
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Jom ikuti di sini
akan bermula sebentar lagi

Projek Chennai dah bermula..

PROJEK CHENNAI!! Korang tahu tak apa itu Projek Chennai? Chennai adalah sabuah negeri dalam negara India, so.....Yob panggil PROJEK CHENAI adalah untuk korang faham dengan lebih mudah.

Melaui satu sumber International Under Ground Unit Cyber ( rahsia ), Projek Chenai sudah pun bermula berbulan lepas. KHAS UNTUK PRU13.


Sekarang korang dah mula faham sesikit, bagusss..! Sumber itu memberitahu Yob, dalam satu panggilan telefon mengatakan bahawa MALAM INI ATAU ESOK MALAM, Projek Chenai akan dilaksanakan. dimana....!

1 - Dipintu pintu masuk utama lapangan terbang negara 
2 - Transit negara lain dan pengangkutan seperti bas bas pihak berkuasa negara
3 - Transit pulau pualu berdekatan dan akan mengunakan pengangkutan laut


Untuk masa ini adalah lebih baik sahabat / rakan rakan yg ada masa terluang atau yang terdekat / atau staff staff di lokasi tersebut PEKA dengan keadaan sekeliling MULAI MALAM INI mereka akan diarahkan MELAKSANAKAN PROJEK CHENAI itu.


Beritahu bilik bilik gerakan utama / ambil gambar yang jelas segera.


Sumber : Komeneh Gopen

Dakwat kekal yang tak kekal...

Pelik tapi benar.. laporan dari pengundi2 awal hari ini,apabila mereka pulang kerumah.. mencuci kesan dakwat kekal dengan sabun.. kesan hilang!!!! oh fab buku baru!!! 
Hanya dengan mengunakan sabun,belum lagi tinner atau petrol dakwat kekal yang diberikan SPR untuk dicalit sebenarnya ink biasa untuk stam cap jari!!!!????

Nah.. seorang pengundi awal hari ni telah membuat demo selepas beliau balik dari mengundi. 

Hanya dengan mengunakan sabun.. dakwat tersebut hilang sedikit demi sedikit!!! -f.bk

gambar2 ehsan dari f/bk

Anggota tentera menunjukkan kepada Nurul Izzah Anwar, 
bagaimana cara untuk hilangkan dakwat kekal.

Dakwat jari pengundi awal boleh hilang...

PAS Negeri Sembilan hari ini mendedahkan bahawa dakwat yang dicalit pada jari pengundi awal iaitu anggota tentera boleh  dicuci dan hilang selepas lebih kurang 20 minit mengundi. 

Setiausaha Perhubungan PAS negeri, Mohamad Hassan Tamby yang menghubungi FMT sebentar tadi berkata pihaknya mempunyai bukti  bergambar bahawa dakwat yang dicalit di jari seorang anggota tentera di sebuah kem tentera di Telok Kemang, telah hilang apabila  dicuci, hanya selepas 20 minit anggota tentera itu selesai mengundi.

Dakwat tersebut berwarna ungu/pink (purple with pinkish).

“Pagi tadi calon-calon telah pergi ke tempat mengundi awal di Telok Kemang untuk memantau proses mengundi awal dan ianya berjalan  lancar.

“Lebih kurang pukul 9.30 pagi ada di antara kumpulan pengundi awal (first batch) sudah selesai mengundi dan keluar dari pusat mengundi.

“Secara tak sengaja calon kita telah terjumpa dengan seorang anggota tentera yang baru sahaja bersihkan tangan dengan mencuci tangan di sinki dan didapati dakwat yang dicalit pada jari beliau sebelum mengundi telah hilang.

 “Kita sengaja mengambil foto menampakkan badan dia untuk menampakkan pakaian seragam tentera beliau.

“Di dalam kem tentera itu sahaja calon kita berjaya mengesan dua kes dakwat yang dicalit di jari hilang atau boleh dibasuh.

“Kalau dakwat yang hilang dalam 10 peratus masih tidak mengapa, tetapi daripada kes yang kami lihat, boleh dikatakan 95 peratus dakwat sudah hilang dan seolah-olah seperti tiada lagi kesan dakwat pada jari anggota tentera itu.

“Saya juga mendapat satu panggilan daripada sebuah nombor telefon yang tidak dikenali (private number) yang mana beliau mengaku sebagai anggota tentera, turut mendakwa dakwat di jari beliau sudah separuh hilang lebih kurang tiga jam selepas beliau mengundi.

Invividu tersebut mendakwa beliau mencuci tangannya sebelum makan tengahari,” jelas Mohamad Hassan.

Mohamad Hassan kini mempertikaikan ketelusan dan kredibiliti Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR) dalam isu dakwat yang dicalit di jari mudah hilng apabila dibasuh atau terkena air.

“Ini bermakna Pakatan Rakyat sebelum ini yang bimbang dakwat jari akan hilang selepas tiga hari terbukti benar, kerana bukan tiga hari, tetapi dalam masa beberapa jam sahaja dakwat sudah hilang.

“Sedangkan SPR sebelum ini memberi jaminan dakwat di jari akan bertahan selama seminggu. Malah SPR pada mulanya pernah berkata pengundian awal akan diadakan tiga hari sebelum tarikh mengundi, kini telah mengadakan pengundian awal lima hari sebelum tarikh mengundi.

“Apakah ini perancangan pihak tertentu termasuk SPR untuk menggagalkan kebangkitan rakyat menyokong Pakatan Rakyat?

“SPR harus memberi penjelasan berhubung perkara ini agar rakyat tidak meragui kredibiliti dan ketelusan SPR,” kata  Mohamad Hassan.-fmt

Dakwat kelal hilang, surirumah buat laporan polis

Dakwat boleh dipadam: PAS minta penjelasan SPR

Indelible ink is .... delible...

Barely hours after ‘indelible’ ink was used for the first time in Malaysia, complaints have emerged that the ink is in fact removable.

This is contrary to the Election Commission’s (EC) assurance that traces of the ink would last at least seven days on the finger after being painted on with a brush.

One soldier, who had marked his ballot in advance voting this morning, said he had removed most of the ink with water alone - just six hours later.

NONE“Only 30 percent is left, and I haven’t even used soap yet. The standard is like stamp (ink) pads, which is not very strong.

“On the nails, it is 100 percent gone. It is a little difficult to remove from the seams. On the skin, I think it would be gone with rigorous washing with soap,” said the soldier in a text-message.

He did not wish to be identified.

PKR vice-president Tian Chua said some 20 security personnel had approached him to demonstrate how the ink can be “completely” removed with a hand sanitiser gel.

“This is very disappointing,” he said when contacted, adding that he had lodged a police report at 2pm today.

Tian Chua then went on to call for EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof’s resignation.

NONEAnother PKR vice-president, Nurul Izzah Anwar, tweeted that she had made a similar police report in Sentul after a military personnel showed how the ink could be removed with Dettol (a disinfectant brand) or hand sanitisers.

Asked by a Twitter follower how she knew that the claim was authentic, she replied, “Because the ink was slowly removed in front of us and the press.”

Photographs of index fingers stained with ink, matching the colour used in the advance voting today, have also been circulated on Facebook.

These show the ink in various stages of being removed. The captions state that thinner that is used to remove paint stains is an effective ‘indelible’ ink remover, while others claimed that soap works just as well.

In some images posted on the Internet, ink stains could still be seen on the edges of the fingernail after attempts to clean it off. 

EC chief: Let the police investigate 

Malaysiakini received a call from a person claiming to be a police personnel, who said the ink could be removed with thinner, but this could not be independently verified.

NONEWhen contacted for comment, Abdul Aziz (left) said via text-message: 'If that is the case, let the police investigate whether this is true, since they have already lodged police reports.' 

"According to testing by the EC, it cannot be removed (with soap, thinner or hand sanitiser) and can still be detected," he added in another message.

The use of the ink is among the demands made by Bersih, the coalition for clean and fair elections.

This was subsequently taken up by the parliamentary select committee on electoral reform as a move to deter ‘phantom voters’ from voting several times under a false identity.

Meanwhile, independent election observer Pemantau told a press conference today that their observers have reported three cases of voters being able to remove the ink.

One case has been reported in Sibu, one in Kelantan, and the other in the Batu parliamentary seat in Kuala Lumpur.

Pemantau urged the EC to explain the situation as soon as possible and even replace the ink if necessary ahead of polling day on May 5.

Bersih steering committee member Maria Chin AbdullahPemantau's steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah (right) said that the latest development "tantamounts to cheating" as the ink was supposed to prevent double voting.

She said that the EC should hold a public demonstration on the indelible ink as well to explain the usage of indelible ink before polling day.

Maria said that a police report has been lodged in Batu over the ink and the matter has been communicated to the EC by incumbent Batu MP Tian Chua.

"But the EC chairperson wants us to write an official letter. There's no time for this kind of bureaucracy," she said.- malaysiakini

Amid protests, EC insists indelible ink won’t come off

Jadual Jelajah saya hari ini Ke NEGERI SEMBILAN30 April 2013 (Selasa)
1) 3.00 ptg – Sepetang Bersama Anwar Ibrahim
Lokasi: Pekan Tanjong Ipoh, Seri Menanti

2) 4.30 ptg – Sepetang Bersama Anwar Ibrahim
Lokasi: Bilik Gerakan PR Simpang Pertang

3) 6.00 ptg – Sepetang Bersama Anwar Ibrahim
Lokasi: Dataran Niaga, Palong 8, Gemas

4) 7.15 mlm – Solat Maghrib - Masjid Nurul Huda Jelai 3

5) 8.00 mlm - Jamuan Bersama Rakyat
Lokasi: Bilik Gerakan PR Felda Jelai 3, Gemas

6) 9.30 mlm– Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Bilik Gerakan PR Rembau, Pekan Chembong,
Rembau (Livestream @ www.anwaribrahim.com)

7) 11.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Betaria Business Centre, Jln Dato’ Siamang,
Gagap, Seremban

Nurul Izzah di mana hari ini...

Selasa 30/4/13
Ceramah di Stadium Hoki, Jln Selangor


9.30 mlm
Ceramah di BGDM Lengkok Abdullah


10.00 mlm
Ceramah di Lucky Garden, Bangsar


11.00 mlm
Ceramah di 8A Taman Sri Sentosa


Jemput datang semua!


'KELING', 'GAJAH' & 'TONGKAT' GODS: Surendran shows proof Zulkifli, PM & DPM lied

'KELING', 'GAJAH' & 'TONGKAT' GODS: Surendran shows proof Zulkifli, PM & DPM lied
VIDEO INSERTED I refer to the claim by Zulkifli Noordin on 29 April 2013 that his insulting remarks against Indians and the Hindu religion were made during the time he was with PAS.
This is a blatantly false and dishonest statement by Zulkifli Noordin. We have video evidence that Zulkifli Noordin had continued insulting the Indian community after he had joined BN.
A recent video shows Zulkifli Noordin insulting Indians at a ceramah(political rally) on 6 March 2013 which is less than month before the dissolution of the Parliament.
Lied for Zulkifli: How should the Indians trust BN?
Shockingly, caretaker PM Najib and DPM Muhyiddin have made the same false allegation. Najib and Muhyiddin even went further and asked him to be forgiven. It is clear that the PM, DPM and the top leadership of BN are deliberately misleading and lying to the public on this issue.
Whereas Zulkifli Noordin is no longer welcome in PAS, and Parti Keadilan Rakyat has sacked him, the BN leadership has instead given him a high profile parliament seat.
By failing to take action against Zulkifli Noordin, Najib has exposed the emptiness of his “nambikei” (trust) slogan.
We call upon the Indian community and all fair-minded Malaysians to reject the BN’s discriminatory and divisive rule.
N Surendran is the PKR vice president and candidate for the Padang Serai seat

‘BN should apologise over molest incident’

DAP's Teo Nie Ching said BN must be held accountable for mobilising the Mat Rempit, which resulted in the alleged molests of two female students.
JOHOR BARU: Barisan Nasional should apologise for mobilising a crowd of supporters on motorcycles at Southern University College last night, which resulted in two female students being allegedly molested by them.
DAP assistant national publicity secretary Teo Nie Ching said the molest incident is a clear case of BN trying to engage the rogue elements at the expense of innocent women.
“They [BN] are the ones who brought the Mat Rempit to the university, they must apologise. We cannot let the women be the victims,” she told FMT when contacted today.
“It is not appropriate for [caretaker Prime Minister] Najib [Tun Razak] to try to campaign by bringing in the motorcyclists in the first place,” she added.
Two 19-year-old students of Southern University College claimed that they were molested by a number of BN supporters during a BN’s meet-the-people function with the prime minister last night.
The two students, who were clad in cheongsam, were assigned to be the “Miss Etiquette” to present Najib with a pen to sign a plaque at a ground-breaking ceremony on a field.
They claimed when Najib went onto a platform to sign the plaque, a group of BN supporters swarmed the platform. The group had earlier entered the campus on motorcycles and were clad in BN blue shirts.
“It was packed. Everyone pushed against each other, then someone touched my backside with his palm, firmly; we were both wearing cheongsam in a thin fabric, you know… I could feel the fingers,” one of the students, who declined to be named, reportedly claimed.
The second student claimed a young BN supporter rubbed his crotch hard against her buttocks.
Both of them have since filed a complaint with the school authorities but have yet to lodge a police report.
Commenting about it today, Teo said it is an open secret that BN always pays motorcyclists to attend its functions as supporters, which makes the motorcyclists’ behaviour beyond its control.
“When they come only for the money, they may not even listen to you because they are just there to collect money. They don’t feel the need to take care of BN’s image,” she said.
She said although the incident last night may be an isolated one, it would certainly discourage women from attending BN functions.
“Generally speaking, the public perception towards Mat Rempit is not that good. I don’t think by engaging Mat Rempit, it can help to increase support for BN ,” she said.

Palanivel’s head in the lion’s jaws?

The president's plan to contest in a 'safe' seat may have backfired. The seat is now proving to be a tought bet for BN.
PETALING JAYA: There is a Tamil proverb, which says one escapes the jaws of a crocodile but ends up in the jaws of a lion.
Taking the current political situation, the above mentioned proverb can be an apt description for MIC president G Palanivel with regard to his bid to capture the Cameron Highlands parliament seat.
Palanivel who opted for Cameron Highlands thinking it was a safe seat, is now faced with a tough fight.
“It was supposed to be a safe seat. But, with the emergence of Palanivel there, the situation is far worse compared to the 2008 polls,” said a MIC source on condition of anonymity.
“There is no guarantee MIC will retain the seat,” he added.
According to the source, internal sabotage is one of the main factors which could lead to Palanivel’s defeat in the hands of DAP’s M Manogaran in the five-way tussle.
The party insider also said that the locals are disappointed with BN’s decision to field Palanivel, who was rejected from contesting in his old constituency Hulu Selangor during a 2010 by-election.
Palanivel had been defeated in Hulu Selangor during the 2008 polls. But when the by-election came about, he was not picked as Najib did not consider him a winnable candidate.
BN chose to field Putera MIC coordinator P Kamalanathan instead, who won the seat.
Since then Palanivel made several trips to Cameron Highlands without the knowledge of incumbent MP SK Devamany, who is also MIC vice-president, to ensure his candidacy for the parliament seat.
Devamany, much to his chagrin, had been moved to the Sungai Siput parliament seat.

Other contenders may split votes
Palanivel’s major contender for the seat would be Manogaran, who is the former Teluk Intan MP.
Others in the race are Berjasa’s Mohd Shokri Mahmood and two independent candidates, K Kisho Kumar and T Alagu.
“Although considered a BN stronghold, the multi-cornered fight may prove to be a challenge to Palanivel who has a bad track record in Hulu Selangor,” said the MIC source.
Cameron Highlands, which is the second smallest parliament constituency after Putrajaya comprises 28,043 voters. Malays form 34.2%, Chinese 32.3%, Orang Asli and Indians with 20.7% and 12.5% respectively.
“Since the Chinese are with Pakatan Rakyat, the Indians too may follow suit. Hence, Palanivel is now relying on the Malay and Orang Asli voters,” said the source.
However, he pointed out that the presence of independent and Berjasa candidates puts Palanivel in a tight spot.
The source said Alagu, who is also a MIC branch chairman, has strong ties with the Orang Asli in the constituency.
“Alagu has a strong network with the Orang Asli which will definitely be a headache for Palanivel and if the independent splits the Orang Asli votes, Palanivel will be in danger,” he added.
Furthermore, the Berjasa candidate might cause a swing in terms of Malay votes.
In view of this, the source warned that Cameron Highlands could prove to be an upset for BN and at the same time deal a devastating blow to Palanivel’s political career.
Palanivel in a recent advertisement in the Tamil dailies, said that he had granted almost RM37.4 million in aid and assistance for the people of Cameron Highlands and neighbouring areas since 2011.
“And there are more waiting for you…trust me and vote for me,” he said in the advertisements.

MCA man vows to fight Indian poverty

The BN candidate for Seremban says he’ll teach them how to catch fish.
PETALING JAYA: BN’s candidate for the Seremban parliament seat today promised Indian voters he would teach them how to beat the curse of poverty.
“I believe in teaching them how to fish instead of just giving them fish,” MCA’s Dr Yeow Chai Thiam told FMT.
He said he would address the problem of unemployment among Indian youths by providing training and job opportunities.
He also promised to hire an Indian to advise him on the community’s interests and to supervise the Indian section of his service centre.
“Generally, I would like to improve the living standards of the Indian community,” said the 59-year-old physician.
“I am a man of the grassroots and I love to go to the ground and look into people’s plight.”
Dr Yeow, who heads Negeri Sembilan MCA, is in a five-corner fight for the Seremban seat. His opponents are DAP’s Anthony Loke, Berjasa’s Abdul Halim Abdullah and independent candidates Bujang Abu and John Fernandez.
Fernandez won the Seremban seat for DAP in the 2008 election. The party has automatically sacked him for contesting as an independent candidate in the coming election.
There are 102,507 voters in Seremban. About 44% of them are Malays, 41% Chinese and 14% Indians.

EC probing reports on indelible ink

It's deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar says the commission is attempting to verify reports that the indelible ink could be washed off within minutes
PETALING JAYA: The Elections Commission is investigating reports that the indelible ink, which was supposed to last seven days, could be washed away within minutes with water.
“It’s too early to comment. We are still in the midst of verifying the authenticity of the story,” said EC deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.
Earlier today, Negeri Sembilan PAS alleged that military officers who cast their ballots today were able to wash away the ink marked on their index fingers within 20 minutes.
Negeri Sembilan PAS secretary Mohammad Hassan claimed that he has photographic evidence showing military officers in Telok Kemang being able to wash off the ink mark.
“About 9.30 this morning, the first batch of the early voters finished casting ther ballots and came out of the polling centre.
“Our monitoring agents found several military officers washing away the ink at the sink and the mark disappeared.
“Based on our checks, we found that 95% of the ink could be washed away in no time,” Mohamad was reported saying.
Mohammad also claimed that he received information from a military officer who claimed that he could wash away the indelible ink mark by lunch time.
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president, Nurul Izzah Anwar, said she lodged a police report after a military personnel showed her how the ink could be removed using a disinfectant.
Asked by a Twitter follower on the authenticity of the claim, she said: “The ink was slowly removed in front of us and the media.”
The indelible ink, the EC initially said, when marked on a finger, would last for at least seven days to prevent double voting.
The EC said it had stocked up about 200,000 bottles of  indelible ink for use in the 13th general election on Sunday, May 5.

Pakatan to win a third of Johor?

Kit Siang says the opposition will have no trouble taking 10 parliament and 11 state seats.
KUALA LUMPUR: DAP strongman Lim Kit Siang today welcomed a prediction that Pakatan Rakyat will win 10 parliament and 11 state seats in Johor, but he said it might do even better.
“We are aiming for 12 parliament seats,” he said in reaction to an article in Nanyang Siang Pau.
There are 25 parliament and 56 state seats in Johor.
The Chinese daily, quoting unnamed sources, said Barisan Nasional would lose about a third of its support in the Umno-stronghold state. It said Pakatan had a good chance of capturing 10 parliament and 11 state seats there.
Lim told a press conference here that Pakatan’s target was to win 125 seats in Parliament and that he expected 33 of these to be won in Johor, Sabah and Sarawak.
Lim also spoke about the BN tactic of using NGOs to win voter support through corrupt practices.
Referring to a party thrown by the 1Malaysia Brotherhood in Penang last night, he said the Election Commission (EC) and Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) were negligent in allowing such “open corruption”.
“The whole of Penang was having free food,” he said. “There were roasted pigs, 1,000 crates of beer, lucky draws with attractive prices.
“Money was thrown all over the road in the name of 1Malaysia. There was no need for anyone to cook at all. This is open corruption.
“The EC and MACC are totally useless if they cannot take action.”
According to China Press, 1Malaysia Brotherhood spent about RM230,000 on the Penang event.

GE13: Are Chinese Malaysians mostly rooting for the opposition?

(Bernama) - Many have been quick to generalise that almost all Chinese voters in the country will root for opposition candidates. But an in-depth look into the issue indicates that this is not entirely the true picture. 
In the 2008 general election, BN lost its two-third majority in the Dewan Rakyat, and one of the main arguments for this was that a sizeable number of Chinese voters supported the opposition coalition of PKR-DAP-PAS.     
Political observers say this trend had started five years earlier in Kedah, Penang, Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and spread to Sarawak in the 2011 state election where BN lost 13 state seats, all Chinese-majority seats, to DAP.  
There are now arguments that this trend may even spread to Johor, so far the bastion of support for the BN, because urban Chinese have turned out in large numbers at opposition political gatherings. The DAP is making a major onslaught there this time.   
In view of these developments, many have been quick to generalise that almost all Chinese voters in the country will root for opposition candidates. But an in-depth look into the issue indicates that this is not entirely the true picture. 
Rita Sim, co-founder of the Centre for Strategic Engagement, said most urbanites – Chinese, Malays and Indians included – appeared to be yearning for change and tend to look at the Opposition.  
She discerned that even middle-class Malays in the urban areas have shifted their attention away from BN. 
In view of the trend towards change and perception held by most urban residents, Sim said, the Chinese, being mostly urbanites, had also been lumped as opposition sympathisers.  
Sim explained that the opposition parties were harping on issues that connected well with the urban voters. 
"There are also urban Chinese voters who support the BN. But, these people don't openly state their support," she said. 
Political observers say that not many have the gumption like actress Datuk Michelle Yeoh who had openly pledged her support for BN and even called on Malaysians to give caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak a strong mandate. 
Chinese support for BN still reasonable
Political party workers explained that three main factors could influence the decision of the voters. One is the type of constituency, whether urban, semi-urban or rural; the other is the ethnic composition of voters in the constituency; and the third, the choice of candidates.  
Political analysts say that Chinese support for BN is still at a reasonable level even though they only form between 20% and 30% of the voters in most constituencies, like Bagan Datoh, Sungai Siput, Sembrong and Tambun.  
"For example, in the predominantly Malay parliamentary constituency of Tambun located in Ipoh, a DAP stronghold, incumbent Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah is extremely popular with the Chinese voters," said a party insider.  
Another example is the Sungai Siput parliamentary seat where former MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu enjoyed good support from the Chinese. 
Samy Vellu's defeat there in 2008 was due to the fact that he lost a quarter of the Malay votes and almost 70% of the Indian votes while the level of support from the Chinese voters remained almost the same as in 2004.  
Similarly, in the Kuala Terengganu by-election in early 2009, the first by-election after the political tsunami of 2008, Chinese voters support for BN increased although the party lost the parliamentary seat. 
"In Terengganu, we still rely on the strong Chinese support. We do have PKR and DAP contesting there but their effect (on the Chinese) is not that good. Our local support is still strong, (it is) different from some other states on the west coast, northern Peninsular Malaysia and in the Klang Valley," said state MCA chairman Datuk Toh Chin Yaw.  
Candidates' personal touch
He explained that the choice of candidates and their personal touch played a critical role in deciding the winner.  
Toh stressed that as such one could not simply generalise the so-called general sentiment said to be running through the Chinese community.  
Toh's reasoning may perhaps explain BN's ability to retain the Kampar parliamentary seat in Perak in 2008 despite the fact that 60% of the voters there were Chinese and there was strong sentiment against BN then.  
Kampar is located in the Kinta Valley, an area known as DAP's stronghold. But BN's candidate from MCA, Datuk Lee Chee Leong, managed to win with a majority of 2,697 votes even though 60% of the voters were Chinese. 
"He won mainly due to his personal touch and humble approach. He served the constituency well. That's why the voters still gave him their support," said MCA Youth deputy chief Datuk Mah Hang Soon, who was also the sole BN candidate from MCA to have won the state seat of Chenderiang in Perak in 2008.   
A mistaken notion that Chinese are mostly pro-opposition
MCA's strategist and Central Committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker believes that the mistaken notion that the Chinese are mostly for the opposition is merely spread by the DAP to influence the Chinese voters.  
"Basically, they (DAP) talk about change in the hope to convince the Chinese voters that they can make a big difference with their votes when in fact the Malay and Indian votes are still with the BN.  
"In any democratic country, there is always a 20% to 30% of core voter support for either side. So, in this case, there is still a core of 20%-30% Chinese support from MCA members for the BN," he said. 
Ti therefore believed that the trick is to zero in on the estimated 30 plus to 40% of the undecided or "fence-sitters".  
With polling in the GE13 set for Sunday, the notion that the Chinese electorate is pro-opposition may prove to be not true at all. 

Why PR Corruption is worst than BN?

Shen Yee Aun  
SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_-msrkkqzU

The Malaysian Election: A Tale of Two States

Sabah and Sarawak are famous for rainforest retreats and the endangered orangutan, but they could also hold the key to power when Malaysians go to the polls on May 5.

Battleground Sarawak.

Malaysia's opposition party is hoping to tap into Indigenous voters in Sarawak to help jostle the ruling party out of power.
The states of Sabah and Sarawak were given more national seats than any other state when Malaysia became a federation in 1963 to entice the regions to join, and the states could decide the outcome of the election.
Dr Jenri Amir, from the University of Malaysia, says there are 31 seats up for grabs in Sarawak.
"It's very important for the Prime Minister (Najib Razak) to ensure they win more than 20 seats in Sarawak, to ensure they can win the Federal Government," he said.
The seats have traditionally fallen the way of the ruling coalition - Barisan Nasional.

The Indigenous vote

But the Opposition believes the Iban people - the famed former headhunters of Borneo - are an untapped reservoir of votes and could change that.
Opposition candidates have been campaigning hard for Iban votes and according to Dr Amir the Opposition may have an in.
In a traditional Iban village everyone lives under one roof in a longhouse, and there are over 5,000 of these longhouses across the state.
"I think the mother of all issues among the Iban voters is of course NCR land - Native Customary Rights land, whereby they apply for this land," he said.
"The government didn't give the title to this land, instead most of this land was given to proxy companies or companies related to the Chief Minister of Sarawak."
The Chief Minister is Taib Mahmud who belongs to the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition and has held the position since 1981.
Video of relatives and business associates of the Chief Minister trying to arrange crooked land deals for their own financial gain has been made public.
Mr Mahmud denies any wrongdoing on his part.
"If they are trying to create something, find something more credible, they are trying to frame people like me with evidence that can be interpreted by anybody," he said.
Despite the denials, the scenario doesn't look good for the party.
But will it be enough to swing Iban voters?
Iban leaders have refused to talk about politics on camera and the remote nature of their lifestyles means many ordinary Iban people may not have heard the accusations to begin with.

Battleground Sabah.

In the other half of Malaysian Borneo in Sabah, the Opposition also needs to make massive in roads in order to topple the Government.
Sabah has 25 Federal seats and at the last election the ruling coalition snapped up 24 of them.
Arnold Puyok is a political analyst from Sabah.
"So that's why Sabah is considered kingmaker this time around because it wants to retain the number of seats it won in 2008."
To hold onto the iron grip in the region Barisan Nasional candidates are spending big - but cash incentives don't necessarily buy votes here.
Immigration and border control are the main talking points.

Deadly clashes

For decades thousands of Muslims from the Philippines and Indonesia have settled in Sabah, changing the religious, economic and political balance an unsettling locals.
Last year, the Government agreed to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into the immigration issue.
But sensitivities about foreign workers and illegal immigrants hit a new boiling point earlier in the year when more than 200 men from the Southern Philippines landed on Sabah's east coast and laid claim to the region.
The "Sulu Incursion" ended in an armed conflict that left 60 of the rebels and 10 Malaysian security forces personnel dead.
It is an incident that shook the locals and its unclear how that will play out when locals vote on Sunday.(ABC)