
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 5, 2015


For my recent two blog posts on the murder of Hussain Najadi on 29 July 2013 and subsequent cover-up by the police under the direction of the IGP, AG, the serially lying Prime Minister Najib and his government of thieves, CLICK HERE AND HERE.

Now my worst fears have been realised. The IGP and AG have declared the murder "solved" and the case "closed".

This has happened despite:

1. Convicted hitman Koong Swee Kwan having confessed to "businessman" Lim Yuen Soo having paid him RM20,000 for the contract killing.

2. Lim Yuen Soo having fled to Australia and China within days of the murder, and having been a fugitive for over 2 years.

3. Lim Yuen Soo having been placed on the Interpol Red List on application by the AG.

The police revealed yesterday that Lim Yuen Soo was taken into custody by immigration officers on 15 October when he re-entered Malaysia at KLIA via a flight from China. He was released by the police after 8 days of remand and interrogation, when the AG stamped 'NFA' (no further action) on his file.

Previously, there had been no response from the police to (Hussain Najadi's son) Pascal Najadi's public disclosure that Lim had returned to Malaysia much, much earlier and been moving about freely!! 

Furthermore, when Lim was "arrested", the police did not even inform Pascal or his lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, but kept the arrest/remand/interrogation a big secret.

It's obvious that Lim's re-entry into Malaysia was stage-managed by the authorities with the strings being pulled without a shadow of a doubt from the office of 'the first among equals' in Putrajaya. Who else has that kind of power to order and compromise Immigration, the police, the IGP and the AG?

Predictably, and correctly, Pascal Najadi has come out with guns blazing. He has signed the papers suing the IGP, AG, Najib and the Malaysian government over the murder cover-up and gross dereliction of duty. CLICK HERE for a report on the Lim Yuen Soo let-up.

And the most intriguing and tantalising questions in the Hussain Najadi murder cover-up are:

1. Who is the lady connected to a very powerful and prominent UMNO poilitician who someone claims gave the orders to Lim Yuen Soo to put the 'kill' contract out? How is she linked to the Altantuya murder? 

2. How is it all linked to 1MDB and the serially lying $2.6 billion "donation" Prime Minister Najib?

Pascal Najadi will be assisted in his quest for truth and justice by formidable lawyers like Gobind Singh Deo from Malaysia and Nick Kaufman (from Israel) a former prosecutor for The War Crimes Tribunal and the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

Pascal has put out an international alert to the dangerous gangster regime under Najib, and the threat that it poses to the world at large. Pascal has engaged some of the best security experts anywhere to protect himself from possible retaliation from Najib's MAFIA. Pascal was not born yesterday. This time around, Najib and his crooked cabal are in for the fight of their lives.

Dear readers, the fall  of the Najib kleptocratic government (government of thieves) is imminent. You can do your part by putting pressure on your MPs (even if they are from BN) to continuously demand that Najib be booted out NOW. Make them vote against Najib's budget and for the no confidence motion against him in Parliament.

Donplaypuks® with murder cover-ups, man!

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