
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 15, 2015

UMNO THE REAL KING? Royal families just a tool to be used & the Malays fools to fall for it

UMNO THE REAL KING? Royal families just a tool to be used & the Malays fools to fall for it
‘The royal families are just a convenient tool for Umno.’

Discovery: This is the true colour of Umno. The royal families are just a convenient tool for Umno to achieve its political objectives.

During the recent Selangor MB crisis and Perak power grab in 2008, the royal families were treated with utmost respect.

Now Umno, sensing that Johor's royalty cannot be brow beaten, begins to show its fangs and dare to even “whack” the crown prince, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

Abasir: Culture and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, being the coward you really are, you are choosing which royal family to attack. Obviously, you think Johor is easy meat.

When the Selangor royalty made political comments during the Umno-engineered MB standoff, we did not hear a squeak from you.

So it is not an issue of the royalty commenting on the stench of Umno politics, it is what they say - in favour or against - the ‘crooks’ running the country.

Martin Heidegger: Look Nazri, when the Pahang sultan was praising PM Najib Razak sky-high, you kept your mouth shut. But when the Johor crown prince spoke unfavourably of your boss, you went hysterical.
Peter Kandiah: Indeed, why the selective warning? Nazri, when such acts favour Umno you and the other top BN brass remain or pretend to be dumb. You don't even lift a finger - literally speaking.

Anonymous_1378093545: This is the beginning of the end. The Johor prince is the first to rightly stand up for the people. The rest of the royalty must surely follow suit as they are above politics and here for the people.

They cannot turn a blind eye to the atrocities happening now for if they do, they will be considered party to the injustices.

Abdul Kadir Jasin: Nazri has emerged as Najib's number one and probably the most credible defender and protector.

What many do not know is that the relationship between the two goes back many decades and they know each other intimately. For that and other less known reasons, Nazri knows his support means a lot to Najib.
For those reasons too, Nazri is probably among the ministers least likely to be affected by any reshuffle.

As for the rulers and their families, I believe they know that their immunity under the constitution applies only "to the performance of their official duties".

Wira: Whacking the crown prince? Shouldn't Nazri be subjected to the same amended sedition law formulated by Umno, which was applicable to others?

Muted Rakyat: Nazri is not a minister I like (in fact, none of the cabinet members are). But this time I fully agree with him.

Those in the royal families who want to dabble into politics or speak on education or legislation, please first withdraw yourselves from the royal brand.

You either be a royal member or a politician. You don't get to play both role. Not in Malaysia, at least that's what I hope.

RCZ: The prince is a citizen of Malaysia and can speak his mind over an issue that is bothering the entire rakyat. Like the Johor crown prince, we have also said that Najib has plenty to hide and hence did not attend the ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum.

I don't think this in anyway political but an issue of possible corruption. And I agree with all the posts here. Nazri is threatening a man and a royal at that. Why nothing is done against him?

Odin Tajué: I am not too sure if the crown prince has meddled in politics. The billions in losses incurred by 1MDB is business and not politics.

The crown prince was merely pointing out that if Najib had nothing to hide, then he should have made himself available to answer queries or to offer explanations.

His Highness was commenting on something to do with business. He did not comment on something to do with, say, the Election Commission's favourite pastime of gerrymandering.

If you as a politician do not want members of the royalty to criticise you for your shortcomings that have to do with business, then you should not be involved in business but stick to politics only.

The government ought to deal with governing the country and not be involved in business. The main reason Malaysia is a failed state is that politicians in the government are all too busy tending to their businesses that they have scant time for proper governing of the country. Is that clear, Nazri?

Now learn some manners and behave yourself, you ill-bred yob. You have been most disrespectful to the crown prince. You ought to crawl on your front, grovel to him, kiss his feet, and beg for forgiveness.    

Bystander: I am proud of TMJ (Johor crown prince) for voicing his opinion. Sultans of the respective states should not keep quiet and act indifferently, especially when their subjects are been victimised and unfairly treated.

Such actions should not be construed as politicising but rather seen as noble. It only goes to show how serious the 1MDB debacle is that even the royalty have to speak out on the sidelines.

People of Selangor: I would suggest one of Sultan of Johor’s family members to join politics so as to correct all the problems that we are facing, especially the education system.

I fully support the Johor sultan who argued that our Malaysian education system should use English as medium to unite all Malaysians.

Anonymous_1419577444: Isn’t this ‘derhaka’? Perkasa? Isma? It sounds like royalty being threatened here? Shouldn't you do something about this? - M'kini

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