
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alleged gang rape: Cops sully nation's reputation

YOURSAY 'The Indonesian banner showing the word ‘Biadab' seems a little too familiar; now instead it's directed at our government. What goes around comes around?'

Anifah: Alleged rape by cops viewed seriously 

vox populi small thumbnailOnyourtoes: Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, I think all alleged misconducts and crimes committed by enforcement agencies like the police should be viewed seriously, not when our bigger neighbour has threatened us with demonstration and harm.

Seriously, if this allegation of rape by our police is true, I don't know how anyone, be he a Malaysian or a foreigner, could have stomached it.

We are talking here about the police in uniform while on duty committing gang rape in the sanctuary of law and order. I mean what kind of nonsense is this?

What kind of rogues we have recruited into the police force? What kind of moronic training we have given them? And what kind of stupid monitoring and supervision we have instituted in the police station?

This case is bigger than the three police officers facing the music. The inspector-general of police and the home minister must answer to this and resign.

MA: The banner (by protesters in Indonesia) showing the word ‘Biadab' seems a little too familiar; now instead it's directed at our government. What goes around comes around?

Pemerhati: Anifah Aman says, "The Foreign Ministry views seriously the alleged rape of an Indonesian woman by three policemen in Prai, Penang last Friday."

As seriously as the deaths of A Kugan and Teoh Beng Hock while in custody? We all saw how the cruel deaths were covered up to protect the glaring wrongdoings of the enforcement agencies.

We also know that this is because the crooked and corrupt politicians at the top have a ‘you help me and I help you' type of relationship with the enforcement agencies.

The enforcement agencies will not investigate the allegations of massive corruption and take any action against the many top ministers in Malaysia.

In return for that favour and other favours like harassing the opposition, the top politicians will allow the enforcement officers to get away with serious crimes like murder and rape and sometimes, to try and fool the public, they will carry out a ‘sandiwara' and find someone guilty on a minor charge and give him a rap on the knuckles.

Apa Ini?: We want accountability. And what about the Penan girls who were raped? What say you, Anifah? - Malaysiakini

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