
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 13, 2014

MALAYSIA DOOMED UNDER REGRESSIVE UMNO: They have to change, not the rest of the civil world

M'SIA DOOMED UNDER REGRESSIVE UMNO: They have to change, not the rest of the civil world
If a person labours for most or all of his life, in an honest and upright way and finds that in the twilight of his life, when he looks back in hindsight, that what he has achieved is not much, the person can take satisfaction that he has done well in life really.
This is true if he lives in a country that fails to practice fair play, justice and meritocracy like Malaysia.
This is the best that Malaysians can really hope for their efforts in life.
There is no denying that the runaway success and achievement claimed by many people in this country are at best hollow because it is usually achieved by crony capitalism and corruption and evil.
This is why before we pay true respect and homage to VVIP's and VIP's, before we accord and bestow praise and acclamation on these dignitaries and so-called high achievers, we really need to take a look at how and what they have really achieved.
In reality, when we examine the supposedly great success and achievement of these people, and being crowned with titles and awards, we will really find that most of them are nothing but scum's who climbed up the ladder of society by subscribing to dishonesty, corruption and evil.
This is why when we are truly able to separate the chaff from the wheat, or the scum's of society from the true and genuine high achievers, there will only remain a fraction of truly successful people in this country.
This is why if people feel they have been unjustly denied, if they have been denied opportunities or been obstructed and hindered unfairly to progress in life, they should continue to fight for justice, fair play and meritocracy and not take the easy way out by opting to follow the corrupt and cheating ways of evil leaders in this country.
The time has come for real changes
When the minority of successful high achievers, those with a track record of genuine success, complain of unfairness, cronyism and cheating in this country, they are asked by Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders to shut up and not be ungrateful for what they have achieved.
But the fact remains that the true and genuine high achievers in Malaysia are beginning to feel the heat and are uncomfortable because Malaysians are suspicious and distrustful and show no respect for them as they are often also perceived to be cheats and corrupt.
This is why in this country most persons of so called standing and repute don't really command the respect and admiration of the people.
It is notable, at this point, to take the prime minister, Najib Tun Razak as an example.
When he assumed office as prime minister, his ratings were very high and he was popular with the people simply because of advocating populist policies.
Now just take a look at his ratings and the joy Malaysians savour at bashing him and blaming him for all the ills of the country. Most Malaysians have really lost all respect for the man.
This is why change has to come, if not now, eventually. And this change it is perceived will be to the extent of the appointment of Malaysia's first non-Malay, non-Muslim prime to reflect truly that democracy is at work in Malaysia.
It is building up to such a scenario because more and more Malay's and bumiputra's realize that a non-Malay, non-Muslim prime minister is better for the well-being of the country than any half baked Malay-Muslim character doing the job.
Getting Malaysian democracy back on track
This is also inevitable. The social contract drawn up by the founding fathers of the nation, overseen by the departing British colonialists, and based basically along racial lines, really need to be discarded as it has become redundant in this globalized era.
This is well understood by Malay's and bumiputra's who are better educated and better informed and who understand that there needs to be an egalitarian framework in place in this country to ensure true peace and harmony.
Only by subscribing to the full tenets and obligations of democracy can a country like Malaysia move forward and get ahead to become a Great Nation.
The Americans realized this early on. This is why they were willing to accept a half-black, half-white man in the form of Barack Obama as their president.
This is precisely the reason why America is great and the world's number one superpower. It is because their citizens are mature and educated and think rationally along secular lines for their own good and the good of their country.
Democracy has worked splendidly for America. The reason why, although Malaysia claims to be a democracy, that this country is not getting ahead is because it appears to be democratic only in lip service.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating and seeing is believing.
Despite years of BN rule, from 1957 to now, Malaysians are not satisfied with their version of democracy.
This is why while life in truly democratic countries leave the people smug as a bug, in Malaysia the people complain and murmur most of the time of unfairness, injustice and foul play.
The writing is on the wall
It is really time to call a spade a spade.
There is no escaping the fact based on global forces that Malaysia will have to change, and if they don't change, the time will come when change will be enforced on them.
This is why BN leaders have to realize that this can be done the easy way or it can be hard and painful on them.
By subscribing to true and factual globalization, by conforming fully to democracy (and not BN's version of democracy) and by restoring civil liberties in full, Malaysia will get top marks in its report card and become a prosperous and progressive nation.
If it does not conform to these, what we will be witnessing is life getting harder and uglier by the day and the eventual frustration and tension to mount and boil over and lead to a breakdown of law and order.
This will then be the result of BN's defiance and obstinacy - the nation goes into the death throes of a failed state, a rogue nation.
BN's call for transformation is a good call. But it also has to be a sincere and genuine call and not enforced in bits and pieces but to wholly conform to the full tenets and obligations of democracy.
Only then will it work.
Transformation, change can only work and be really effective is BN is willing to be bold and daring enough, to be sincere and honest enough, to truly serve the people and eradicate corruption and evil in this country.
If this fails to happen, it is only a matter of time when global forces go to work to proceed with putting painful measures in place to bring this country back to life.
But the way and manner in which BN-UMNO is going about things in this country, it looks as if they want to sound the death knell faster and the it is only the 'rakyat' who will bear the burden and suffering of supporting BN-UMNO's folly. - Malaysia Chronicle

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