
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 20, 2015

Man stays calm in face of abusive motorist

The driver in the wrong refuses to apologise and calls the other a “pig” before driving off.
kurang ajar
PETALING JAYA: A video of two male drivers, one Chinese and one Malay, engaged in an argument over a near collision has gone viral.
What stands out most about the video however was the calm demeanour of the Malay motorist who despite being called a “babi” (pig) to his face, maintained great diplomacy and pointed out the other driver’s fault calmly and without resorting to abusive language.
In the video, the two are seen arguing in Bahasa Malaysia, with the Malay man asking him what his problem was because the other motorist has stopped his car alongside his.
The Chinese man answers, “Saya tak ada masalah.” (I don’t have problem.)
“(Kalau tak ada masalah, jalan la.” (If you don’t have a problem, then go on your way), the Malay man is heard as saying, to which the other motorist shoots back, “U macam mau langgar saya.” (You drove like you were going to hit my car.)
“Eh, tak kesah la. Kalau may langgar pun, you tengok la jalan, apa macam. (Eh, that’s beside the point. Even if I did hit your car, just look at the road.)
“I rasa u tak nak berhenti, tau. Saya terkejut.” (I thought you won’t stop for me. I got a shock), the Chinese man says.
Sounding incredulous that he was being blamed for the incident, the Malay motorist said he was shocked too and all the other man needn’t to do was apologise and leave it at that.
“Kenapa I nak mint maaf u?” (Why should I say sorry to you), the Chinese man retorts and on being told that he is in the wrong, he shoots back, “U punya jalan ka ni? U bapak punya kah? U sudah beli kah? (This road belongs to you eh? This is your father’s road, eh? Who do you think you are?)
He continues the abuse and says, “U ingat u siapa? U mata saya, u babi tau?”
(Who do you think you are? In my eyes you are a pig)
Angry at being videotaped, he flashes his middle finger at the Malay man and drives off.
Facebook users who viewed the video had not many kind things to say about the Chinese driver for his behaviour.
Lee Woon Loo posted: “This Malay gentlemen is great he kept his cool and a gentleman I salute him. Not all Chinese are perfect esp. this man. He behaved badly! Whatever race we are we are all humans. I have some very good Malay friends.”
SK Chin meanwhile said: “The malay man was cool…the chinese man was not. Respect to the malay man.”
Teoh Beng Siang: “The ignorant man is thinking that he is almighty. Respect to the malay gentleman for keeping his cool.”
Pete Joe: “Stupid fellow…sudah salah lagi mau bising” while Bryan Tang commented: “somebody tag the cool man! i’d love to have lunch with him! hats off to you sir.”

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