
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Selangor - conventions and padan muka

Haven't we been aware of the catastrophic series of satay-initiated f**kups in Selangor over the last several months leading to annoyance, agitation, anger, acrimony (among so-called Pakatan allies), and angst?

their (lack of) relationship was the casus belli

Forget about legal constitutional what-nots but consider just the issue of 'conventions'. Haven't we been lectured daily about conventions but many of which were recently thrown out of the window? Take for example, the conventions that:

(a) only an anak jati Selangor could be MB?

(b) caretaker appointments cannot make 'major' policy decision on behalf of the organization?

and regardless of whether it was just a politician's promise, don't forget Azmin Ali's pledge of support to Dr Wan as the PKR sole nominee for MB.

Fortunately for him, he can 'blame' HRH for flinging his earlier pledge to Dr Wan out of the window, wakakaka, and accepting the royal appointment because naturally, wakakaka, he wouldn't didn't couldn't want to be seen as 'being insolent' to HRH.

Be that as it may, look at the current Pakatan makeup in the Selangor State Assembly, where the coalition's total number of ADUN comprise 13 from PKR (Khalid is no more PKR), 15 from PAS and 15 from DAP.

Previously PKR had 14 and were allocated the MB position plus 3 exco seats, while PAS had 4 and DAP only 3 (after a stab in the back as complained by Tony Pua - for more, see my last year's post Selangor saga shows PKR's ketuanan mentality?)

So now PAS has one exco seat taken away from it, presumably for its errant ways. Padan muka?

But was DAP rewarded for its 'through thick & thin' loyal partnership to PKR?

Oh, I forgot - DAP backed the wrong PKR horse so it was lucky the new MB didn't punish it like he did PAS.

Well, I don't know about PAS but most certainly padan muka for DAP, wakakaka.

Often we have heard of anwaristas in PAS, principally those Erdogens who subscribe to a coalition cause because they could see the strategic view for their party, instead of just women wearing tight jeans or with lipstick and perfume.

But in DAP there are also anwaristas, especially in Selangor. I can name two easily:

(a) Hannah Yeoh for her flabbergasting support for Anwar's deformasi 916 - I was being kind to her when I said she was mathematically challenged in believing 82 was greater than 140,

(b) Mr Henny-Penny Tony Pua for his 'sky is falling down' alarm about the imperative for Anwar (and later, Dr Wan) to win the Kajang state seat. I have been so so so disappointed in Tony for getting unnecessarily involved, too involved in a PKR internal grubby feud.

And what did he win for DAP in his loyalty to PKR? Padan muka again.

But consider once again, that PKR with only 13 ADUN has grabbed not only the MB position but also 4 exco seats, while a DAP with 15-ADUN has 3 exco members.

Truly that defies coalition sharing 'convention'.

Truly that calls for a reiteration that indeed the 2nd Selangor saga shows PKR's ketuanan mentality.

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