
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 5, 2015


This is from the Malay Mail here.
Putrajaya ‘stupid’ for not endorsing Unified Examination Certificate, says S'wak CM
Wednesday November 4, 2015
- KUCHING — CM Adenan Satem blasted federal govt today on refusal to recognise Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) of Chinese schools
- a “stupid policy” detrimental to country’s growth
- failed to fully utilise young talents to the local labour force
- “Many countries and private universities all over the world give due recognition to UEC, but not Malaysia. What a waste,” he said
- “If we do not give recognition, then UEC graduates will go overseas to study and when they have graduated, they will stay back and work in those countries. This is what we call brain drain."
(Well now the red shirt ideology controls UMNO. The red shirt philosophy says let the Chinese grads stay outside the country. They can get Banglas, Indons and Mat Sallehs to work for them. If they need Chinese they can go to the GRO clubs.)
- “I do not care what Federal govt does. I recognise UEC,” he said
- praised Pakatan Harapan Selangor government for giving recognition to UEC
- unlike peninsular, many natives in S'wak send their children to Chinese schools
- “In some rural schools, 90 per cent of students are Malays and Dayaks, though the school board members are all Chinese,” he said
- “So, how can you disallow these students from entering local public universities, but you allow foreigners possessing other entry qualifications to come and study in Malaysia?
(Excellent point Tan Sri Adenan Satem. They allow terrorists from Islamic countries, "45 year old" Nigerian students, drug pushers from Iran, conmen from Pakistan etc with toilet paper qualifications to enrol in our universities. Our own citizens are not allowed.)
- “This is what I call a stupid policy,” he said
- State govt will stand up for Chinese Independent Schools as they do great service
- since becoming CM had given RM12m to Chinese Independent Schools in S'wak
- “I will give more fund in the years to come,” he said
- 'wak recognition of UEC for entry into civil service & Univ M'sia S'wak
- UEC holders would be accepted to study at UNIMAS
- would work with university senate to sort out technical details
- UEC holders with good grades accepted to study medicine
- UEC holders eligible for study loans from S'wak Foundation
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/putrajaya-stupid-for-not-endorsing-unified-examination-certificate-says-sar#sthash.5v0HetLp.dpuf
My comments : To my ketuanan friends please listen up. Right now the sekolah kebangsaan (gomen schools) which have turned their backs on English and promote a strongly religious indoctrination in all gomen schools are actually performing a great disservice to generations of Malay and non Malay school children.
Yesterday's news said that at Form 3 level in Malaysia, 87% of all students obtain grade 'D' and 'F' for Science and Mathematics.
Only 13% of 15 year olds in gomen schools pass Science and Mathematics.
In short, the sekolah kebangsaan are making our students stupid.
Our gomen schools are manufacturing stupid children.
Sebelum masuk sekolah anak-anak kita belum cerdik.
Bila dah habis sekolah depa kurang cerdik.
Can someone please go and check the Mathematics and Science scores at the Chinese schools?
To my ketuanan friends the only way to make the Chinese schools go away is by reverting the gomen schools back to the English based education system. And remove ALL religious indoctrination and religion based influences and activities in all schools.
Just like it was when my generation went to school in the 1970s and 1960s. And the generation before that in the 1950s, 1940s and 1930s.
In the 60s and 70s few Chinese sent their children to the Chinese schools. All sensible Chinese parents sent their kids to government English schools. The enrolment at Chinese and Tamil schools was very low.
Then beginning in the mid 70s, the gomen started messing with our education system. We began changing the teaching of all the school subjects in Malay. This was the single biggest mistake that has set back the country.
And the Malays have been set back by light years from the non Malays and the rest of the world. Somehow they do not seem to understand this. Sampai bila kita tak nak faham perkara ini? Sampai Hari Wesak ke? Public holiday?
(As I keep saying all that free money from Petronas all these decades have been used to overdose and lull the Malays and Muslims into believing that they are on the right path. Well sorry folks you are not on the right path. Now the oil money is drying up. Wake up.)
Then after the Liwat fellow came into power in the 80s and became Education Minister, there was a second wave of committing suicide - the 'jom-kita-jadi-Arab indoctrination in gomen schools. The tudung, the baca doa, the guru agama becoming the strongest influence in schools, overruling sports activities, banning singing, banning music, banning dancing, banning swimming trunks for boys, banning swim suits for girls, over regulating the girls etc etc.
The Chinese are always cleverer. They saw from very early on that the inmates were taking over the mental asylum. So they pulled their kids out of gomen school and sent them to their Chinese schools.
The Chinese also began investing heavily in Chinese schools. Chinese schools are multi storeyed, they have lifts and their classrooms are airconditioned. The standard of English in Chinese schools has also improved. Many teachers in Chinese schools have Masters degrees. Even teachers in Chinese kindergartens have Masters degrees.
Chinese schools have always had a strong emphasis on Mathematics and Science. Now they are also strong in English, debating, music and arts. A very well rounded education. Plus they teach strong discipline. These are all very lacking in the gomen schools. And they do not have religion in Chinese schools.
As Adenan Satem says, certainly the Chinese school system is producing hundreds of thousands of graduates who are contributing significantly to the nation. How else do you think the Chinese keep producing so much goods and services in the economy? Why else are the Chinese so wealthy (in such large numbers) compared to the others?
And yet the ketuanan guys want to abolish the Chinese schools. So that depa pun semua jadi sama taraf, sama-sama dunggu.
This is the goose that lays the golden eggs. Why do you want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? Yes you are stupid (as Adenan Satem says) but are you also mad?
I say switch the gomen schools back to English and remove religion from the education system. This is step 1. Improve the quality of teaching. Stop wasting money on blueprints and entah ape lagi. The Chinese students will enrol again in the gomen schools. - http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/

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