
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 20, 2015

FOOLISH PAS: Don't blame Umno for hudud fiasco, blame Pakatan killer Hadi

FOOLISH PAS: Don't blame Umno for hudud fiasco, blame Pakatan killer Hadi
‘PAS, we told you so - many times - didn't we? But did you listen?’
SRMan: Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar, are you really angry or pretending to be angry with Umno's 'game of hudud'?
Can't you all see that from the start, it was a trap laid by Umno to lure your party into their game.
You, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and the gang of ulama were so confident that Umno would lend its support when the hudud bill matter is tabled in Parliament later, you idiots foolishly walked into it.
Pakatan Rakyat is now dead and your party looks to be played out by Umno again. And you guys still don't see it?
As I commented before, one party looks up hoping to go to heaven while the other looks up, hoping for money to fall from the sky. How can you both work together?
Ablastine: PAS ulama, you should know that your usefulness to Umno has ended when you lost your ability to cause further damage to the opposition coalition.
It is also good that the opposition coalition has seen through your colours early enough and has conveniently ejected you from the equation of power.
The coalition is now leaner and meaner without having to accommodate all the ridiculous demands from the two-headed snake of PAS named Hadi.
Hadi Awang
FairMind: Indeed, a huge part of the blame has to go to Hadi, and not only the BN government. He was the one who led PAS members to believe that hudud could be implemented by circumventing the Federal Constitution through a private member’s bill in Parliament.
If you are angry, be angry with your president who misled you and make PAS look like a fool.
Anonymous #07988903: PAS thought they could play a game of upmanship against Umno Malay MPs by forcing them to take a stand on the hudud issue.
But they will not be taken for that ride. It is one issue that will not benefit them by voting either way.
PAS is so clouded and blinded, thinking that by implementing hudud it will make them more religious than other believers.
Yet what former PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu say is right. It is about moral character, not the outward display that is more important. For such ignorance, Hadi is paying the price and caused the break-up of Pakatan.
Hearty Malaysian: It may appear the ulama faction of PAS acted stupid or they were really stupid, but actually it was pure politics of greed.
We can't rule out Umno has schemed this with Hadi to break Pakatan as well as to sideline the progressive faction of PAS; for it is obvious the progressive faction is a threat to Hadi, at least in his crooked mind, if not real.
Common Good of Society: PAS has proven itself to be untrustworthy when it betrayed DAP and PKR by trying to form a unity government with Umno.
Now you have lost everything - you've lost your dignity and your trustworthiness. It's alright to be angry, and you deserved it.
NewMalaysia: I must say thank you to Umno for screwing PAS. But despite the dead of Pakatan, it is actually a blessing in disguise.
Without PAS and its hudud agenda, I'm sure the new coalition that is going to be form without PAS will be much stronger and accepted by many more Malaysians.
PAS, together with Hadi, is now on self-destruct mode. It’s time for those progressive PAS members to abandon this sinking ship.
Onyourtoes: It all boils down to PAS, either being stupid or corrupted. PAS thinks it can do business with Umno and BN because it wants its hudud.
See now, PAS not only is unable to get its hudud but also has destroyed Pakatan. How can we ever forgive this group of nincompoops. You fellows are the curse of this country.
Asitis: PAS, we told you so - many times - didn't we? But did you listen? No, you were too obsessed with hudud that you fail to see what was obvious to everybody.
Datuk Mahfuz Omar
But, thanks to Umno, PAS’ true colours were revealed and now the uneasy coalition that was Pakatan is over.
Now, those who sincerely want to move on with the work towards a better Malaysia for all can do so unhindered by PAS' backward-looking ulama. Thank you, Umno.
Pemerhati: PAS was useful to Umno because Hadi and his cohorts were Umno’s Trojan horse in the Pakatan alliance.
But now PAS is no more in the alliance and hence it is of no use to Umno as it cannot create any more mischief on behalf of Umno.
Now PAS under Hadi’s leadership is as much a nuisance to Umno as it was to Pakatan, and hence Umno will either ignore PAS or tell it to go on its own way.
Np: It is good that Hadi and company have a taste of betrayal. This is called retribution. - M'kini

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