
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 15, 2015

No PM, the EC will prove Mahathir wrong

FREE YOURSAY ‘Fifty-three percent of voters at GE13 did not vote for Umno-BN.’

Najib: People will prove Dr M wrong in next polls            

Kingfisher: There is little doubt among many Malaysians that the Umno-led BN will win the next and perhaps a number of future elections. There is any number of possible reasons for such outcomes.

However, Malaysian elections are also viewed and criticised by some as not indicative of a genuine referendum arising from an equitable delineation of constituencies encompassing the whole population.

The last election resulted in a minority government in total electoral votes. One of the many ways to ensure accountable and ethical governance minus abuses in this country is to exercise referendums on major issues.

The results will surprise even Umno and will most assuredly lead to a better future for the country.

Why not have referendums on corruption in governance, on declaration of assets of political leaders and public officials, on independence of the judicial system, neutrality of the instruments and agencies of internal security?

Whatsup: Correction, Mr Bugis Warrior, it should be the Election Commission (EC) which will prove Dr Mahathir Mohamad wrong, not the people.

Fifty-three percent of voters at GE13 did not vote for Umno-BN.

Vgeorgemy: Indeed Najib, you are in Putrajaya not because the majority voted for you but the gerrymandering of parliamentary constituencies by the subservient institution, the EC.

And EC’s game is almost up after its debacle in the Sarawak demarcation exercise.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Dissolve Parliament and seek the people's mandate if you are so confident. Do it now. Why pretend that you have the support of the people when your party got a pathetic 47 percent of the popular vote.

The people are fed up with the rising costs of living, the misguided Goods and Services Tax (GST), the constant petrol price increases, stagnant wages, the endemic corruption, wastage, abuses and misfeasance of your administration.

You, your wife and cronies seem oblivious to this since all of you are decidedly living beyond your means. Stop thinking that the rakyat are stupid all the time.

The opposition may be in disarray over the hudud issue thanks to Umno's manipulation of PAS but at least they are not as corrupt as the Umno-BN establishment that is bent on leading this country to rack and ruin.

It is laughable for Najib to talk about loyalty and the party interest when in 2008/2009, he was instrumental in forcing then PM Pak Lah (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) to resign at the behest of Mahathir. Now history repeats itself.

Negarawan: What exactly have these two leaders - Najib and Mahathir - done for the country? It is a fact that Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew had more achievements than all the PMs of Malaysia combined.

In attacking Najib, Mahathir is behaving like he is an angel. All it takes to debunk Mahathir is to go up Gunung Jerai in his home state, and one can see his failed multibillion Pulau Bunting project. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Umno has done enough damage to the country's economy and racial/religious unity. This country is not Umno's playground. The rakyat deserves a better government and must insist on it.

Otherwise, we will be moving backwards when neighbouring countries such as Singapore move forward.
Fairnsquare: It is good to see the PM come out fighting. He has two years to prove himself. While Mahathir's concerns of the 1MDB can be appreciated, his reasons and call for the resignation of the PM are truly overboard.

The PM's popular bid to remove the Sedition Act was thwarted by Mahathir's instigation of Umno to rebel against the PM, giving him no avenue but to renegade on his promise. This was meant to dampen his popularity.

When the PM gave in, Mahathir then zoomed in on 1MDB. Why did he wait for five years before reacting? One wonders.

Anonymous_1431347091: Najib, you may have been elected by your party to lead, but the people did not elect you to be the PM. 1MDB is a scourge inflicted on the rakyat, and you’re the head of 1MDB advisory board.

We are perturbed by the stories swirling around the (mis)management of 1MDB. So many questions have been asked - and not just by Mahathir - on the alleged financial shenanigans in 1MDB.

None of you have come forth with any clear and credible answers. If you think that you will get away with it - think again, and again.

Justine Gow: An honourable PM would know that it is time to step down when he lost the trust of the people even if he or she had been "democratically elected".

He should get into his head that his party had less than 50 percent of the popular votes in the last general election and that his popularity as PM has been eroding rapidly in the last several months.

He can talk until the moon turns blue, but the only real way to prove that he is still wanted by Malaysians as PM is to call a snap election now.

Sirach: Najib sounds so righteous and hard done by. But while no sane Malaysian thinks Mahathir has no skeletons in his closet, most Malaysians also don't buy into Najib's spin.

Najib has much to answer for on 1MDB and he has thus far failed miserably to give any credible answers. Until he does, his reputation will remain pretty much where it is - in the pits.

Mahathir's reputation, contrary to what Najib says, will be considerably embellished by his role in unearthing the truth about 1MDB, if it proves to be the colossal debacle that it appears to be.

It will be a shining postscript to the otherwise dubious legacy of the Mahathir years.

Sleepy: I am not a supporter of Mahathir, but I am more than 56 years. My point is, I can't change the past and that is why my interest is the current PM and cabinet.
Mahathir has made many policy mistakes but what irks me more is that these policy mistakes remain despite having a decent opposition.   --Mkini

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