
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 19, 2015


Dr Mahathir has predicted that, under Najib, Barisan Nasional is going to lose the next general election. Dr Mahathir would never allow that to happen even if a few people have to die or he had to detain people without trial. That is why Dr Mahathir is a better prime minister than Najib.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“Najib has nobody to blame but himself for the attacks, given the country’s underlying economic distress. Dr Mahathir Mohamad transformed Kuala Lumpur’s skyline into one of the most impressive in Asia. Najib in contrast was getting nowhere in building on the legacy of Mahathir,” said Tokyo-based William Pesek, a Bloomberg View columnist.
“Since becoming prime minister in 2009, Najib should have worked to level Malaysia’s playing field for would-be entrepreneurs. Instead, he has protected race-based quotas and deepened the economy’s reliance on oil and gas production.”
“Najib seems to be more concerned about retaining power for his ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, which has been in power for almost six decades, than attending to the aspirations of Malaysia’s 30 million people.”
As they say, sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind and in this case I need to agree that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has achieved much for Malaysia while Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, as William Pesek said, is getting nowhere in building on Mahathir’s legacy.
My interaction with Dr Mahathir was as a committee member of the Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry and as an ‘operative’ with Dr Mahathir’s ‘Team A’ to bring down Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s ‘Team B’. (You can interpret ‘operative’ in any way you wish).
Anyway, this gave me a lot of insight into how Dr Mahathir thinks and works and why Black Ops is very crucial to political success. Basically, in politics we need to be Machiavellian and the end must justify the means. As they say, all is fair in love, war and the pursuit of political power. You do whatever it takes to win, fair means or foul, in the spirit of by hook or by crook.
In that sense I was trained by the best, as Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s father, Dr Wan Ismail a.k.a. Pak Wan who trained me can testify. I remember once back in 1999 Pak Wan shook my hand and said, “Tengku, you are good.” He was referring to a Black Ops that I was doing to smear Dr Mahathir’s name, which worked.
I blushed and replied, “A student is only as good as his teacher and you taught me everything I know. So if what I did worked then the credit has to go to you. You taught me all these dirty tricks.”
And this is Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s biggest failure. He does not know how to do Black Ops — or maybe he does but refuses to do it. Najib forgot how we forced him to support Dr Mahathir’s ‘Team A’, when he actually wanted to support Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s ‘Team B’, by blackmailing him with a gun to his head. Maybe Najib can talk to Zahid Hamidi regarding the meeting we had at the Coliseum CafĂ© in Kuala Lumpur back in 1987.
Zahid was then Najib’s political secretary and we plotted how to force Najib to support Dr Mahathir or else we would burn his arse and make sure he does not become the Umno Youth Leader and make sure that his political career would end in 1987. I will not go into details and instead will allow Zahid to give Najib these details — which I am sure Najib is not aware of because we never tell the boss about our Black Ops in the spirit of deniability.
In other words, when we do something dirty or illegal we never inform the boss about it in case we are discovered. When the boss does not know he needs not lie and it is easy to deny something you do not know compared to something you know. (We learned this from the Watergate scandal).
Let me give you an example. Do you think the Memali massacre of 19th November 1985 was a spontaneous incident or an ‘accident’? Eighteen people died in the massacre, PAS leader Ibrahim Libya included. And it was planned that people would have to die.
Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam handled that incident because Dr Mahathir was supposed to have been out of the country although, according to Musa, Dr Mahathir was in his office monitoring everything.
Since 1982 PAS had been transforming itself from the image of a Malay nationalist party to that of an Islamist party because, as a Malay nationalist party, it was losing support. After reverting to an image of an Islamist party in 1982 PAS won five parliament seats and 15% of the Malay votes in the general election held that same year.
PAS had now become a real danger to Umno under the new leadership of Yusuf Rawa so something had to be done to neutralise that party. Then, in the 1986 general election, soon after the 1985 Memali massacre, PAS got wiped out and that solved one major problem for Dr Mahathir.
Okay, maybe 18 people had to die, four of them police personnel, but that is a necessary evil and part of Blacks Ops — the end justify the means, all is fair in love, war and politics, etc.
Then, in 1987, Dr Mahathir got the new Umno Youth Leader, Najib, and the MCA Deputy President, Lee Kim Sai, to do a wayang kulit by quarrelling in public regarding Chinese education and Chinese schools. Threats of another ‘May 13’ were uttered and Dr Mahathir ‘restored order’ by launching Operasi Lalangon 27th October 1987.
A total of 119 people were detained under Operasi Lalang but Najib and Lee Kim Sai, the creators of the problem, were not. Strange is it not? The two who almost started May 13 Version 2 were spared while 119 others were arrested.
Anyway, that helped distract people from an even more important and bigger problem — which is that Umno was split into two and was about to die. So Operasi Lalang and bringing Malaysia to the brink ofMay 13 Version 2 helped save Umno from extinction.
Pak Wan, my mentor, put it succinctly when he said, “Dr Mahathir is a doctor. When you go to see a doctor about a knee problem he will hit you on the head with a hammer so that your headache can distract you from your knee problem.” Pak Wan was joking, of course, but I know what he meant. We need to use WMD: weapon of mass distraction.
And this is why Najib is a failure and cannot match Dr Mahathir. Now, if I were in charge of Najib’s Black Ops, I would know exactly what to do. I was, after all, trained by Dr Mahathir’s chief psy-war expert, Pak Wan.
I mean I could easily arrange for a carload of Chinese to drive past a mosque one Friday and shoot dead a few Malays in prayer. That would cost only a few million ringgit to organise. I would then arrange for a group of Malays in skullcaps and Arab gear to mengamuk and start killing Chinese in retaliation.
Malaysia would erupt into May 13 Version 2 and the Chinese would hate PAS and the Malays would hate DAP. That would be the end of Pakatan Rakyat and the Malays would all rally behind Umno. Najib would then take tough action by detaining without trial all the troublemakers — mainly PAS, DAP and PKR leaders.
People would demand that the Internal Security Act be brought back and that the government enforce the Sedition Act against all those who threaten the security of the country — mainly PAS, DAP and PKR leaders.
Yes, in that sense Najib is weak. As what Dr Mahathir said a few days ago, sometimes it is necessary to suspend democracy to prevent evil people from doing harm to the country. Dr Mahathir would use Memali and Operasi Lalang to frighten people into behaving. Najib is too weak and would not dare do such things.
Dr Mahathir has predicted that, under Najib, Barisan Nasional is going to lose the next general election. Dr Mahathir would never allow that to happen even if a few people have to die or he had to detain people without trial. That is why Dr Mahathir is a better prime minister than Najib.

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