
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 19, 2015


Or is it that religion never came from God in the first place and were mere inventions of humankind and that is why religions are a mess because if religion did come from God there would be only one and it would be perfect.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
A friend told me today that his adopted father commented that I am anti-Christian. Actually I am not anti-Christian although I do whack Christians. I am anti-religion, or probably more correctly anti-religionists.
The fact that I whack Christians does not make me anti-Christian. I also whack Muslims and I am not anti-Muslim. In fact, I am pro-Abdul Hadi Awang and he is a Muslim. There are only two people whose hand I kiss — one is His Highness the Sultan of Selangor and the other is Hadi. And both are Muslims but that does not stop me from whacking Muslims.
Well, there were many more people whose hands I used to kiss but most of them are all dead now. And I have suddenly realised that I no longer have any hands to kiss because most of those older than me (of my parents’ and grandparents’ generation) have all died and all there is left are those of my generation and younger.
What does that tell you? I suppose it tells you that at 65 I am now emerging as those within the elder group of our family. And with 10 great-grandmothers (the wives of Sultan Suleiman) and 44 grandparents you can imagine how large that family is. Then when you add those of my generation plus the two generations below me you can assume that I have not met even half my family members although I am about to go to my grave.
Sigh…I have now reached the stage where I lack hands to kiss while others line up to kiss my hand because I am amongst the patriarch of my very large family. I am not sure whether to take that as an honour because when people kiss your hand while you have no hands to kiss it is as the Malays would say, dunia kata pergi kubur kata mari (the world says go and the grave says come).
Anyway, I am deviating from the subject, which is the allegation that I am anti-Christian. As I said, I am not anti-Christian but anti-religionist. So I am not really anti-religion per se, and for sure not anti-Christian or anti-Muslim. And the reason I am anti-religionist is because they have screwed up religion good and proper.
Some of you might be asking why I am just talking about Christians and Muslims and not also talking about Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Zoroastrians, and the many others. The reason is actually quite simple. The ‘others’ are more or less not so kay poh like the Christians and Muslims. They leave well enough alone and do not try to moralise or convert you to their way of thinking. Christians and Muslims, however, want to conquer the world and turn the whole world either Christian or Muslim.
And this is why Christians and Muslims are dangerous. They have an expansionist attitude and want to dominate others. They pretend to be peaceful but are actually very militant. And they look down on those who do not believe what they believe.
All religions in a way have deviated from its original teachings, even Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. But the deviations in Christianity and Islam have brought untold misery to the world for more than a thousand years. More people have been killed in the name of Christianity and Islam than for other reasons.
Of course, it is not that Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and so on, have not also killed in the name of their religions. Even until today Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., are still killing people in the name of their religion. But it is not as rampant and large scale as what the Christians and Muslims have been doing for more than 1,000 years.
Furthermore, Christianity and Islam are sort of sister religions. And they have been competing with one another for more than 1,000 years. Apart from a few key issues the doctrine of both religions are about the same. Yet those of both these religions violate their own doctrine and make a mockery of what their religion is supposed to stand for.
The Christian-Muslim God is eternal (is not born and never dies), is all-knowing (knows everything that happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future), is all-powerful (nothing happens without His will), is perfect (makes no mistakes), and much more. These are some of the properties of that God.
With all those properties are you telling me that God did not know that His creation, humankind, is going to turn out the most imperfect and evil creature on earth? Does this not contradict God’s properties?
Christians and Muslims believe that God was sad and disappointed with humankind. God got very angry so He brought the Great Flood and wiped out entire humankind except for Noah and his family. So God has human emotions after all. He felt sad, disappointed and angry, just like how weak humans would feel.
And God admitted that He made a mistake, another weak human trait. But with all that power that God possesses He was not able to set humankind straight. So He erased his mistake by wiping out humankind in a Great Flood except for Noah and his family.
Then God recreates humankind from the only surviving family left. And then God recreates exactly the same imperfect and evil humans that He had originally wiped out because they were imperfect and evil. With all that power, God was still incapable of correcting His earlier mistake and He still recreated the same worthless human beings.
I mean I can imagine something like this from Proton. But can you imagine God coming out with second generation Protons that are still lemons like the first generation Protons.
I do not wish to debate the existence or non-existence of God. Let us discuss this on the premise that God does exist. And let us accept the doctrine of the many properties of this God. And if all that is true why would God want to mess up humankind by giving us so many religions that do not make sense and are illogical and which bring untold misery and suffering to humankind?
Or is it that religion never came from God in the first place and were mere inventions of humankind and that is why religions are a mess because if religion did come from God there would be only one and it would be perfect.

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