
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who's the bigger ‘crook’ - Najib or Dr M?

YOURSAY ‘Mahathir is right. It is better that the thieves be brought to book.’

Dr M: Crisis better than thieves stealing billions

Pemerhati: What PM Najib Razak and his gang of marauding and rampaging ‘thieves’ are doing is to borrow as many billions as they can by paying whatever ridiculously high rates and fees the happy lenders and the middlemen want and then siphon off some of it by devising various crooked schemes.

Some of the billions may have shown up in places like New York and Hollywood where Najib’s stepson (or Rosmah Mansor’s son from a previous marriage) has invested in movie production and real estate investment in excess of RM100 million.

Now all that money borrowed at ridiculous rates and terms will have to be paid from the country’s earnings and taxes such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) imposed on the people.

If we did not have such massive theft by Umno’s past and current leaders, the tens of billions could have been used for the people’s benefit such as toll-free roads, lower electricity rates, better health and education facilities and GST, which burdens the poor, would not be necessary.

Kingfisher: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has not been vague in his allegations of Najib's wrongdoing in the financial abuses of 1MDB. In fact Mahathir has been categorical.

Najib however has so far not succeeded in clearing his name in a dignified manner befitting a sitting prime minister.

Indeed, many would be depressed to acknowledge that the PM continues to give an indication that the nation is beholden to him to retain his leadership, notwithstanding the notorious scandal engulfing his leadership.

On an equally serious note, one is left wandering if this adamant attitude on right to leadership despite one's failing is symptomatic of a larger and more serious problem in the political and racial fabric of the nation.

All national institutions need to distemper this "beholden" stigma by responsibility before the nation is consumed by greed.

888: Who's the bigger crook? One who gives BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) to millions of poor rakyat, regardless of religion or race, provide free bus rides to millions of white, blue-collar workers rushing to work daily, give senior citizens 50 percent discount for LRT, Komuter and Rapid KL bus rides.

The other privatised highways to let his crony highwaymen collect fees from millions of wage-earning motorists and built white elephants. Luckily, the crooked bridge was not built or big money will again go to the cronies’ pockets.

CQ Muar: Najib, you blamed Mahathir for the "big mess" you're in. What could be bigger than the unexplained missing RM42 billion?
It’s time to come clean and stop evading the public with your trickery with more excuses, fabrications and lies. No one is convinced and not many will believe you, anyway.

Majority of the rakyat are not fools and can read your manipulations and intents, given the shambles 1MDB is in, and the complicities those billions have been juggled about. Your time is up, Najib.

Mushiro: Yes, billions stolen by thieves disguised as ministers and leaders. It has to be solved once and for all, and the only way is for Najib, the main suspect, to step down so that investigations can start. A suspected thief cannot initiate an investigation.                      

Tony_Cheung: Dr M cannot just simply accuse PM. If he has evidence to substantiate his allegations, please produce them, for example, proof of payment that 1MDB paid money to tycoon Jho Low and a signed confirmation from the bank that there is no US$1 billion in the BSI Bank’s account.

Otherwise, we really should wait for official report from the auditor-general and/or Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The issue is now further twisted and makes it looked as though 1MDB is losing RM44 billion, which is not the case. Actually, 1MDB has not lost RM44 billion. What it lost is the substantial amount of loan repayments that have to come from elsewhere because of the company’s lack of cash flow.

Temporarily, its current income is not able to cover the loans and other expenses. However, given time, they will be able to reverse this situation.

Additionally, because of this bad publicity, it is feared that Deutsche Bank may request for early settlement as 1MDB is not able to secure additional collateral.

We should refrain from speculating further pending the outcome of the auditor-general's findings, which will be available the latest by end June 2015.

NewMalaysia: Malaysia is technically bankrupt. BN already knew it’s beyond repair and they are covering up by manipulating public funds from Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Tabung Haji, KWAP (Civil Service Pension Fund) and window dressing the total debts figure by using all sorts of accounting and financial manoeuvres.

That's why you'll see now many companies being set up by the Finance Ministry to borrow huge amounts of money with the intention of avoiding direct debt, but in actual fact all these debts and loans are guaranteed by the government.

That's why the value of the ringgit has taken a nosedive against all major currencies.

Saphire: For once, I support Mahathir. If we allow those thieves to go on plundering our wealth, a crisis of unprecedented scale might happen.

It is better that the thieves be brought to book and the crisis resulted would be smaller in scale. Yes, go Mahathir, go. --Mkini

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