
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 14, 2015

NAJIB'S 1MDB SKIN HIGHER THAN SULTANS? Royal 'whacking' shows Najib's ready for DESPERATE STEPS

NAJIB'S 1MDB SKIN HIGHER THAN SULTANS? Royal 'whacking' shows Najib's ready for DESPERATE STEPS
The latest and yet again unprecedented demeanor of an UMNO Minister is justifiably angering Malaysians. It is time that Datuk Seri Najib’s regime was told in no uncertain terms to stop this hooliganism and shape up or simply ship out.
What right has a politician to threaten our royalties?
The Culture and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz’s street-bully spat on the Johor Crown Prince HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim clearly reflects the Umno culture that is now beginning to rile even Johorians – the seat of Umno’s birth.
Barisan Nasional leaders and members must be told too that this is not a drama to be watched from the sidelines because things have just gone too far and it now is seemingly even threatening our nation’s sovereign rulers' status too.
We Malaysians have always been taught, reminded and have learnt well to display respect to our Sovereign Rulers. So the Umno minister’s threat dished out against the royal member is now being seen as totally unacceptable by the loyal subjects of our Rulers.
He may have been motivated to shore his loyalty to his party president by defending the prime minister who is being engulfed with calls for his resignation, but citizens see Nazri’s outburst as an assault on the royalty.
Can you imagine? A minister – and one holding the portfolio of Culture Minsiter, chooses to dump our very culture of respect and forbearance as he lambasts the royalty with threats of risk getting “whacked”.
Not only that. Nazri warns, “we will hit you back”. And if that is not enough, he rubs it in real deep by saying that there will be “no respect for royalty”.
Hello YAB Minister, who do you think you really are? Well that sums up the very reaction from the outpouring of disgust from subjects of the Johor royalty. In fact, citizens across the nation are revolting going by their comments and unforgiving stance rained on the minister through the on-line blogs and news portals and social media.
Sultan Ibrahim grants an audience to Najib on the occasion of the conferment of the DMN from the king on the Johor ruler at Istana Bukit Serene on March 2, 2015
By the way, what is this Umno mantra about keeping out of politics? Since when did politics become the sacred domain of ministers and political parties?
If it is, going by the Umno politicians repeated rebuttals of asking others to keep out of politics, then it is safe to say that Umno is not a democracy by a tyrannical regime or dictatorial cartel of sorts.
It is too late for the minister to slip back. He has offended not only the royal household but has insulted all of the rulers’ subjects. Period.
Today it may be the Johor Sultanate. Tomorrow it could very well be another royal household that will be stepped upon and humiliated. Malaysians will never live with such behavior of politicians and political parties.
Yes no one is above the law. But it is not our culture, Mr. Minister to publicly give a press statement threatening the royalty with gangster-language. What else could it be when you said, “We will whack him”?
The prime minister and as Party President, Najib must take responsibility. He must respond and continue to pretend that he did not hear this or quietly work behind the curtains trying to sooth frayed nerves.
For as long as one of his men publicly attached our Royalty, Najib must publicly respond and be seen to be taking desive action on such errant and badly behaving lieutenants of his. Failing which, the entire bandwagon of Umno ministers must take responsibility and face the back lash from the citizens come the next General Elections.
And just in case Nazri backtracks and licks his inured paws, he better be forewarned too. This is no small matter and the Johorians will never, ever, betray their Rulers.
And on that same note, will the Inspector General of Police tweet an arrest directive on the minister for insulting the royal household and thereby posing a threat to the nation's security? - MAILBAG

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