
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 25, 2014


Can you see why they are attacking HRH the Sultan of Selangor? Over the next two months they have to turn the public against the Sultan so that the people will agree that Azmin should be ousted not because there is anything wrong with Azmin but because there is something wrong with the Sultan.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
An NGO that calls itself Kembali Selangorku said that the Selangor menteri besar saga has exposed the shortcomings of the democratic system in the state and they highlighted the urgent need for reforms.
“Many people in Selangor are disappointed with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who had initially stood by the state constitution before agreeing to the sultan’s decision.”
“Instead of giving in to the Selangor palace, Pakatan Rakyat should have taken the matter to court, similar to what happened during the Perak crisis in 2009.”
“Pakatan Rakyat should have sought judicial clarification of the Selangor constitution and democratic principles instead of giving up responsibility and disregarding the people’s mandate.”
Basically this NGO is angry that Azmin Ali has been appointed the Selangor MB instead of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and this echoes what everyone else is saying — politicians, constitutional experts, the Bar Council, the legal fraternity, Pakatan Rakyat supporters, and many more.
On the surface it appears like His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor is under attack for what these people say is HRH’s violation of the Selangor State Constitution.
In fact, they are even demanding that the first reform that Azmin should institute as the new MB is to amend or abrogate the Articles in the Constitution that allow the Sultan to use his discretion in deciding who should become the MB.
As what many legal eagles have been saying over the last few days, the Sultan should be a powerless, rubber-stamp, ceremonial figurehead. This, according to the legal experts, is how a monarch should behave.
Actually that is one step short of declaring Selangor a republic so why go just 99% of the way? They might as well go all the way and ask for the Selangor Sultanate to be abolished because in reality this is what it is going to mean.
I mean, why suggest that we retain the monarchy but at the same time cut off the balls and dick of the Sultan and reduce him to a eunuch monarch? If the Sultan is going to be just a eunuch monarch then we might as well remove him entirely and turn Selangor into a republican state like Penang, Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak?
Then PKR can appoint Anwar Ibrahim as the first Governor of Selangor and Azmin can be called the Selangor Chief Minister instead of the MB. I am sure if they do a referendum like they did recently in Scotland they will be able to get majority vote to abolish the Selangor monarchy.
But we all know they will not do this and these anti-monarchists also know they will not do it because if they try that there is going to be civil war with the army on the side of the monarchy and the police all staying in their quarters to avoid getting killed in the crossfire.
Yes, believe it or not, many Malays are waiting for Pakatan Rakyat to make its move in usurping the powers of the throne. And when that happens PAS will leave Pakatan Rakyat and will team up with Umno and the military in putting down what can only be considered a rebellion against the crown.
And, in Malaysia, waging war against the monarchy is a crime punishable by death. So we shall be seeing many Pakatan Rakyat leaders hanging from a long rope for the crime of waging war against the monarchy like what happened to the Al Maunah terrorists a few years ago.
Anyway, just for your information, there are a number of us from the Selangor royal family who have met His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor to swear allegiance to the crown and to swear an oath that we shall take up arms if a civil war between the royalists and republicans erupt.
So these republicans had better be warned that what they are toying with is going to make May 13look like a kindergarten picnic by comparison. They have vilified the monarchy once too often and it is time these republicans be put in their place and taught a lesson that they will remember for the next three generations.
Anyway, as I said, these people do not really dare wage war against the monarchy because they know the consequences are going to be most dire indeed. No doubt it appears like they are attacking the Sultan and are saying that HRH violated the Constitution and broke the law and so on in appointing Azmin as the MB.
However, the truth is, they are actually attacking Azmin. He is the real target. But they cannot at this stage attack Azmin directly so they attack the Sultan for appointing Azmin.
Anwar Ibrahim has been in a most foul mood since Monday. He is throwing tantrums and is scolding all those he views as Azmin’s supporters. PKR is contemplating a vote of no confidence against Azmin in November. And if they successfully pull this off Azmin is going to go down in history as the MB who served the shortest term, less than two months.
The problem, though, is that Anwar does not have the numbers. He needs at least 29 but he does not have 29 because Azmin has very strong grassroots support. Hence if they try to pass a vote of no confidence against Azmin in November they might fail. And Anwar cannot afford this.
Furthermore, it would look awkward if just two months after ousting Khalid Ibrahim they go and oust Azmin as well. PKR and Pakatan Rakyat will suffer big time if they do this. Hence they have to make it appear like the guilty party is not Azmin but the Sultan.
So they have started attacking the Sultan so that by November people will believe that the fault lies with the Sultan and not with Azmin. Hence when they make their move on Azmin it is not so much to remove Azmin but to correct the blunder made by the Sultan.
This is not about we do not want Azmin. It is about the Sultan’s wrongdoing. Hence we get rid of Azmin not because Azmin is not acceptable as the MB but because the Sultan violated the Constitution. This is about respecting the law, not about a power struggle in PKR or Pakatan Rakyat.
Can you see why they are attacking HRH the Sultan of Selangor? Over the next two months they have to turn the public against the Sultan so that the people will agree that Azmin should be ousted not because there is anything wrong with Azmin but because there is something wrong with the Sultan.
They cannot make it look like ousting Azmin is due to a power struggle in PKR.
So I support Azmin as MB. I may have my differences with him and I will certainly still continue to attack him if he does anything wrong. Nevertheless, I will still support Azmin as MB because it was HRH the Sultan who made him MB and I have pledged allegiance to the Sultan and have sworn an oath of loyalty to the crown, just like Azmin did.

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