
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 14, 2016


Malaysia, under Prime Minister Najib Razak’s administration, has entered a new phase of “pariahness” not seen since Independence in 1957. Najib should be congratulated for bringing the country to a new level of “colonisation” through blackmail and corruption. The country is like a piece of tender and juicy wagyu-kobe beef being gobbled up by China and U.S.
China has tons of money but not international recognition. United States has the biggest debt in the world but possesses world recognition as a superpower. Malaysia has neither money nor world recognition. Thanks to Najib and his family’s lavish spending, Malaysia is going deeper into a black hole of massive debt.
Village folks may not be smart enough to see it but in reality, Najib Razak is the biggest traitor to his own race – the ethnic-Malay. Because of political correctness, he allows and encourages UMNO, his Malay-based political party, to whack and insult non-Malay especially the ethnic-Chinese. In reality, however, Najib loves the Chinese.
Jho Low, a Malaysian Chinese, was entrusted in not only running 1MDB to the ground but also protected like an endangered species even after a pro-government Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has established US$700 million of 1MDB’s fund were transferred to Good Star Limited, a company owned by Jho Low – without any approval from the 1MDB board.
Jho Low - Money Dropping - TheEdge Siphoning USD700 Million
1MDB was literally thrown under the bus after tens of billions of ringgit were sucked up and laundered throughout the 7 continents of the world. To bailout 1MDB, Najib sold off everything, from power assets to valuable Bandar Malaysia prime land – to China. But selling national treasures, of which most were perceived to be belonging to ethnic-Malay, is not the worse part.
1MDB Bailout Progress Report - ver 2.0
The worse part is becoming a stooge of America, without getting a single penny. It was like a prostitute putting a welcome banner and stripped naked for the “Yankee” to screw – without paying. At least by selling assets and precious land to the Chinese, Najib gets billions of ringgit to clear his 1MDB debt, which has ballooned to more than RM50 billion.
1MDB Scandal - US-DOJ Links Stolen Money To Riza Aziz and Malaysian Official 1 - Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor
But in the case of U.S.-DOJ civil lawsuits against Jho Low and his stepson’s (Riza Aziz) assets allegedly purchased with stolen money from 1MDB fund, PM Najib is essentially making himself a puppet of the United States. Guess UMNO cannot bitch about U.S. being Israel’s puppet anymore because to do so would mean Malaysia indirectly is Israel’s puppet.
Not only Najib Razak willingly becomes America’s puppet for F.O.C., his government is putting the country’s sovereignty on a gambling table. Thanks to 1MDB money laundering, United States now owns Malaysia as a pawn in a conflict with China over South China Sea territory disputes. That’s another way to say Malaysia is under the U.S.’ thumb.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces Lawsuits On 1MDB
The UMNO-Malays thought they were the smartest people on planet Earth in the game of politics. After all, they eat, breathe and sleep politics. That’s the problem with “Village Champion” mentality. Because they rule over the ethnic-Chinese, ethnic-Indian and other non-Muslim groups using race and religion cards, they thought they were super powerful and invincible.
As the Chinese saying goes, the UMNO-Malays haven’t seen a snake pees. And America is no small snake but a giant Anacondo which could easily flood Najib and Rosmah’s bedchamber when it starts peeing. Former Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam was right when he said PM Najib Razak can be booted in three ways.
Najib Razak - No Leaders Want To Talk To Him
The first and second ways – through UMNO and general election – are wishful thinking because of corruption and gerrymandering. The third way – throughforeign intervention – is the only way to get rid of Najib. But America isn’t interested to get rid of pink-lips Najib. They want to control Najib so that the corrupt prime minister can run America’s errands.
That’s why Najib’s No.1 bootlicker – Minister Salleh Said Keruak – suddenly made a U-turn and dismissed his “usual” claims of an international conspiracy against Malaysia. That’s also why not a single UMNO warlord dared lending support to junior Khairul Azwan Harun when he made a police report against so-called conspirators Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Abdul Gani Patail and Abu Kassim Mohamed.
Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron
Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron recently claimed that the United States Department of Justice’s (DOJ) civil complaint on the case involving 1MDB is part of a political ploy to topple a democratically-elected prime minister (Najib Razak). Instead of gaining support, surprisingly, Mr. Idris was whacked left, right and centre – by his own UMNO comrades.
Idris, who is also an UMNO Supreme Council member, has suggested that the U.S. government’s motives (of seizing more than US$1 billion in assets, including luxury real estate and a jet allegedly bought with money pilfered from 1MDB) were similar to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Poor Idris, he was just trying to do some bootlicking and see what that had gotten him.
Federal Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob - Worships USA - Criticise Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron
Heck, even Najib’s No.2 bootlicker – Federal Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob – is accusing fellow Idris Haron of having “brain damage”, the same way Donald Trump has accused Hillary Clinton of being short-circuited. Suddenly foreigner United States is being worshipped like a God but UMNO loyal comrades are being trashed like rubbish by UMNO themselves?
Weren’t PM Najib Razak and his ministers the one who claimed innocent and screamed until foam at the mouth that it was foreign conspiracy to topple a democratically-elected prime minister when Sarawak Report and the Wall Street Journal exposed the same 1MDB scandal once upon a time? Therefore, Chief Minister Idris was right, no?
Najib Razak - USA Asks To Jump - Can Only Ask How High - Dog Learning To Jump
It appears that PM Najib and his UMNO ministers can now happily accept U.S.-DOJ’s allegations, but not Sarawak Report or the WSJ, never mind the contents of the 1MDB money laundering accusation are the same. Now, do you understand why the DOJ deliberately made reference to “Malaysian Official 1” a staggering 32 times in the lawsuits, when they can ignore them?
Brilliantly, the Government of the United States was reminding naughty Najib Razak that they knew what he had done with the 1MDB fund. Most importantly, whenever the U.S. tells Najib government to jump, the son of Razak can only ask “how high”. The fate of Najib’s balls is in the hand of the U.S., and the “Yankees” are known to fancy squeezing grapes to dry. - http://www.financetwitter.com/

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