
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ridhuan, here’s why no one supports you

YOURSAY ‘That none of your students came to your defence speaks volumes.’

Ridhuan: Nobody defended me on my sedition probe
MinahBulat: Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, you have asked a valid question and I think the answer lies here.

First, you proclaim that you are an intellectual. To be an intellectual, you must have some academic qualifications to back you up.

You have a doctorate from the National Defence University where you are lecturing. There were allegations that you plagiarise part of your thesis word for word, including grammatical errors made by the original author. A complaint was made but no action was taken.

I think you are an embarrassment to your students and they do not want to associate with the rubbish that you churn out except those in Utusan Malaysia.  

Malaccan: First, no one likes Ridhuan Tee, nor support his observations. He is toxic to the social well-being of the nation, even too much for ultras like Isma and Perkasa.

Second, what he says and writes is hate speech in the worst way. It is designed to incite hatred between races and religions.

He is not counted among those who faithfully defend his religion but one who misuses his faith and race to belittle and condemn others. He is uncouth and feeds off controversies.

Third, he is no academic. Whatever propositions he raised are based on lies and ignorance. He provides no logical arguments nor any body of rational and reasonable work.

He lives off the work of others in academia and imagines himself to be one. No one would defend him when he is so unworthy.

He is arrogant to think he is anywhere near the likes of Universiti Malaya law lecturer Azmi Sharom. Azmi has the respect of students and the law faculty. Ridhuan only has the ridicule and disdain of everyone.

His is a wasted life.

Ipohcrite: When one can't tell right from wrong, despite all those years of so-called learning, then it may be concluded that it is a case of "education wasted."

If Ridhuan Tee still wonders why his students don't rally around him, as was the case with Azmi Sharom, I can only point him to the saying: “You can't explain a rainbow to a blind man.”

And that is being very kind to him.

2Kali5: Ridhuan Tee, the fact that none of your students came to your defence speaks volumes. And you have the cheek to ask ‘why?’ Put simply, your students and the academia did not think much of you, period.

Multi Racial: People like Azmi Sharom fought for unity and liberty. Ridhuan Tee, on the other hand, fought to divide the country and to curb freedom.

Azmi fought for religious freedom and freedom of expression. Ridhuan insulted other religions and called on the government to clamp down on freedom of expression.

Azmi fought for the good of this country. Ridhuan did just the opposite.

We are against use of the Sedition Act on anyone. But in the case of Ridhuan, even though we are against the use of such law, we would rather the authority charge him and put him in jail because people like him, left freely and unchecked, is dangerous to the country.

Anonymous_3e86: At least now you know where you stand, Ridhuan. The public don't support you. The students don't support you. Just face it, nobody respects you.

David Dass: Indeed, why should they? Your vituperations could by no stretch of the imagination be construed as academic. They were racist, extremist and provocative to the extreme degree.

Academic freedom is to encourage independent thinking in the search for truth. It is not meant to confer a cloak of immunity for someone bent on causing division and hate in our society.

Old Timer: Ridhuan, from all that I have read of the things you say, I shudder that you seem to include yourself in the category of 'intellectuals'.

We are anxious about the kind and the level of intellectual thinking of students who graduate from our universities if people like you can be a lecturer.

Swipenter: There is nothing intellectual in what you spew. You call spewing racism and religious bigotry an academic/intellectual exercise?

Anonymous_3faa: Ridhuan, the answer is simple. It’s because you are a nobody, insignificant pretentious pseudo-Malay with a pathological confusion about your DNA.

The students have more important matters to attend to like supporting a true Malaysian such as Azmi.

It really hurts to be such an ignoramus magnus to the students, doesn't it? Now stop crying and crawl back to that dark hollow you emerged from, and stay there.

Longyan Ren: Ridhuan Tee, I hope you enjoy reading the readers' comments in Malaysiakini so far. Insaflah, bang. -Mkini

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