
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 5, 2015


Fairly recently I made a pit stop at an event where plenty of the hangouts and hangers on were present. These were the sway with the wind folks who will support whoever is in power.
One of them saw me and said, 'Hey Mahathir supporter'. I guess the guy is a moron supporter now. Not much choice for these folks.
Here is something interesting which I have already pasted onto my Blog. Actually an UMNO friend sent it to me :
It actually describes the country quite well.
Recently a researcher from an Aussie university interviewed me about Islam and Muslims in Malaysia etc. The person was very well informed about the country. It was a long meeting in a posh restaurant.
While we were in the restaurant, we noticed a sizeable lunch party at the joint, hosted by another group of those easy money hangouts. The hangouts had arrived before us and when we left three hours later, they were still going strong.
I guess not much work was achieved in their office that day. The rest of the country may be suffering from GST, tolls, Minimum Wages etc but not these folks. The wine was flowing as well. (It was a non halal restaurant - oops !!) More about them later.
Plain cheating but the politicos and Shariah guys say Allah approves
Among other things we discussed the Islamic banking con-job going on in our country. My Aussie friend said he was appalled to hear one bright 'Islamic banker' describe in detail how they go about "dressing up" conventional banking to make it look islamic. They have no sense of shame.
I explained the same shameless behaviour of the syariah guys. In the gold jewellery business, we buy used gold jewellery at a price less than that for new gold jewellery (it is called buy low sell high).
The syariah guys do not understand this concept of 'buy low sell high'. They say since it is all gold jewellery, there must be only one price for used gold jewellery as well as new gold jewellery. In other words buying price and selling price must be the same.
How to make profit lah woi? Dont worry the syariah guys say. Just charge the customer a 'management fee' (when you buy the old jewellery). How much should the management fee be? The difference in price between the old and new jewellery !!
But isnt that the same thing? The final effect in ringgit and sen is exactly the same.
Isnt that going around your head to touch your nose?
Isnt that being dishonest?
Isnt that cheating?
Are you seriously suggesting that Allah's laws have to be sneaky like this? I dont think so at all. This is man made bull. These are NOT Allah's laws at all.
Folks do you think the shariah guys (who buy and sell old jewelleries) will agree that they are cheating? No way. 'There is nothing wrong with what we are doing' will be their retort. They really do not know the difference. When they want to smell roses, they just sniff their sh*t.
Just like some morons who once sent me long theses to justify why paying three times the world market prices for cars is a good thing to do in Malaysia !!
By the same token go to your nearest mamak teh tarik shop and tell the mamak that you have got some revelation and that you will now willingly pay the mamak three times the price for your teh tarik.
Too many Muslims around the world and the Muslims here too of course are living in denial about their inability to coexist with other human beings in the modern world. They also cannot partake in the fantastic, modern Islamic wonder of living your life to the maximum.
Instead they tie themselves into satanic shackles (yes it is satanic, ajaran syaitan 100%) cause themselves infinite harm and destruction, poverty, foolishness, stupidity, violence, anger and just being everyday pain-in-the-a$$es and still have the temerity to say 'We are on the right path'.
The Jadong syndrome
This is beyond stupid. There is a term in Malay that says 'bodoh sombong'. Bodoh sombong means you are bodoh but you are so sombong that you do not know you are bodoh. 'Bodoh sombong' is a uniquely Malay saying that seems to capture a quite common predicament.
The late Prof Syed Hussein Alatas once coined another phrase 'jadong' which means 'jahat, bodoh dan sombong'. These were the bodoh sombong who were also jahat.
Sadly this observation also afflicts a sizeable portion of the Malay populace that has grown up in the New Economic Policy, especially among the hang outs and the hangers on.
They feel that they have really got what they have by their own merits. This is a false sense of comfort and false bravado. Instead of being thankful and using the generous space allowed to become independent of the handouts, they have become even more addicted. And arrogantly proud of it too.
Then there are those who know that this is indeed a false sense of bravado. They know the party is coming to an end. But what do they do? Some wear red shirts. They know that without the red umbrella they cannot even wear red shirts. Hence the threats and the intimidation.
Did you know that grilled fish fellow got cheap subsidised fish from some Ikan 1 Malaysia outfit? Sudah bayar ke belum? What do you think folks?
'When you see that trading is done, not by consent but by cumpulsion..'
It is basically thuggery. "I will put a toll gate on your front door. Just to leave your house in the morning you have to pay me some easy money. You work where I tell you to and pay me some of what you have earned".
Otherwise how are they going to keep themselves in three wives and 12 kids? They know they have not taught themselves to work and to compete.
"..when you see that in order to produce you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing..'
The Malay 'Monster' is spawned
Going back to that posh restaurant, I think the entire office was there. The bosses certainly were. So siapa jaga kedai? The office boy lah. What a dumb question. But who cares? Those people had serious cable connections. The money will flow.
"..when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods but in favours"
The money still flows, without having to do much work. The toughest part of the job is knowing what is the Minister's schedule. Or the Prime Minister's schedule. And getting an audience with them. To get a project or a contract.
Education is an advantage but not necessary.
Business acumen is an advantage but not necessary.
Experience in the field is an advantage but not necessary.
Now after 45 years of molly coddling and baby sitting - the baby has become a voracious 'I want, I want, I want' monster. And Petronas is running out of the baby's favorite food - oil money. - http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/

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