
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015

Only in Msia – Gold medalist slammed for showing ‘aurat’

Proud achievement of local gymnast Farah Ann is marred by nasty remarks from Muslims that she was exposing her ‘aurat’.
Farah Ann Abdul Hadi
PETALING JAYA: Instead of receiving heaps of congratulations for her flawless floor routine that earned her a gold medal, Malaysian SEA Games gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi was hurled with a stream of insults instead from Muslims shocked that her costume did nothing to shield her bare legs from the prying eyes of the world.
A photo of her uploaded on Bulletin TV3’s official Facebook page, showed a beaming Farah Ann unfortunately flanked by ugly comments left by Facebook users condemning her for exposing her ‘aurat’.
One Addieputra Jentayu posted: “Konfuse aku dgn org2 islam skrg ini…x tahu mana islam mana bkn islam…pasal corak pakaian kita skrg lebih teruk dari yg bkn beragama islam dlm bab menutup auratnya” (I am confused with Muslims today… can’t tell who is Muslim and who isn’t… because the choice of clothes of some Muslims is worse than that of non-Muslims when it comes to covering our skin).
Haku Ibalayuh also left an unsavoury message, saying, “Saya mendoakan adik farah ini menutup aurat satu hari nanti dan bertaubat” (I pray that Farah will cover her aurat one day and repent).
Zul Na’im meanwhile said, “ceit bual malu je” (you have embarrassed us) while Syarifah Intan asked, “Mmg syarat berpakaian ahli gimnastik mcm ni ke?” (Are all gymnasts required to dress like this?)
Equally aghast at Farah Ann’s costume was Sarina Rahman who asked, “ni betul ke peserta dari msia.. ? tak kan tak bole pakai legging ke? adoiiii” (Is this really a Malaysian participant? Couldn’t she have worn leggings? Oh dear!)
Many other Muslims however did stand up for Farah Ann. Among them was Zul Dwi who wrote: “cuba lah kauorg masuk gimnastik pakai tudung..pakai baju kurung..blh ke…” (Why don’t all of you try performing gymnastics wearing your headscarves…baju kurung… is that possible?)
Sounding equally annoyed at the all the negative comments was Mohd Faiz who said, “Banyak sangat taliban melayu ‘muslim’ kat malaysia.” (There are too many Malay Muslim ‘Taliban’ in Malaysia)
Hafidz Baharom meanwhile said to Farah Ann, “Congratulations for making the country proud. Don’t worry so much about the idiots. You did us all proud.”

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