
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 13, 2015


And if you whack Islam of course I can whack Christianity and call it a silly religion. That is what you get for terrorising me. Fook your ‘turn the other cheek’ dogma. I prefer ‘an eye for an eye’. In fact, I will take two eyes for the one eye you poke me in.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
A terrorist is someone who terrorises others. That is how the word came about. So, if you terrorise me then you are a terrorist. And terrorise means to scare, frighten, threaten, intimidate, bully, etc., someone.
Okay, are we now clear about what terrorist means (because I find that many of you Malays, Chinese, Indians and ‘lain-lain’ use that word without even understanding what it means)?
Most of you think that a terrorist is only someone who carries a gun or bomb. That is not true. You do not need to carry a gun or bomb to be a terrorist. You can even be holding a Bible or a Qur’an and have a smile on your face and still be a terrorist.
Yesterday I was walking with my grandchildren along Piccadilly Gardens near Arndale in Manchester and I met a few terrorists. (By the way, see the picture below of the happenings in that area). These terrorists did not carry any guns or bombs. They did not even carry a Bible or Qur’an. But they were terrorists nevertheless.
They were screaming and condemning atheists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the tens of thousands of different Christian ‘churches’. In short, they were terrorists because they were tying to scare people.
Yes, if you think the Muslims are bad try totalling up the tens of thousands of rival Christian groups who at one time used to kill each other but no longer do so mainly because killing in the name of God is no longer fashionable since they invented the Charleston in the 1920s.
That’s right, for 1,900 years Christians were killing each other and stopped doing so only recently since WWII while Muslims have been killing each other for only 1,600 years and yet the West make so much noise. Hypocrites! If Christians can kill each other for 1,900 years why must Muslims stop after just 1,600 years?
In fact, the Chinese Christians killed 20 million people during the Taiping Rebellion in China from 1850 to 1864. This rebellion was led by the Chinese brother of Jesus Christ, or so he claims, but we will probably know once we die whether he really was Jesus’s brother or not (or whether Jesus even existed in the first place).
Anyway, these terrorists along Piccadilly Gardens near Arndale in Manchester were telling us that if we do not follow Jesus and return to the true teachings of Christ then we are all going to hell. There are only two places, they said, heaven and hell — nothing in between. And all those who follow Christ would be saved and would go to heaven while all the rest are going to hell.
So you see, they were trying to scare us. They wanted to frighten us. They were terrorising us. Hence that made them terrorists. And their weapon is not guns and bombs but Jesus Christ. Hence Jesus is a terrorist weapon that can be used to scare the shit out of you.
Teresa Kok is a terrorist. She frightens people who try to impose dress codes by calling them Muslims who are trying to impose Islam on non-Muslims. This scares these people who fear that they may be branded as Muslim radicals so they withdraw that dress code and apologise. Now you can walk almost naked (I said ‘almost’ naked) into a government department if you wish (although you must observe dress codes when you go to the Selangor Club, Lake Club, Press Club, etc., to get drunk or else you will get chased out).
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a terrorist. He is terrorising Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Singapore had Lee Kuan Yew as its Mentor Minister. Malaysia has Dr Mahathir as its Tormentor Minister.
Those who frighten Muslims who wish to implement the Islamic Sharia laws are also terrorists. They threaten Muslims and make them fear losing Chinese support (and hence losing the elections) if they persist with their Islamic agenda. So PAS became divided between those who fear God and those who fear losing the elections and now the party is in deep shit.
Those who fear God, of course, support the party while those who do not fear God but fear losing the elections are contemplating leaving PAS to form a new liberal party or to join DAP or PKR. So you see, terrorists can even make you turn your back on God in favour of winning elections. Such is the power of terrorism.
Terrorists are not born. Terrorists are made. And it is you and me who turns these people into terrorists.
For example, when some people in Mekah chose to follow Prophet Muhammad they were terrorised by those who opposed Prophet Muhammad. So they were forced to leave Mekah and migrate to Medina and other places and soon banded together into a fighting force to return to Mekah to conquer it by military force.
If these people had just been allowed freedom of religion then the Muslims would not have turned militant and today Muslims would not have been groomed into becoming fighters.
The West tried to conquer Afghanistan since hundreds of years ago so the Afghans were forced to fight back. After centuries of fighting they became one of the best fighters in the world. And then they were called terrorists when in fact they were the ones being terrorised by the West.
Then Russia conquered Afghanistan and this, too, forced the Afghans to fight back. But they did not make much progress against the better-trained and better-equipped Russian military.
The United States then told Pakistan to help train and equip the Afghan students in Pakistan (Taliban means students) and then send them back to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. This time because of better training and more superior weapons the Afghan students won. Then we go and call these Afghan students a.k.a. Taliban terrorists. They were not terrorists. Instead they were being terrorised. The Russians were the terrorists.
So you see, when you persecute others you terrorise them and one day they will rise up and fight back. Then when they do you go and call them terrorists when it is you who is terrorising them.
So stop terrorising others. And stop terrorising me. You come into Malaysia Today and start terrorising me and then when I fight back you get angry. So what if I use four-letter words against you? Malaysia Today is my domain. Malaysia Today belongs to me. It is what in the 1990s we would call my homepage.
When I go to your home I need to observe your house rules. If you say I must take off my shoes then I must take off my shoes. If you say beef or pork is not allowed in your home then I must not take beef or pork into your home. If you say I must not insult your race or religion or use four-letter words in your home then I must not do so.
Your home, your rules.
In Malaysia Today I decide what happens. If you mock me or run me down or terrorise me then I can choose not to post your comment or post it and whack you back good and proper. I can say what the fook I like and there is nothing you can do about it because I own Malaysia Today and not you.
And if you whack Islam of course I can whack Christianity and call it a silly religion. That is what you get for terrorising me. Fook your ‘turn the other cheek’ dogma. I prefer ‘an eye for an eye’. In fact, I will take two eyes for the one eye you poke me in.

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