
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 20, 2015

An Open Letter To Anifah Aman

Image result for Dato Sri Anifah Aman

Our Foreign Minister has on Thursday night felt obliged to write an open letter (under the letterhead of the Minister  of Foreign Affairs) to an American newspaper, The New York Times disputing what is no more than a political commentary about the failing Najib administration being criticised by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.  

This is most certainly a waste of public funds and government resources.

Typical of the contradictory, flip flopping, bungling in public nature of the Najib regime this open letter by the Foreign Minister is clearly going against the PM's own dictum :  Set aside disputes, animosity during Ramadan, says Najib

So Dato Sri Anifah Aman, please withdraw your open letter to the New York Times and save it for after the Ramadan.   Unless you too agree that the PM does not mean what he says. Just another bit of empty lip service. Just another lie.

Then just today, another American newspaper The Wall Street Journal has run yet another indepth story also criticising the Prime Minister's failing administration. Plus they too mentioned Dr Mahathir's criticisms.  You can read it at Apanama's Blog  here.  

They have made even more damaging revelations about 1MDB and the siphoning of funds through charities associated with the Prime Minister.

So will the Minister of Foreign Affairs be writing another open letter to the Wall Street Journal as well? If not, why not?  

If other foreign media (like The Economist, The Age etc) write similar stories, will the Minister be writing open letters to them as well? If not, why not?

If not, then why did the Foreign Minister write an Open Letter to the New York Times?

I believe the Foreign Minister was most certainly acting under instructions. Or worse was he acting under some 'pressure'?  

Because having met the Foreign Minister and having engaged him in conversation I do not think this 'open letter' was his idea or from his own pen.   It is becoming another public relations disaster. 

Husni Hanadzlah the 2nd Finance Minister has disappeared from the scene. He appeared bravely on TV to support Najib and dispel all criticisms of 1MDB. But that too became a public relations disaster and Husni Hanadzlah has beaten a hasty retreat since then. He inadvertently blurted out that Goodstar Ltd (a company controlled by Jho Low) was a subsidiary of Petro-Saudi.  Ergo Petro-Saudi must also be controlled by Jho Low.

Prior to that Puad Zarkashi  also made a bold appearance to support Najib.  And Puad too has now beaten a  retreat to the gods don’t know where.

Next Ahmad Shabery Cheek made a short statement in support of Najib. Then he too ‘ran silent ran deep’ (this is submariners' terminology when escaping from depth charges – a type of underwater explosive device).

The only court jester who has not yet left the scene is Ahmad Maslan - who continues to say the most dim-witted things about anything and everything.

This week appears to be Dato Sri Anifah Aman's turn.  Without a doubt this is also equally if not more embarrassing. Especially when your name is highlighted in large type in the Blogs.  

Being a Minister even in the best of times is a thankless job. People expect more and more. What a terrible fate it must be to be a lieutenant to an incompetent leader who is addicted to taking instructions from his other half who in this sorry case is not the better either.  


1. It is regrettable to see Tun Mahathir seeking to undermine his own country in the international media as part of a personal political vendetta.

2. It is irresponsible of any citizen, let alone a former prime minister, to spread lies and distortions about state owned companies – saying for example that RM42 bn is missing from 1MDB to create public anxiety, when in fact these are audited debts backed by RM51 bn assets. These reckless claims have affected market sentiment towards Malaysia.

My comments : Bank Negara Malaysia has clarified that the fall in the Malaysian Ringgit is NOT caused by political issues but rather by incompetent management (my choice of words) of the economy. Here is Bank Negara taken from Jebat Must Die

Ringgit slump: Bank Negara exonerates Dr M

Bank Negara has refuted recent media reports blaming former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s criticisms of the Najib-administration for the Ringgit slump.

In a press release today, Bank Negara said the current volatility of the Ringgit was caused by both global and domestic developments, which does not involve politics.

“Global developments would include the investor expectations relating to monetary policies of major central banks and the trends in crude oil and gas prices.

“Domestic factors include concerns about government linked entities and ratings related issues.

“...every effort needs to be undertaken to bring about resolution to the domestic issues that confront our economy,” said the central bank.

In brief the Ringgit is falling because the government of Najib is incompetent. 
3. Furthermore, it is telling that he continues to mount his attacks, rather than wait for the findings of the enquiries currently being undertaken by Malaysia’s central bank, Auditor General, and parliament’s bipartisan Public Accounts Committee. This shows that Tun Mahathir is not interested in answers from the appropriate lawful authorities. Rather, he is just using 1MDB as an excuse to topple the serving prime minister, Najib Tun Razak.

My comments : Going by this standard why then did the Foreign Minister write an Open Letter to the New  York Times? Why not just send a tweet saying 'No comments. Just wait for the Auditor General and PAC's report'.   

In the same line of thought, why then does the PM make so many 'unity gatherings' where he muddles up trying to explain 1MDB again and again? The sorest thumb in this hand was the Nothing2Hide no show disaster. 

Dr Mahathir did not think up the Nothing2Hide stunt. That was purely the PM's show, which he then turned into a no show.  Why not the PM just say, 'I am not appearing anywhere anymore. Just wait for the Auditor's Report'. 

Au contraire there seems to be a relentless effort by the PM to hire new writers, hire new PR consultants, launch media campaigns etc to keep explaining and explaining and explaining yet again about this madness called 1MDB.

And it does not stop at 1MDB. There is more incompetence and plain deceit in other places as well. 

RM4.0 Billion disappeared under SRC International to buy a Mongolian coal mine etc.

Up to RM30 billion debt incurred under that crazy PFI scheme - which is developing a life of its own (thank you Donnyplaypuks - your effort has not gone to waste bro).

Now the latest revelation is about FGV paying an insane almost "double" the market price for the Rajawali group's plantation assets in Indonesia. Here is the Malaysian Insider :

  • "Felda to pay RM2.6 Billion for a 37% stake in Eagle High 
  •  another RM252 million for the sugar assets
  • The price tag is too high, say investment analysts 
  • FGV..
  • each share a whopping 72% premium over last traded price 
  • Felda paying US$17,535 a hectare for Eagle plantation assets
Here is the real bummer. Felda's 37% majority share is deemed a 'non-controlling' stake. What the ....? 

I say Parpukari, yenna dey ? Felda will be the "largest shareholder" in EHP, at 37% but not the controlling shareholder.  EHP will still be controlled by Peter Sondhak with a much smaller share holding. Ini 'business model' style apa?

And what can the Felda settlers do? Well they can write a Blog. Or they can carry placards. 

4. And all because his personal demands, as Tun Mahathir himself has acknowledged, are not being met. Prime Minister Najib, as Malaysia’s democratically elected leader, will do what he thinks is right for the nation, and will not allow rule by proxy.

5. Tun Mahathir told the New York Times that Umno “lacks vision and talented people”, that it “has become a repository of patronage-seeking politicians”, and that members “try to keep out people who are more intelligent than themselves”.

But it is Tun Mahathir who led the party for 22 years. It was he that, during his time, worked to cultivate ‘yes men’ and entrench his position – even introducing a quota system for the Umno presidency to prevent challengers – rather than bringing in talent and strengthening the party. It is Prime Minister Najib who democratised the party constitution to make it far easier to challenge him for his job.‎

 6. For Tun Mahathir to accuse Prime Minister Najib of acts “verging on criminal” is simply outrageous, and entirely false. It is a measure of the reforms put in place under Prime Minister Najib’s administration that Tun Mahathir has the freedom to be so vocally critical of the party and government he once led.‎ 

7. But Dr Mahathir is abusing that freedom, and his privileged standing as a former prime minister, to indulge in reckless and baseless personal smears against Prime Minister Najib and his family. Most Malaysians would rather see Dr Mahathir retire gracefully than continue to damage the standing of his own country for personal political gain.

Well Dato Seri Anifah Aman, in his 22 years in power, Tun Dr Mahahir NEVER spent RM70 million on APCO to massage his ego and his image.  But Najib has done so.

Then without batting an eye lid, Najib said in Parliament that he had spent RM7 Billion on 'consultants'. RM7 Billion !!!  

The net result is the Wold Bank or someone now says that our GDP growth for this year will be 4.5% only. Down 25% from the 6% last year.

For 22 years, Tun Dr Mahathir achieved 7%, 8%, 9% GDP growth rates using our good old Malaysian Civil Service. The EPU, the ICU, the PMO were the engines of our economic growth. They planned and executed so many projects so successfully.  Pos Malaysia could deliver mail within 24 hours.

Tun Dr Mahathir did not spend RM7 billion on consultants. The EPU, ICU and the Civil Service were NOT sidelined as is happening now.  During Tun Dr Mahathir'stime people accused of being communists and socialists were released from ISA detention.  Dollah Kok Lanas, Kassim Ahmad, Abdullah Samad, Dollah Majid, Syed Hussin Ali are among the well known ones.  The Harakah and the Rocket achieved their largest circulations under Dr Mahathir. Numerous newspapers were launched  (and then went out of business) under Tun Dr Mahathir.  

The Multimedia Supercorridor and the Internet plus all the hitech wizardry in mobile communications were introduced WITHOUT censorship under Dr Mahathir. You can read any newspaper, magazine or watch anything online.  There was absolutely no censorship of the Internet under Dr Mahathir.
Printed newspapers are becoming redundant.  Now there are calls to censor the Internet.
Now, after Tun Dr Mahathir, Bloggers have been arrested, Facebookers have been arrested, even people who Tweet have been arrested. This is becoming ridiculously stupid. And this is happening AFTER the era of Tun Dr Mahathir.  So let us be clear about the freedoms we used to enjoy. 

(As for the gangsters and dangerous criminals who were arrested under the Emergency Ordinances well no one really cared about them. Please dont be hypocritical. 

1. Has any NGO at all championed the cause of that Malay guy who is still locked up in Guantanamo Bay?  Dato Seri Anifah Aman, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs can you do something about that Malay guy locked up  in Gantanamo Bay?

I am the only person in Malaysia who keeps mentioning about our sole Malaysian representative in Guantanamo Bay. 

2.  Just like I was the only Blogger who kept highlighting the case of that fellow who was kept under ISA arrest by Abdullah Badawi in that nuclear parts for Libya caper. Later Mukhriz Mahathir also took up the matter. 

3.  I am also the only blogger who keeps reminding all the rest of you about the most unfair 10 year jail sentence meted out to Abdul Kahar just for declaring he was a Rasul. It has been five long years since Kahar was locked up in jail. If at all, send him for counseling.  Not 10 years in jail. 

So what happens if someone declares he is "god"? Do you sentence him to death?

Here is a question for Dato Seri Anifah Aman. In 2003 why did Dr Mahathir campaign so hard and ultimately succeeded in getting Najib to be Badawi’s Deputy PM?  Is it because he saw Najib as incompetent and a crook ? Please answer this question honestly.
Then in 2009, why did Dr Mahathir work so hard to replace Badawi with Najib ? Is it because he saw Najib as incompetent and a crook? Please answer this question honestly.

Why is it that six years after Najib has been in power 
  • after having lost the popular vote of the majority voters in 2013
  • after being embroiled in the RM49 billion?? (plus interest??) 1MDB scandal
  • after lying to Parliament about missing RM3.7 Billion (BSI S'pore)
  • after Felda Global Ventures is failing (share price RM1.68 now)
  • after the Ringgit has collapsed to RM3.79 to the USD
  • after the ill thought GST is crippling the economy
  • after the World Bank says our economy will grow 4.5% this year
  • plus a myriad other economic, social, administrative and political failures 

Tun Dr Mahathir is increasingly asking for Najib to resign?

Do you think it is because Dr Mahathir still sees Najib as a competent leader and an honest man, compared to say in 2003 and 2009? Please answer this question honestly as well.

Tan Sri Anifah Aman, here is a little more mystery for you to answer. 

The PM has deemed it worthy to sue little minnows like the PKR's Rafizi Ramli for liable / slander etc. I believe the PM is also suing some other minnows for the same reasons.

 The big question mark is why has the PM not sued Sarawak Report, The New York Times, The Edge Financial Daily or any of the online newspapers which have also been carrying all these stories about the shenanigans in his administration?

Unlike 1MDB the Sarawak Report does not operate in secret and they are easily accessible. The same applies for The New York Times, The Edge Financial Daily and the other Malaysian based online newspapers. 

Why does the PM not have the courage to sue 'the big boys'? 

While the PM feels mighty enough to take on an ikan bilis like Rafizi Ramli, he is obviously afraid of larger opponents. Including hippos of course.

This is exactly the same reason why the Prime Minister ran away from appearing in that 'Nothing2Hide' public relations disaster. He is simply too frightened when the event cannot be staged to his liking.

The PM is quite the cowering little boy occupying the most important office in the land. This situation is quite untenable.  

1 comment:

  1. Isn't there a way to get him to resign and be investigated including his family members.

    Their assets and bank accounts should be probed too.


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