
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 29, 2014

UPSR re-sit: Annoying but justified

Parents shouldn't support students in their irrational reactions.
By Thomas Samuel
UPSR300.jpgWe have heard many voices of anger and disappointment greeting the government’s decision to make students re-sit the leaked UPSR examination papers. Most affected parents probably feel some measure of disgust.
However, we need to put things into perspective. The Education Ministry could not have planned this unfortunate incident. It is simply inconceivable that it would risk the ire of the entire nation. In fact it has a detailed and tedious process in trying to ensure that examinations are leak proof. The meticulously developed standard operating procedure(SOP) is 800 pages long.
But however secure a process is, there is nothing that can give us early warning if there are unscrupulous elements bent on sabotaging it. It’s purely a matter of ethics.
Show me a system or process that can guarantee honesty and ethical behaviour if human beings are involved in it.
We should move on. The people involved in this corrupt and immoral act should be caught and punished to the full extent of the law. The police are trying to do this and we should give them enough time to find sufficient evidence to prosecute these traitors of the nation.
We can all understand that this is an emotional matter for the students and parents involved. No amount of explanation can console them completely. The episode has burdened them with unnecessary pressure and emotional stress. However, as is the case with every adversity in life, we must move on with a positive mind and look at implementing actions that will prevent a recurrence.
Rational actions are being carried out by the relevant authorities. The Education Ministry is organising a re-sit of the leaked papers, the police is investigating and a special committee has been formed by the ministry to look into enhancing the SOP to prevent a recurrence.
Many opinions have been put forward. While all have their merits, there are also weaknesses and elements of unfairness in the solutions suggested so far. Nevertheless, we must welcome them because they show concern and a willingness to participate in solving a problem affecting many people, including teachers.
The one solution that will put to rest many grouses is a re-sit of the papers. This is the most appropriate decision, given the complex nature of the matter. Any other solution may have created further problems and displeasure.
If the Education Ministry had decided against a re-sit, the students who had availed themselves of the leaked papers would have an unfair advantage over the others. If they are the only ones having to re-sit, it would still be unfair because they would be tested on a different set of questions. The best solution is still to require all UPSR students to re-sit the papers.
Some parents and students are contemplating not to re-sit. This is entirely their decision and they have to bear the consequences, if any. The ministry’s rule on this is clear: if a student fails to sit for an examination, he or she will be marked as “not present”. The student will still progress to Form One. The choice is entirely his or hers.
Finally, as parents, we should be able to guide and help our children overcome such incidents in life. As they take the journey of life, they will face challenges and roadblocks along the way. If we are not able to guide them to overcome minor disappointments like this, what values are we teaching them?
Success comes with good values and hard work. Let us tell our children that incidents like this are expected in life. We should teach them to strive to overcome this small setback rather than support them in their emotional and irrational reactions.
Let us hope that people involved in any important process will be honest, ethical, value conscious and law abiding.
Thomas Samuel is an FMT reader.

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