
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Politicians ignorant of Sultan’s role

The Sultan of Selangor says some politicians have an "agenda" when it comes to the role and powers of the Sultan.
sultanselangor300KLANG: The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has reminded politicians that his was not merely a ceremonial or formal role, but one that involved the duty of looking after the people and state of Selangor so that all could live in peace and prosperity.
Acknowledging that some politicians did not understand this, or deliberately chose to misunderstand it, the Sultan noted that, “Because the people are not given an understanding of the actual functions of the Sultan, the people think that the royal institution is merely symbolic without any role and powers as provided for under the state’s constitution.”
In his speech at the appointment of the new Selangor State Exco, the Sultan also clarified that his role did not require him to intervene in the administration of the state, saying that was the job of the Menteri Besar.
The Sultan also warned the Malay Muslims of Selangor to stay united and be mindful about adopting extremist views, or to mislead people with the teachings of false religions.
He later touched on the topic of infighting, saying it had the potential to “undermine any consensus among the Malays”. He said if infighting was not checked, the Malay race could easily be destroyed.
He cautioned, “Do not be misled so easily to the point that your dignity is compromised by your self-interest.”

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