
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 26, 2014

But don’t expect police chief to arrest Dr M

YOURSAY ‘Dr M is thumbing his nose at the police, daring them to arrest him.’

Mahathir: Go ahead and arrest me if I'm wrong              
Swipenter: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad knows that nobody dares to touch him - that’s why he is challenging the AG (attorney-general) and IGP (inspector-general of police) to arrest him. I would rather have Mahathir explain why the two individuals dare not do so.

Because he did no wrong? Because his seditious uttering is fact and the truth, while others are not?

Sirach: This wily old fox always deflects genuine criticism of his mischief-making by the well-worn tactic of self put-down. By citing the greater evil that he did not do, he gets away with the lesser evil that he did.

We shouldn't fall for his lame self-deprecation. The law should be applied fairly to all.

Tholu: Indeed, this sly megalomania thinks that by deploying self-defecating remarks he can get away with his evil and vengeful actions from his premiership till today.

Mahathir say what you like but the fact that the majority of Malaysians hate you for introducing the culture of corruption, power abuse, cronyism and nepotism into the administration of Malaysian politics and government.

Kim Quek: Good on you, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng. For the vicious lies and inflammatory words spewed by him with clear intention to incite racial riots, Mahathir should have been prosecuted and jailed long ago.

Still, better late than never. Let us all put our pressure on Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to honour his vow of starting investigation within 24 hours of Lim’s report - this time taking statement from culprit Mahathir, not complainant Lim please.

Ferdtan: Sometimes we wonder whether to have Mahathir around, a bit longer, is good or bad for Pakatan. We know Mahathir only acts for his and his son’s interest, and not necessary Umno’s.

Like this case for example. DAP wanted to embarrass PM Najib Razak’s government and his police institution for the selective arrests of the opponents of the BN regime under the catch-all Sedition Act.

Even Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was being called up for a statement made a few years back for sedition. So DAP came up with a police report against Mahathir to test the “integrity” of the police and the home minister, who had said he would be fair and investigate any report on sedition.

The police cannot disclaim that the statement was made long ago as they are now investigating Anwar’s statement which was made much earlier.

And what did Mahathir do? He thumbed his nose at the police institution, daring the police to arrest him. See how he embarrasses the police force and the home minister? He is not directing his venom at DAP, which had made the police report but he is in fact mocking the police?

Red faces everywhere - in police and the BN government, especially the home minister.

RZC: Mahathir, it's not about whether you are wrong. It’s about whether you have incited hatred, etc, through your statements in the same manner as being said about the opposition members.

DAP filed the police report against you to show the stupidity and double standards that are being used against dissidents. No need to make jokes about what you did.

You destroyed many people by treating them worse than lining them up against the wall and shooting them. What you did to Anwar was despicable. We are today living your evil legacies.

CQ Muar: Even this very moment, the prime minister is blaring to his audience in New York about equality and fairness to all Malaysian citizens, and how women should be accorded their rightful place in society.

Rather impressive, I must admit, with his in-born and trained articulation, captivating his audience with his natural lies. Despite all his crimes and cruelties, his ability to face such audience without batting an eyelid is amazing and beyond comprehension.

Honestly, I raise my hat to him for such audacity and 'courage'. Interestingly, I just wonder how long such a leader can keep on blowing his horn like the ‘Pipe Piper of Hamelin’ - and we as rats.

Way to go, DAP MP Lim Lip Eng. This will truly reveal whether Zahid's 24-hour probe vow will be adhered to or just another empty promise, which is typical of most ministers and leaders, including Najib.

If the government cannot impose the sedition law fairly to everyone, then better scrap it (as promised by Najib). So far, mostly the opposition seems to be charged for sedition, while pro-government and government officials who said seditious things are not charged at all.

Swot Strategist: If any rakyat out there is still confused or has difficulty in understanding or differentiating what constitute "sedition" and what constitute "fatherly advice", please refer to any of those high ranking officials of the ruling regime; AG, home minister, PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), Umno and Perkasa, for further clarification before you utter any remarks that may hurt the regime.

Our constitution upholds the spirit to guarantee you the freedom of speech but not freedom after speech.

Fernz: The ISA (Internal Security Act) was used to strip people of their right to free speech and detain them without trial for taking part in political activities.

Emergency ordinances were used to suspend fundamental liberties in the federal constitution so that the ISA can be employed against innocent people.

If the government was right in using the ISA, why did it repeal it? Now, the Sedition Act is being used in the same manner as the ISA to circumvent the federal constitution and strip people of their right to free speech.

SultanMydin: Let's see whether Zahid, who has sworn on Allah's name, will get the PDRM to institute an investigation within 24 hours after the report was lodged. This will be the acid test of his sincerity. -Mkini

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