
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015


Yes, you can mock and laugh at other people’s beliefs but that does not mean your own beliefs are any less silly. Just as you can laugh at Pairin, I, too, can laugh at you. And there is more to laugh when it comes to you because you have even more and even sillier beliefs.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Malaysia is the laughing stock of the whole world, said one Blogger in her Blog today. In fact, yesterday the UK media had a field day reporting a Malaysian Minister as saying that the recent earthquake on Mount Kinabalu in Sabah was because some naked climbers had angered the gods.
In short, all these people are laughing at Joseph Pairin Kitingan for suggesting that his community’s gods live on Mount Kinabalu and that if you climb Mount Kinabalu you must do so with decorum and if you do not then the gods will get angry and will cause an earthquake that will kill people — even though those killed were not the same people who striped naked.
Yes, this story does sound silly, does it not? You just can’t imagine that someone of the stature of Pairin would believe in such nonsense. And to think that at one time Sabah actually entrusted him to run the state as the Chief Minister.
Well, it would sound silly only to pompous Asses who think that they are so clever while everyone else is stupid. It would sound silly only to people who think that their beliefs are true while all other beliefs are stupid. And you would laugh at other people’s ‘silly’ beliefs only if you have no respect for their beliefs while you expect others to respect your beliefs.
You may think that Pairin is downright stupid for believing that his gods who live on Mount Kinabalu can get angered by people who strip naked on the mountain and would trigger an earthquake that will kill people. Well, silly or not, it is no sillier that some of your own beliefs.
I mean can you imagine some people believing that the Bible is the word of God? They will place their left hand on the Bible and will raise their right hand and will swear whatever it is they are swearing. That is the silliest thing I can ever think of and yet many people do this and then laugh at Pairin.
And what about those people who say that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for our sins and all that nonsense? They have no choice but to say that Jesus died for our sins or else how can they explain that a God can die? If Jesus is really a God or a Son of God then how could he die? So they fabricate this story about Jesus dying for our sins to support the story that he is the Son of God.
And these people who believe this poppycock have the cheek to laugh at Pairin. Absurd, is it not?
And what about all those people who believe the story about Moses parting the Red Sea and Noah building a small wooden boat to save all the animals, plants, birds, etc., in this world and then they all live in that small wooden boat for a year while the whole world is flooded just a few thousand years ago?
And all those people who believe this are the same people who are laughing at Pairin.
So you see, all you people who are laughing at Pairin believe in laughable things as well. Just as you laugh at Pairin we can also laugh at you. How can you believe in all these ridiculous stories? And while you laugh at Pairin did you not think that we could laugh at you as well? Your beliefs are just as stupid.
I see many Christians laughing at Muslims regarding God’s laws (e.g. Hudud) and the 72 virgins and so on. Christians think they are cleverer than Muslims and yet they believe that Jesus was born from a virgin mother. If you think that believing in 72 virgins is stupid then what about believing that a virgin woman who has never had sex can give birth?
Yes, you can mock and laugh at other people’s beliefs but that does not mean your own beliefs are any less silly. Just as you can laugh at Pairin, I, too, can laugh at you. And there is more to laugh when it comes to you because you have even more and even sillier beliefs.

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