
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 26, 2014


I am sure Azmin will agree to push for these amendments that will result in him being removed from office — since the Sultan will no longer have any power to choose the MB but can only appoint the MB that PKR chooses.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan
LIII (4) Pada melantik seorang Menteri Besar, Duli Yang Maha Mulia boleh menurut budi bicara Baginda, mengetepikan mana-mana peruntukan dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan ini yang menyekat Baginda dalam memilih Menteri Besar, jika pada pendapat Baginda perlu Baginda berbuat demikian bagi maksud mematuhi peruntukan Perkara ini.
Many politicians, lawyers, constitutional experts, activists, NGOs, and whatnot, are whacking HRH the Sultan of Selangor and are saying that the Sultan violated the Selangor State Constitution in the appointment of Azmin Ali as the new Selangor Menteri Besar.
Well, let me tell you that they are lying through their teeth and are misleading you. That is not true one bit and what you can read above is proof of this. This makes all these people slime-balls and scumbags of the highest degree. They are leading you up the garden path and you are swallowing their shit hook, line and sinker.
The Constitution clearly states that in the appointment of the MB, HRH can use his discretion (boleh menurut budi bicara Baginda) to set aside (ketepikan) any provision (mana-mana peruntukan) in this Constitution (dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan ini) that restricts (menyekat) HRH from choosing (memilih) the MB if according to HRH’s opinion (pendapat) HRH needs (perlu) to do so for reasons of complying to this provision (meaning Article LIII (4) of the Constitution).
And what are all these people telling you? They are telling you that HRH cannot choose but can only appoint the MB. “Memilih” means “choose”, not just “appoint”. So HRH the Sultan chose Azmin and that is allowed under the State Constitution.
That is lie number one.
Okay, the next thing is they say that HRH must respect the voice of the majority. But that is just it. HRH is respecting the voice of the majority. The majority approved the Selangor State Constitution in 1959 and the majority amended this Constitution on 1st January 2008. Hence HRH is acting based on the wishes of the majority. So why are these people saying HRH is not?
That is lie number two.
Now, Pakatan Rakyat took over Selangor in March 2008, less than ten weeks after the Selangor State Constitution was amended. Pakatan Rakyat, again, formed the Selangor State Government in May 2013.
Did Pakatan Rakyat amend the Selangor State Constitution over those six and a half years that it was in power? Was that particular Article in the Constitution amended? No!
So that means Pakatan Rakyat accepts the Constitution that was approved by the majority in 1959 and amended by the majority on 1st January 2008. And that means HRH respected and followed the wishes of the majority by following that Article in the Constitution that allows HRH to do what he did in the appointment of Azmin as the new MB.
These people talk about respecting the Constitution and about following the law and about respecting the wishes of the majority. But that is precisely what HRH did. So what is the issue? What is it that HRH did wrong when all HRH did was do what the Constitution says he can do?
If Pakatan Rakyat is not happy with the Constitution then amend it. Don’t scream at the Sultan for doing what the Constitution says he is allowed to do. Pakatan Rakyat had six and a half years to amend the Constitution but they did not. So whose fault is it?
Maybe Azmin can table the amendments to the Selangor State Constitution in the November sitting of the Selangor State Assembly. Then, once the amendments are approved by at least 29 of the 56 ADUNs (state assemblypersons), PKR can remove Azmin and get HRH to appoint Dr Wan Azizah Ismail as the new Selangor MB.
I am sure Azmin will agree to push for these amendments that will result in him being removed from office — since the Sultan will no longer have any power to choose the MB but can only appoint the MB that PKR chooses.

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