
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 5, 2012



Malaysians are very emotional about their politics, particularly in their political allegiance. For most of us, it's either black or white, with no shades of grey in between. One either loves or hates a political party, and one either loves or hates a political leader.

UMNO or PKR supporters wakakaka

It's called tribalism, and of the most acute Mrymidon-ish kind. But it's a more recent political phenomenon in Malaysia, coming into prominence after, I suspect, the acrimonious Mahathir-Anwar split.

Hence I see it'll be unlikely for Malaysian politics to develop into a mature 2-party system, let alone ever entertain that nebulous word 'bipartisanship'.

But there are other forms of emotions (including wakakaka-ism) that would rack us from time to time. Let me provide the following examples from my personal experience:

(a) Malaysiakini - 'Scorpenes to prevent repeat of 1511 attack on Malacca'

My emotion: First I guffawed at the ludicrousness of such an assertion. Then I cringed (and still do) with shame and embarrassment that such a moronic absurd statement could come from the mouth of Malaysia's top naval man, RMN chief Laksamana Abdul Aziz.

Portuguese man-of-war

How the f* did we go so very wrong in the development of our military officers?

As Sakmongkol AK47 wrote in The Malaysian Insider's The Navy Chief and the MCA Aryan Race:

"We must remember to sack the imbecilic navy chief when PR takes over the government. [...] The reason given by the navy chief must be taken as signs of incompetence spawned by an inept and corrupt government."

I like Sak's use of the word 'imbecilic' to describe that half-baked sailor and his half-past six nonsense.

(b) Malaysiakini - DAP's war truck goes missing in Johor

DAP truck named 'Afonso de Albuquerque', wakakaka 

My emotion: Ashamed that some people would resort to this sort of childish hooliganism. But DAP should take comfort that the truck was probably requisitioned as an essential war requirement for the defence of our shores ... against those marauding Portuguese, wakakaka.

(c) The Malaysian Insider - Arrested youth’s family fear Johor palace interference, urge cops to help

My emotion: Oh no, not again. But then, where is Dr Mahathir when you need him, wakakaka.

F* you ungrateful bastards, wakakaka

(d) The Malaysian Chronicle - 'Bin' & 'Binti' RUSE to force Islam on bumiputra Christians in Sabah & S'wak?

My emotions: What! Then snatching dead bodies, now snatching live ones!

The word 'bin' (from 'ben') is of Middle-Eastern origin, where we had:

Yeshua ben Yosef (Isa bin Yusuf - I hope you recognize this name; if you don't, ask my blogging mateys Susan Loone or Lucia Lai),

Jaazaniah ben Shaphan (taken from Ezekiel 8:11, Orthodox Jewish Bible), and

a relatively more recent one, David benGurion, etc.

I wonder whether they were Muslims?

But I'm just appalled at the NRD's avowed action, making it clear 'it would continue to list bumiputra Christians in Sabah as Muslims as long as they are known by bin or binti. It would also not rectify past entry errors by way of changing the religion listing back to Christianity in the identity cards (MyKad) of those affected.'

Unshamed (live) body snatching!

(e) Malaysiakini - PI Bala threatens to bare all if MACC keeps mum

My emotions: Yawnnnnn, not again please, this bloke has no credibility lah.

First, according to him (supported in several parts by his lawyer), he resolved bravely to tell the truth and planned for months to come out with his carefully crafted 1st SD. Revealed his SD with Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference. Why Anwar Ibrahim was there, we can only speculate - hmmm, maybe he was there to help Bala ring a (temple) bell, wakakaka.

Amazingly, after that press conference where he badmouthed the (then) DPM, he reported as required to the police station, alone, yes unaccompanied, though with his lawyer's knowledge but who didn't accompany him.

Brother Haris Ibrahim questioned this glaringincongruity deficiency when it's well known that the Malaysian police station (in competition with the MACC) has been the most dangerous place in the country. How in the world was he allowed to report to a police station unaccompanied by his lawyer when he had just made damning allegations against the DPM.

A day (or two) later, he released a 2nd SD repudiating all he wrote in the 1st, subsequently claiming he had to because he was threatened.

Buckled to threats after a day or two despite his original brave resolve and several months of planning and determination? Went to police station alone and not accompanied by his lawyer after serious allegations against the (then) DPM? How the f* does he expect me to believe him that the events were a result of his innocent naivety?

My suspicions about the two SDs in series have remained consistent, that they were planned as a package.

Now, he addressed MACC "I have given you enough time (to act), so far nothing has happened, zero."

"I am sitting here in India and cannot come back to Malaysia as I am afraid for my safety. I have got no job. How long do you think I can survive?"

Afraid for his safety? Cannot come back to Malaysia? Didn't he reveal earlier he was in and out of Malaysia several times since the 2nd SD? Pordah!

And don't threaten to reveal all. Just do it, or shut up!

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