
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 23, 2012



WOULD our domestic political organization namely UPKO’s two resolutions for both firstly, the Rotation of Deputy Premier from Bornean States and secondly, the revival of Mahathir’s Administrative Concept once used in Sabah ever materialized before the coming 13th National Polls?

An article with the topic “UPKO proposal for a Deputy PM from Bornean State is logical “ (Comment & Analysis Column - Daily Express 25th Sept 2011). Some party delegates raised the resolution during the party’s triennial conference held in Penampang about a year ago.
Deputy Premier Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin , who was invited to officiate the function advised the delegates ,”It was better for the matter designed to see whoever is appointed is made the Second Deputy PrimeMinister be discussed at BN Supreme Council .Any proposal can be discussed before the top leaders. We have a council where all leaders sit and submit any matter they want to . Normally, a decision is reached by consensus.“

Certainly , there are other factors that need to be considered before the resolution in question could materialize , although it may appear excellent in the name of national integration. Other BN Componentsparties based in the Peninsular (Gerakan, PPP, MIC and MCA) will certainly support the idea upon sensingthe feasibility that they could as well be considered to spin the wheel of the DPM Rotation if the situationwarrants them to do so alternatively, whereas UMNO will surely be given one of the Deputy Premier slotsfor the Malay Community unless the party ‘s the Supreme Council is willing to forgo it.

In the event that UPKO ’s political resolution for DPM rotation gets the green light from every member of BNcomponent leaders , Malaysia will turn out to the the first country in the South East Asian Region , to have two or three deputies assisting the Premier to run the country.

While the dreams of our Bornean political leaders to fill the slot for the nation’s number two topadministrative post has yet to be turned into a reality, looks like UPKO is raising another proposal made byits assemblyman for Bingkor Datuk Justin Guka at the party’s recent convention, calling for the revival of theCMs Rotation on condition that the earlier one term version of two years need to be reviewed to a longer two terms ( four years ) of tenure to whoever is appointed to take turn as the CMs.

In another note, Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) Youth Chief Chin Shu Ying, in his follow up comment on similar issue, proposed that it should have a longer period of at least one full five – year election term in theevent that the system is reintroduced, thereby giving the CM of the day to execute his development plans prior to passing the button to the next candidate in line and stressing further a point that “A Two Yearrotation system is just a waste of time, you can’t hardly do anything in such short Period of time.”

Every President of current BN parties in Sabah would certainly be happy to support the revival of the powersharing concept, as it will render chances to the relevant communities found in the State, to be representedby their respective political leaders in the coalition front upon being appointed as the CM of Sabah, anattainment that would certainly make the persons proud in the chronologies of their political careers.

On the broader perspective , the wonder of the political philosophy practiced in most democratic countriesincluding Malaysia, legally spelt out that any political organization that commands the majority or gathers sufficient seats or simple majority, after the polls, can not be denied from forming the government be it at State or National Level.

However, the political history in Sabah has a lot to tell about the uniqueness of the reality that had changedits political landscape . It might even contradict and appeared rather amusing indeed and ran counter tothe basic principle of democracy, but that was` the strategic move made by someone , who had the fullauthority , discretionary power and command in the country’s administration at that material time.

The Rotation System of CM post for a period of two year period introduced during the era of MahathirAdministration was specially designed with the political missions and visions of consolidating the people of Sabah, in the wake of UMNO’s success in 1994 in toppling the then PBS Opposition State Government which had been at the helm of administration for nine years. It was considered a very timely and rightformula for Sabah Politics at that specific time so to speak.

By virtue of the Rotation system, a Chief Minister was chosen and appointed from among the ruling BNcomponent parties in Sabah with the blessing of the Head of State, to represent the Muslim Bumiputera, Non – Muslim Bumiputera and the Chinese communities for a period of two years, appeared positive in the first place.

The system also pave the opportunity to the BN component parties including a party which won only oneState seat to become the Chief Minister of Sabah (Former President of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat).

Dr Mahathir, the creator of the concept , was not politically aware of the social - economic implications andthe consequential results of the system that he introduced in Sabah politics, which had an adverse effecton the people of Sabah to some extend. Neither did Mahathir stake high hope nor expecting that hispolitical strategy to contribute well to the State’s economy.

Indeed, it was a brilliant move in his political chessboard to incorporate a combination of power sharingsolution just for the sake of uniting the Sabahans regardless of races, creeds and social belief etc.

However, the loopholes later surfaced at the expanse of the State ‘s economic development.

It is still fresh in the minds of Sabahans that former Permanent Secretary in the State Finance MinistryDatuk Yusof Mohd Kassim once disclosed “ Rotation dried up State Treasury “ (D.E 2nd Feb 2010). Thiswas later supported by Datuk Herbert Timbon Lagadan , the Vice President of PBS, who said “ The End ofRotation was `a blessing (D.E 5th Feb 2010).

Yusof deserves praise for telling the truth on what our political leaders would rather hide. How could thisbleeding of the State Treasury happen every two years and why?

Could we blame the extravagant, opportunistic attitudes or mentalities of the CMs in questions, who took turns to rule and were running against time? Could we pin it down to immaturity or incapabilities of the respective CMs while entrusted to hold the State’s top political post?

The short span allocated is one factor and the maturity and individualistic capability of the CM beingappointed to take turn occupying the position is another factor.

During the Rotation, just to reveal a few, it was an open secret that various Government departments spentsubstantial sum of money totaling millions of ringgits in vehicles rentals from Angkatan Hebat when theState Coffer was facing financial constraints.

The State lost Sabah Bank that has since become successful as Alliance Bank and the so calledmanagement buyout involving KPD’s assets is no exception. It appears rather amusing to the knowledge of members of the public that some of the people who were in charge during the sale are now seen fit toadvise the State Government.

In my previous article published in the Daily Express of its Sunday 28th Feb 2010 entitled Sabahans now realize that Rotation was a curse, some paragraphs reads “The change of CMs every two years under theRotation infused a series of administrative and socio-economic complications. A number of Governmentassets were sold and privatized if that had not been done so under PBS and the Forest Management Unit ( FMU ) Concept was no exception as well.“

In 1997, the State Reserve was only about RM 60 million which according to Kassim, was only enough to pay the salaries of State Civil Servants for two months The amount increased up to RM 300 million after the 1997 – 2000 Asian Economic Crisis.“

However, when Datuk Seri Musa Aman took over the baton from Chong as the CM until the abolishment of the Rotation System in 2004, he managed to restore the financial status of the State ‘s Coffers ,wherebythe State Coffer generated a total reserve of about RM 2.4 billion. A success that no Sabah CM has attained.

Generally, it was the post – rotation administration under Musa that was able to strengthen the financialstatus of the State Coffer on the road ro recovery apart from bringing robust economic growth, which had in turn tagged the State to be the first State Government to get the Triple A Rating from RAM Service Sdn Bhd, which had conducted professional evaluation and assessment showing the State’s ability to honour its commitment.

Hence, UPKO’s Bingkor Rep Justin ‘s resolution is just a motion brought forth to the views of the party’sdelegates and such a proposal is nothing wrong . UPKO’s President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok cum thePlantation Industries and Commodities Minister was quoted as saying “This is what democracy is all about - the people are free to express themselves. Of course, this was just one of the many resolution raised by party divisions, which they at the leadership level, had to digest before making a decision.“

Paradoxically , many are pessimistic rather than optimistic that any attempt or move to bring back to life on something proven to have an adverse effect during it implementation, is not worth an effort in the true sense of the words for a number of reasons with reference to the instances of fiascos that cropped up andseen merely by the tip of an iceberg during the era of its implementation in the State.

The excuses that a CM would need more time instead of the two year during the Rotation System before he could be seen as “ an efficient and contributive leader playing his roles "is rather viewed as questionable from a shortsighted angles, as only those infused with the opportunistic political agenda would probably think so, but not those who are truly genuine in their political commitment to serve the People and the Stateduring the 24 months of tenure as CM.

Is the time frame of 24 months allocated to the respective CMs for a Rotation really a short period for avisionary CM, depriving him of the ample time frame to plan, formulate and implement his fruitful ideas forthe State and the people?

One term of two year is 24 months , Dr Mahathir must have a distinctive reason behind for fixing this time frame for the respective CMs appointed from among the three Sabah communities during the height of theRotation Administrative Concept.

We do not expect that particular CM to base his State development Plan for a Mega five year developmentprojects? What that CM needs to do is just utilize or make use of the budget allocated during the two yearterm of Rotation, when he leaves office upon expiration of his terms, the next CM will need to undergosimilar process.

So what is the big fuss about the one term of two years and what is the motives behind the motion in getting the CMs Rotation cycle be extended to a longer terms or a full five year term? We can not rebukethose CMs for not bringing Mega project during their terms of office in view of the designed time structure, which is self explanatory.

Remember the fact that the appointment of CMs via the Rotation Concept was not a mandate gatheredfrom the electorates. Hence, there is no justification on the need of extending or prolonging the original version of one term of two years to a two terms of four years or a full five year term period. The Federal Constitution will need to be reviewed and applicable to every State through out the Country.

If this scenario ever takes place, the new political landscape, it will be truly an amusing laughing stock tomany democratic countries especially within the neighbourhood Asean countries.

Let us ask sensible questions, what is the guarantee that a person appointed to be the CM in the RotationSystem for a longer term of 48 0r 60 months would do more better and excellent job compared to thoseappointed for merely a period of 24 months?

The quantum of time scale is of course significant, however, the irony is If the appointed person for the State Top could get the ball rolling the moment he steps in office and started bringing results through hishard work with dedication and genuine commitment, without any hidden political missions neither the agendas to satisfy his personal or individualistic interests while on the job, he would excel better to achievehis scope of duties within the 24 months of office.

Indeed Such personalities are rare species in our current political generation, but we do find leaders withthese quality and credibility considered as “ an Asset and Not Liability" to the State and People while in office regardless of the time scale.

Some time a flash of hints would get into our curious minds giving a transparent pictures which couldexplain the probable reasons, why some of our local politicians opted to seek and demand a review for a longer term of appointment for the State top post in the event that the defunct CMs Rotation System isbrought back to life again in Sabah administrative backbone.

The people of Sabah have seen the changing tides of government since the dawn of independence withrecords and history of comparable State leaders hailing from different roots and backgrounds includingthose appointed during the Rotation System.

It is an open secret that many living Sabahans are likely non receptive or not in favour of the administrativesystem known to have breed factors that had once pushed the State to Era of The Dark Ages.

Hence, for the sake of maintaining the current robust economic status quo, there is no justification neitherit is timely to resurrect the CMs Rotation that had left dots of unhealed socio – economic scars during thecrux of its implementation. Only God Knows!

Gerakan Vice President Datuk Raymond Tan even advised UPKO’s Keningau Division to show respect viadiscussion with the top leadership before bringing forth the proposal in question to BN straight.

The lingering question now is Will Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the PM and Chief of BN render hisblessing and endorse his seal of approval to the request of all those concern towards the revival ofMahathir’s brain child upon going through to the pros and cons of the administrative concept once used for Sabah politics before being scrapped in 2004? The answer is at everyone’s guess.

The Father of Indian Independence and National Hero Mahatma Ghandi had left a famous universalmessage for the living generations of mankind to ponder at all time saying “Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody’s need but not everyman ‘s greed.“

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