
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015

Systemic Breakdown ataupun "system yang sudah breakdown"

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What does this 1MDB fiasco really mean? It is the eventual culmination of a 'systemic' breakdown. 

In other countries (say Thailand, UK, South Korea, Singapore etc) the entire Cabinet could have been kicked out by their own party, forced to resign by the Parliamentarians, thrown out of office by the people or something like that. We have seen this happening in Thailand, South Korea, Greece and other countries.

But not in Malaysia. The party dare not throw out the top guy because of the loss of patronage. Money.

The Cabinet Ministers will not resign in protest because of the system of patronage. Money again.

The government machinery will not protest also because they dont want to lose their jobs. Plus, they dont want to lose opportunities to get cushy jobs, gomen contracts, projects etc after their retirement or for their children. Money.

So everyone just shuts down and says 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'. 

It is a complete breakdown of the system. 

Our system is based on a very good template. There is little or no difference between our system of government and say Singapore, UK, Australia or India. 

Every five years we have an opportunity to choose our government. We have a similar Civil Service hierarchy, a very, very similar legal system, judiciary etc. The systems are the same.

But we are closer to India in being a society that condones corruption. Close one eye, or both eyes.   We are far, far from say a Singapore, UK, South Korea or Australia.

So what gives? I think it is the culture and the traditions. We have extremely weak cultural and traditional values.  Our cultures and our traditions do not create a higher order society.

And in corruption, there is great unity among all races in the country. All our races are 100% united when it comes to being corrupt.

We may not like each other on the basis of skin colour, language, religion, race etc. But when it comes to corruption, it is back slapping, hand shaking, dangduting, yam senging jolly good fun all the way. Forget about race, religion, skin colour, language etc. Corruption unites us. There is great multi racial, multi cultural Malaysian team spirit in corruption.  

The division of corruption used to be racially divided.  The Chinese were always the givers because they are the ones who needed the approval for the condo project, approval for the factory, approval for the foreign workers, foreign maids etc. The Malays were on the other side of the counter, at the receiving end.

But that too has changed.  Now the givers and takers are anyone and everyone. 

In India, they often have to bribe their Civil Service bosses to get a promotion. This is a very common occurence.  Let me share an old story. A young guy in India (who was a State hockey player there) got a job as a Government Health Inspector. It was a low level job. But the whole family celebrated, with nasi beriani and all.

The reason being the job could make plenty of side income - they told me this with much pride. As a Health Inspector the young man could check on restaurants, factories, hotels etc. He could get bribes from unhygienic establishments who had flouted the law.  So the young guy could start earning corrupt money. 

If he wants to get a promotion - to go higher - he must pay his bosses to promote him. The bosses also know that once promoted he can make even more money from corruption. So they take a cut up front.

To my utter shock I was told just a few days ago that this practise has now come to Malaysia. It is found in a certain service. To go up a certain rung you have to pay RM50,000.  The bosses know the lower rung can pay that amount because that is the 'collection' they can get at the lower rung.  

I was told bosses in the same service also take money for transfers. Because if you are transferred from the 'jaga rumput' department to the 'jaga orang' department, surely your money collection will be higher. So, pay up front to the bosses a little.

If this is becoming common in this service, soon it will spread (if it has not already) to other departments and branches of gomen. 

Watch out folks. We really need to change plenty of things. 

Now here is that newsreport again about that Special Branch leak which exposed the finding that 80% of our border enforcement officers are corrupted. This issue came to light after the Rohingya Death Camps issue.  This is from the Straits Times S'pore but it was originally reported in the New Straits Times :

Royal Malaysia Police officers in Perlis. An official report says many border enforcement officers and security personnel are on the payroll of syndicates that deal with weapons, drugs and human smuggling. 

80% of border officers in Malaysia corrupt'

Damning Special Branch report based on 10 years' undercover surveillance Investigations have revealed that human trafficking rings in Malaysia and Thailand were operating with official collusion. Reports from both sides of the border have highlighted the extent of such collusion.

Jun 04, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR - Eighty per cent of law enforcement officers and security personnel manning Malaysia's borders are corrupt, according to a damning report

The findings by the Special Branch - which provides intelligence to enforcement agencies - are based on 10 years of undercover surveillance and intelligence gathering at border checkpoints as well as enforcement agencies across Malaysia, the New Straits Times (NST) newspaper reported.

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he plans to ask the Cabinet to put the military in charge of border security to stem the problem "once and for all".

He told NST: "I cannot tolerate this... 

I think this is berlakon sangat. Very poor acting.

Here is the "stranger than fiction" part - 10 years undercover surveillance !! Why wasnt any action taken over 10 long years of surveillance? One guy said (the deputy or someone) that the death camps were not detected because they were located on the hilltops and our security patrols do not reach the hilltops. What kind of a tiga-suku answer is that? 

It took 10 years to conduct surveillance of corrupt border officials ?? This does not sound right at all.  

And the Minister has disputed the 80% figure. He says it is NOT 80% corrupted officials.   So what is the real figure I wonder? 90%?? 100% ??

Then here is an earlier report (February 2015??) about corrupted Immigration officers in Sabah :

Graft probe involving Sabah immigration officers widens

KOTA KINABALU: Graft-busters are widening their investigations into an immigration scam here following the arrests of four Pakistanis and seven immigration personnel of the Sabah Immigration department.

The latest arrest was of a 37-year- old senior immigration officer on Thursday. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) investigators had picked up five of the Immigration department staff – including a woman clerk – from their Lahad Datu office on Monday.

This was followed up by the arrest of four Pakistanis on Wednesday.

They were suspected of being involved in the sale of long term social visit passes to Pakistanis on the basis of non-existent marriages to locals.
Immigration, Police, name it they are all corrupted.

The question is how far up the ladder does this NOT go? I am taking the "guilty until proven innocent" approach.  

There is more. There are now many illegal gambling joints. Video game gambling, electronic slot machines etc. I was told (by the same source) that many taxi drivers spend their time and money at these joints.

They lose money and end up borrowing from the ah longs. Their families suffer. Lives are destroyed.    The ah longs may even be behind these illegal gambling joints, ready to provide money to feed the gambling habit.

So folks, this is beyond 'close one eye'. Obviously there are people who are part of the racket. You dont need 10 years surveillance to know there is a serious problem. The question is exactly how far up the ladder does this NOT go? 

The discovery of the Rohingya death camps only confirms what has been long known by the United Nations and other countries. Malaysia is now at the top in human trafficking. This is from the UK's Guardian newspaper. Berita lama. 

The US has downgraded Malaysia to the lowest ranking in its annual human trafficking report, relegating the southeast Asian nation to the same category as Zimbabwe, North Korea and Saudi Arabia. The move could result in economic sanctions and loss of development aid.

Malaysia's relegation to tier 3 in the US state department's Trafficking in Persons (TiP) report – published on Friday – indicates that the country has categorically failed to comply with the most basic international requirements to prevent trafficking and protect victims within its borders.

Alamak - kita sama taraf dengan Zimbabwe and Saudi Arabia !! Isnt Saudi Arabia our nincompoop's favorite cleansing destination?

This has been going on for 10 years at least, because that is how long that surveillance was conducted.  (I am just repeating what has already been said ok). 

There is no way these things can happen without people knowing about it. The question is exactly how far up the ladder does this NOT go

Folks, this is a complete breakdown in the system. It is getting worse.  

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