
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015

1MDB and the devils that clout our judgement

“It is the only place where Muslims are stripped off their riches, positions and titles and there are no devils to clout their judgement as well. I want both of them to stop (quarelling) because there is no winner in this argument. At the end of the day “yang menang menjadi arang, yang kalah menjadi abu”". - Umno leader suggests Mecca as the venue for a truce The Mole, 11/6/2015

SARUNI JUDI of Kapar was suggesting that Najib Razak and Mahathir Mohamad meet in Makkah to sort out their mess. Good luck, Datuk, but I don't think Dr Mahathir wants to know. In fact, he has just stepped up his attack on the PM with The 1MDB Story. This latest posting traces the history of the 1MDB to its TIA days when the Sultan of Terengganu was the King. Very little in terms of new materials, mainly rehash of old questions and assumptions on the affairs of 1MDB. Still, it serves to keep the pressure on the PM-1MDB and ensures there is always ammo for the pro-Tun "camp". 

Clearly, Dr M is not in no mood for reconciliation or compromise. He is not even interested anymore in Najib's answers to his questions, as Salleh Syed Keruak points out, Dr M just wants Najib to resign or be removed as PM [Why "Ambush" PM when asnwers not wanted, Syed asks Dr M]. Since his posting titled simply 1MDB (13/3/15) Dr M has published more than 20 articles critical of 1MDB and the PM. Half of those articles were posted in the last 30 days. 

No wonder that Dr M's blog is back to the top of Alexa ranking for Malaysian socio-political blogs (h e r e)

"Politically the PM and his fewer and fewer hangers on are losing out.
People read Tun Dr Mahathir's Blog  etc to find out the truth of what is going on.
The same people read the pro PM blogs to keep in touch with all the crap they are saying." - OutSyed The Box

I can understand why Syed Akbar Ali is crowing (his blog is ranked No 2 behind Dr M's and ahead of Najib Razak's blog at No 3). 
Source: OutSyed The Box

But the fact that some of Najib's "hangers on" are even at the top bracket of the Alexa ranking suggests also another important point: that blog readers ie Malaysians are taking the trouble to read Najib's defence, his side of the story. They are not as gullible as they used to be. They might even be wiser now.

In view of this, Najib's advisors may want to encourage the PM to consider using his blog to respond directly and swiftly (preferably within 60 minutes) to chedet.cc each and every time Dr Mahathir publishes a new posting. Don't mind the attack blogs, such as OutSyed The Box, Kadir Jasin and Zam (all of whom are highly ranked in Alexa now), just take on the Old Man, one on one online. Respond to every line, if you have to.

This way, I believe Najib can help contain the main "spat" to just between him and his ex-Boss, minus the "devils to clout their judgement". The NGOs and others who want answers can get all of that from the PM's blog, direct and without spin. 

The rest of us can sit back and read and learn and, hopefully, be able to decide for ourselves, aided by findings of the Auditor-General and the bipartisan PAC, on what's fact and what's fallacy. -rocky's bru

1 comment:

  1. It is very strange that we hear people asking both these "gajahs" to meet face to face to settle their differences. What is actually beyond belief is that these people doesn't seem to understand the true and actual problem Malaysia is facing. 1MDB and all other scandals relates to the whole Malaysia, not just mahathir! All your money is being taken away from you! Mahathir is not complaining cos Najib has taken his money! He's worried that with what najib is doing, umno might lose the next election. So what has that got to do with mahathir? Simple: (1) if the opposition comes into power, they'll investigate where the rakyat's money has gone. All evidence will show it has been stolen by BN ministers - prosecution & jail is the possible outcome. (2) mahathir's family will no longer have the opportunity to rule Malaysia. Throughout our history, almost all BN leaders are hereditary, not due to their merits. (3) all BN & cronies contracts will be terminated. So koyak lah pocket! Mahathir has stolen a lot of Malaysian's money. Why does he care? And if you think if they settle their differences and that is the end of story, then you must be blind! Where is our money? Where is our rights? Its up to you now. Only you can change Malaysia, and make it a better place for your next generation.


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