not forget that the Tun not only flushed out potential talents but also did massive surgeries on UMNO and subsequently setting in irreversible serious, secondary infections.
Let us remember the pages of history. The nation had Musa Hitam, a man who made it into the TIME's pages as an Asian promise. Then came Anwar Ibrahim who was also sacked from BN. Remember the potential stars of Semangat 47? All were thrown out into the cold and so also went Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah right up to this day.
Then BN pushed Pak Lah to the frontier only to see BN itself have him replaced by Datuk Seri Najib. But even before Najib could warm his high chair, the Altantuya saga brought the roof caving in for BN.
Today, can anyone be chided for telling and perceiving that there are no charismatic leaders within the BN fold?

The populace needs a personality. The voters need a voice. The citizens need a beacon of admiration and hope.
Do we have one single personality within BN who can stand tall and command the respect, support and undivided loyalty - someone whom the rakyat can agree hands-down as the person who can put the country on track?
Do we have one single voice within BN who can speak in the best interest of all Malaysians, the nation and its Rulers without marginalising anyone - rich or poor; Malays, Chinese, Indian, Sabahan or Sarawakian; Muslim or non-Muslim?
Do we have one single beacon of admiration and hope within BN who can stand tall and untainted with allegations and corruption or living a lifestyle that is exemplary for and proudly recognized by all Malaysians?
If you look at the Opposition coalition, they are not free of allegations. But what is very clear is that they are able to put aside their differences in political ideologies and visions of their future and rise to push for the people's interest first.
The Opposition camp has been able to quickly identify its leader and put their weight behind him despite all the allegations about this man's personal lifestyle preferences.
And whether we like it or not, whether Tun Dr Mahathir likes it or not, Anwar Ibrahim is being recognised as a leader not only by the coalition camp but also by all their respective supporters and members.
In fact, much as BN may denounce, even the corporate corridors, individuals from the global business arena, leaders in other countries, and maverick politicians are in alignment with the very positioning of Anwar ibrahim by the Pakatan Rakyat forces.
Is there anyone in BN who can do what DSAI has achieved, namely to reign in the opposition parties and have them anoint him as their forefront leader?
Internal cancer
So BN is not fighting a political war today. It is actually suffering from a depletion of its marrow, i.e. lack of leadership.
And who do we blame for BN going bankrupt in leadership after fifty years of getting full support from the rakyat? Blame the rakyat still? Or blame the Opposition? Or find a scapegoat in the person of Anwar Ibrahim?
The rakyat gave BN every opportunity every five years, seasons in seasons out, to lead them and the nation. But today BN is fighting for its life to win with a landslide victory of bygone eras.- Malaysia Chronicle
Old foe Anwar giving Mahathir a run for his money in GE-13
Baru Mahathir sedaq,Umno kekurangan cerdik pandai Melayu...
Mantan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad akhirnya mendedahkan. Pimpinan tinggi Umno sengaja menahan golongan bijak pandai melayu sebagai rancangan untuk terus berkuasa antara sesama mereka, dan mengakibatkan keadaan sekarang bila parti kekurangan bakat baru terutama di peringkat tertinggi.
“ Sejak berdekad yang lalu, Umno tidak membenarkan mereka yang bijak menganggotai parti. Sebab itu ramai doktor masuk PAS. Ini membuatkan susah untuk Umno mendapat calun sesuai untuk menjamin kemenangan dalam pilihanraya.” Mahathir memberitahu Bernama rabu lepas.
Siapa patut dipersalahkan
Tapi Mahathir ialah bekas PM dan presiden Umno selama 22 tahun,dari 1981 hingga 2003, maka bertanggungjawab bagi sebahagian besar polisi yang membentuk Umno sehingga kini. Samada kita suka atau tidak, Umno mempunyai reputasi buruk berdasarkan perkauman dan agama untuk memenangi kaum etnik terbesar dinegara ini-orang Melayu.
PM Najib Razak, khasnya, di cerca sebagai “jaguh talam dua muka” kerana menyokong tumbuhnya kumpulan NGO extremis hak ultra Melayu seperti Perkasa dan anti Kristian seperti Jati, sambil pada masa yang sama, menyebut2 polisi kesederhanaan kepada masyarakat antarabangsa.
Mahathir juga menggesa pemimpin Umno supaya meninggalkamm amalan hanya memilih ketua bahagian untuk bertanding. Komen ini timbul ketika Najib mula pusingan terkahir dalam memilih calun2 boleh menang untuk pilihanraya umum 13 yang dijangka tahun ini.
“Kita harus terima calun yang baik, samada mereka ahli Umno atau tidak.Kita mahu orang yang layak dan berbakat, kemudian baru kita boleh membentuk kerajaan yang berupaya,” kata Mahathir.
Perselisihan dalaman
Pemimpin pembangkang tidak terkejut dengan komen Mahathir, dan merasa kan beliau cuba mempengaruhi keputusan Najib berkenaan calon2 , daripada mengubah Umno.
“Umno sedang mengalami perselisihan dalaman paling teruk.Dalam semua negeri yang mereka perintah, sekurang kurangnya ada 2 kumpulan yang berlumba lumba untuk kuasa. Semua mahu calun mereka dipilih.
Dalam politk, jika tiada kerusi samada di Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri, maka ibarat harimau tak bertaring. Mahathir ialah salah seorang dari panglima perang.Najib juga.Mereka ada kem mereka dan akan cuba memberi kan penyokong mereka sebahagian dari kerusi tersebut.- Malaysia Chronicle
Mahathir Yang Terus Terlupa Dan Nyanyuk
Ceramah TGNA, DSAI Dan Mat Sabu Di Kota Bharu Malam Tadi...

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