Suddenly, from out of the murky fog of Selangor's political confusion over the MB position, we see some light at the end of the tunnel ... yes, we can now just see that wee better ...
... but alas, it's not exactly a sight we want to see.
These are the facts of the situation:
(a) TMI reports that the Shura Council forbids PAS from picking Wan Azizah, Azmin for Selangor MB post, which also informs us PAS has nominated 2 from PAS and 2 from PKR but neither of the latter two are Dr Wan or Azmin Ali.
Much earlier, Mustafa Ali, sec-gen of PAS, has been saying one thing after another about PAS' nominated candidate or candidates for the MB post in the letter to HRH, until I suspect, either he had confused himself thoroughly, or he was bullshitting us throughout on PAS nomination or nominations.
Anyway, I hope by now PAS hasn't provided seditious confusion to HRH, wakakaka.
But based on the TMI report (incidentally taken from a Utusan report, wakakaka. so we might just have to minus several percentage points off it, but alas, not much), I believe it spells out two things, namely, (i) PAS doesn't want to have Anwar Ibrahim or/and any member of his family to hold political power in any dominating position, and (b) the end of Pakatan as we know it.
Whether (a) above has anything to do with Pak Haji Hadi Awang's personal unhappy relationship with his former ABIM matey, or merely PAS' notorious misogyny no longer matters. PAS just won't support Dr Wan or Azmin (the latter would be considered a family member fo Anwar).
As for the DAP (and we need to look at the PAS-DAP relationship because of the future for Pakatan), recall just prior to May 2013, the happy chummy-buddy-matey relationship between PAS and DAP.
Then DAP relied on PAS willingness for it to use the PAS logo for its DAP candidates standing in the general elections when RoS put a question mark on the legitimacy of the DAP CEC.
The DAP CEC's lawful rights to issue letters of authority for its candidates to show the EC was in serious doubts, and via PAS-DAP lateral thinking which would have made Edward de Bono proud, PAS offered to issue those letters as if the DAP candidates were authorized PAS election candidates and for them to use the PAS logo as if the DAP candidates were standing in both the federal and state elections as PAS candidates.
Then Subky Abdul Latif, a PAS man, almost had his wet dreams realized, of PAS flags flying everywhere especially in Penang, wakakaka.
... but alas, it's not exactly a sight we want to see.
no, not when you're standing in the middle of the tunnel |
These are the facts of the situation:
(a) TMI reports that the Shura Council forbids PAS from picking Wan Azizah, Azmin for Selangor MB post, which also informs us PAS has nominated 2 from PAS and 2 from PKR but neither of the latter two are Dr Wan or Azmin Ali.
Much earlier, Mustafa Ali, sec-gen of PAS, has been saying one thing after another about PAS' nominated candidate or candidates for the MB post in the letter to HRH, until I suspect, either he had confused himself thoroughly, or he was bullshitting us throughout on PAS nomination or nominations.
Anyway, I hope by now PAS hasn't provided seditious confusion to HRH, wakakaka.
But based on the TMI report (incidentally taken from a Utusan report, wakakaka. so we might just have to minus several percentage points off it, but alas, not much), I believe it spells out two things, namely, (i) PAS doesn't want to have Anwar Ibrahim or/and any member of his family to hold political power in any dominating position, and (b) the end of Pakatan as we know it.
Whether (a) above has anything to do with Pak Haji Hadi Awang's personal unhappy relationship with his former ABIM matey, or merely PAS' notorious misogyny no longer matters. PAS just won't support Dr Wan or Azmin (the latter would be considered a family member fo Anwar).
As for the DAP (and we need to look at the PAS-DAP relationship because of the future for Pakatan), recall just prior to May 2013, the happy chummy-buddy-matey relationship between PAS and DAP.
Then DAP relied on PAS willingness for it to use the PAS logo for its DAP candidates standing in the general elections when RoS put a question mark on the legitimacy of the DAP CEC.
The DAP CEC's lawful rights to issue letters of authority for its candidates to show the EC was in serious doubts, and via PAS-DAP lateral thinking which would have made Edward de Bono proud, PAS offered to issue those letters as if the DAP candidates were authorized PAS election candidates and for them to use the PAS logo as if the DAP candidates were standing in both the federal and state elections as PAS candidates.
Then Subky Abdul Latif, a PAS man, almost had his wet dreams realized, of PAS flags flying everywhere especially in Penang, wakakaka.
On 02 April 2013 he wrote an article in his TMI column titledBilakah DAP akan diharamkan, in which he discussed the anticipated need for DAP to resort to the PAS logo because of an anticipated but unrealized RoS sabotaging action, as follows:
Sebagaimana semua menunggu bila Parlimen hendak dibubarkan, maka semuanya menunggu bila pula DAP hendak diharamkan?
As Subky said, we all knew then and were waiting to see if RoS would delegitimize (haramkan) DAP.
RoS sudah mengingatkan supaya DAP mengadakan undi semula pemilihan pimpinan pusatnya jika tidak mahu dikenakan tindakan. Tindakan itu mungkin diharamkan. Dan pihak yang benci DAP memang mendesak supaya RoS membatalkan pendaftarannya.
DAP bersedia untuk diharamkan. Penasihatnya Lim Kit Siang menyatakan DAP sedia bertanding atas nama PAS dalam PRU13 ini. Dan reaksi Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustapa Ali ialah PAS sedia memberi laluan.
Soalnya sekarang bila RoS hendak mengharamkan DAP? Jika RoS sebuah agensi yang tegas dalam serba serbi, maka ia mesti haramkan DAP dengan segera sekurang-kurangnya sebelum hari penamaan calon.
Sukby was obviously getting excited, wakakaka.
* by convention a caretaker MB or CM or PM cannot issue new major policies, approve major projects, or enter into contracts but only the necessary action and routine financial approval to run the government on a day-to-day basis until the brief caretaker period ends. But in Malaysia, it's known that one ca f**k conventions
As Subky said, we all knew then and were waiting to see if RoS would delegitimize (haramkan) DAP.
RoS sudah mengingatkan supaya DAP mengadakan undi semula pemilihan pimpinan pusatnya jika tidak mahu dikenakan tindakan. Tindakan itu mungkin diharamkan. Dan pihak yang benci DAP memang mendesak supaya RoS membatalkan pendaftarannya.
DAP bersedia untuk diharamkan. Penasihatnya Lim Kit Siang menyatakan DAP sedia bertanding atas nama PAS dalam PRU13 ini. Dan reaksi Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustapa Ali ialah PAS sedia memberi laluan.
Soalnya sekarang bila RoS hendak mengharamkan DAP? Jika RoS sebuah agensi yang tegas dalam serba serbi, maka ia mesti haramkan DAP dengan segera sekurang-kurangnya sebelum hari penamaan calon.
Sukby was obviously getting excited, wakakaka.
PAS sekarang dipercayai menunggu. Ia tidak mendoakan supaya DAP diharamkan, tetapi kalau diharamkan, maka ia satu cabaran yang menarik bagi menguji kematangan politik Pakatan Rakyat dalam suasana baru politik Malaysia sekarang.
Oh, what heady days of Pakatan brotherhood.
But apart from collaborating with DAP and PKR to win the elections and form the next Malaysian government (and it has to be said it nearly did, with 51% of the popular votes) there would have been strategic benefit for PAS, because non-Muslim voters in voting for DAP under the PAS banner, would have gotten use to and not fear the Moon symbol.
Semua akan menyaksikan pejuang Islam dalam PAS menawarkan kemudahan kepada sekutunya bagi membuktikan kemantapan dan kematangan kerjasamanya dan DAP pula di lihat berani menghadapi pengundi tradisinya untuk menggunakan lambang PAS,Bulan Penuh Purnama. Ia menguji kematangan pengundi bukan Islam mampu membuat perubahan untuk bersama PAS.
But with the PAS Shura Council going its lonesome way, probably towards a convergence with UMNO, sorry lah Pak Cik Sukby, your dreams and of many other Malaysians including the PAS Erdogens and mine too have been destroyed, razed to the grounds, ground into smithereens in one mighty stroke by the Shura Council.
The irony is many like me do NOT support Dr Wan per se or Azmin Ali as MB, but we wanted Pakatan to survive in order to be able to reasonably compete against the powerful UMNO-BN, and for Pakatan to survive, the coalition had (note the past perfect tense 'had') to take a unified stand on the Selangor MB issue, with all respect to Tuanku, ampun Tuanku.
And this has been why PAS leaders like Khalid Samad, Dzulkefly Ahmad, Mat Sabu have been urging and appealing to PAS members to stay on with Pakatan and not be seduced by UMNO's so-called Malay Unity - for more, see the Malay Mail Online's Stop pushing PAS to quit Pakatan, party leaders told and Malaysiakini's Doomsday for PAS if it works with UMNO.
But those heady days of Pakatan brotherhood are gone now, and thus it won't be Pak Cik Sukby Latif or me who will have political wet dreams, but Ah Jib Gor, wakakaka.
(b) On the next and more sensitive issue, we can have endless debates and even arguments over the constitutional limits of HRH but as we know, the Pandora Box has long been opened in other states like Perlis, Terengganu, Perak and recently on a non-election issue, Johor. Selangor is thus not unique or breaking constitutional grounds.
Far more annoying to me is that the stalemate over one name, two names, three names, etc, has allowed Khalid Ibrahim to hang on as MB. I can't stand him because as PAS Sungib Saari said, he has become intolerable by the hour.
Yes, with the PAS Shura Council's very treacherous anti-Pakatan act, it's possible HRH may even approve a PAS candidate as the new MB of Selangor, because as I suspect, HRH, like PAS and many [including yours truly], seems to not fancy Anwar or the possibility of him controlling a member of his family in running the state government, and
... yes subsequently the 13 remaining PKR ADUN and 15 DAP ADUN (assuming Hannah Yeoh is replaced as Speaker and she resumes her ADUN role) can vote against the new PAS MB, who will be supported by 12 UMNO, Khalid Ibrahim as an Independent and 14 PAS ADUN (one PAS candidate becomes the new Speaker), and
... yes oust him by a show of no confidence of 28 vs 27.
Alternatively if the Speaker can also vote, regardless of whether this be Hannah Yeoh or a PAS-UMNO candidate or even Khalid, then yes, Selangor will have a hung parliament.
In either case, yes again, that may move HRH to call for a new RM50 million state elections.
(c) the other scenario is (as visualized by RPK) HRH can of course take his own time in deciding how to resolve the political imbroglio while he instructs Khalid Ibrahim to stay back as MB.
Now, wouldn't you all just love that, the part about a mandate-less party-less shame-less Khalid staying on as the Royal MB with 4 PAS exco members to run the state government, wakakaka.
And this bizarre status quo could continue with all sorts of state government policies issued and major projects approved*, etc until the DUN refuses to pass the budget at its next scheduled assembly, when by then the state administration will grind to a halt.
* by convention a caretaker MB or CM or PM cannot issue new major policies, approve major projects, or enter into contracts but only the necessary action and routine financial approval to run the government on a day-to-day basis until the brief caretaker period ends. But in Malaysia, it's known that one ca f**k conventions
If the above happens (to wit, political stalemate, hung parliament, government comes to a halt due to budget not being passed by the majority in House, etc), I wonder whether there is anything in the state or federal constitution to impose emergency rule in Selangor?
If that happens, then it's all thanks to the brilliant Kajang Move and, I make no apology for saying this, all thanks to Anwar Ibrahim for the delay in the MB replacement which has allowed, much to my rising blood pressure, Khalid Ibrahim to continue being the so-called caretaker MB.
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