
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 11, 2015


You were once Malaysia No 1 blogger with your all juicy political revelations from all your Deep Throats in Malaysia (despite you being physically in Manchester).
I was once an ardent supporter of you when you were jailed under ISA ( even bought a T-shirt in support).
You gained our great admiration when you risked your life by making a statutory declaration that Najib and Rosmah were involved in the brutal murder of Altantuya.
I still enjoy reading the stories in your website to gain a better understanding of Malaysian politics ( the history, the political structure, dirty dealings, money politics, betrayal/back-stabbing, etc). It’s a treasure trove and a must-read for anyone to gain insights into Malaysian politics.
It’s unbelievable to see you risking your life many times against Najib and Rosmah ( even running away from Malaysia to UK) to suddenly become their No 1 Supporter. The defining moment came after your “sell-out” interview in TV3. For Star Wars fans, it’s like seeing Anakin Skywalker being transformed to Darth Vader who now works for the Evil Emperor and Empress.
Malaysia is fast becoming a failed state due to massive corruption, abuse of power, deliberately-manufactured racial tensions and unpunished crimes. No matter how much spin/bullshit you are writing for Najib (your new paymaster), there are endless questions that remain unanswerered.
1MDB is without doubt - a vehicle to divert Malaysians’ hard-earned money to fund personal accounts, lavish life-styles, political funding, etc. All the major players ( especially Jay/Jho Low) involved in the illegal fund transfer have gone missing/hiding overseas. Why RUN when you have nothing to hide? 2.6 billion in PM’s personal bank account is not donation but 100% corruption. Any other explanation are all LIES.
The 6 months requested for 1MDB to put their house in order is another delaying tactic to keep investigators away until all the money trail is hidden. Until now, Jay/Jho Low’s role in 1MDB and the illegal money transfer to his company is never mentioned. Fortunately, we have the Sarawak Report
( credit to Clare) and the Edge to expose all these illegal activities.
The new AG, Apandi has rushed to clear 1MDB despite BNM’s findings ( full credit to Zeti) that there was clear basis for criminal prosecution. We will assume he has been “BOUGHT OVER” by the corrupt Najib regime until proven otherwise.
The Police ( especially the IGP ) are also assumed to have been “BOUGHT OVER” with their harassment of MACC officers, arrest of Khairuddin and Mathias Chang under SOSMA, etc. The failed IGP’s trip to Bangkok to interview Justo is malu big-time!
MACC remains a small beacon of hope if they are willing to press charges against Najib for the corrupt practices.
The Conference of Rulers decree is timely as even they “tak boleh tahan” on what’s happening in their country and clearly, the rakyat is suffering. The Johor royalty deserve the biggest credit for speaking out truthfully and for the sake of the people.
Dr M is partly responsible for all the ill-things happening in Malaysia ( he installed a Frankenstein) but we respect him for coming out at his old age of 90 years to speak out and make amends. Just imagine, things will be much worse if there’s no Dr M. Everything will be swept under the carpet!
There are so many things gone wrong in Malaysia. It will take a major political upheaval and perhaps decades of REAL change to have a honest government, independent and fair judiciary, police force and political system. I believe majority of Malaysians are REAL decent folks ( honest, diligent and respectful of race and religion) who wants REAL change in their beloved country, MALAYSIA.
We need REAL leaders who are genuinely concerned for the well-being of their citizens and can REALLY lead. There’s lack of strong leadership when we faced the world with MH 370 plane disaster with the repercussions felt till today. It’s a bloody joke when we have a “tidak-apa” attitude even after detecting an aeroplane making a turn back into our airspace. There’s no official approach on how to help the relatives who have lost their loved ones and just let everything being swept under the carpet.
We need REAL leaders who will work tirelessly to enhance the well-being of the rakyat and not jet-setting around in private jets with the self-declared FLOM. We need REAL leaders to come up with solutions to help the rakyat and not rushing to make foolish/ampu/bodek comments ( Salleh Keruak, Rahman Dahlan, Ku Nan- brainless idiots). Jamal and Ali Tinju should be thrown into jail and charged under Sedition Act. We malu big-time when the Chinese ambassador had to make a visit to Petaling Street to prevent racial riots.
Things will get worse for all the Rakyat who are facing a depreciating ringgit, GST and worsening global economy. It’s even appalling when we realize that our hard-earned money will be diverted to pay for someone’s personal shopping trip, overseas house/condo, lavish parties, etc.
So, RPK, what I learn from your website:
1) There’s no loyalty in politics. Your “deadly” enemy can be your good friend one day and vice versa.
2) Money talks in politics. Can buy loyalty and moral values like yourself. 2.6 billion can certainly do wonders.
3) Most politicians in Malaysia are in there for the money. Just get involved in any project, inflate the cost and the extra cash is yours.
Is this the Malaysia we wish to leave behind for our children? That we tell them that it’s OK to be corrupt. Join politics esp UMNO/BN and you get to be rich courtesy of tax-payers’ money.
In your recent article ( Why is Mathias Chang so upset?), you mentioned 5 ways to remove Najib. Actually there are 2 more ( total 7). I am sure you are smart or cunning enough to know these 2 extra options. Muhyddin, Zahid or any decent UMNO leaders ( Ku Li) with a conscience should step up NOW and offer themselves to be next PM and bring much needed changes and hope to the ailing nation.
As we all diehard Stars Wars fan await for the new movie, “The Force Awakens”, history has shown that GOOD will always prevail over EVIL. All those sinners will pay for their lies and evil deeds on Earth one fine day, if not in burning Hell.
When Najib falls, there will be punishments for all those who support him including yourself, so you better shift your loyalties in an honourable way ( like Darth Vader who saw the Evil Emperor killing Luke Skywalker and he intervened after his conscience spoke to him) so that you can come back to Malaysia as a hero instead of being called a “pariah/turncoat” blogger. - MAILBAG

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