
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Attack On Yemen : Saudis "Lose" Patriot Missile Battery, Order Civilian Evacuation Of Border Areas

The video above is a compilation of recent turkey shoots inside Saudi Aabia. Yemeni forces taking out Saudi tanks and troop positions. 

Folks the unilateral Saudi attack against Yemen is turning out very badly for Yemen civilians as well as for the Saudi attackers.

The Yemenis have counter attacked and taken the war back inside Saudi Arabian territory.  The Saudis have now ordered the civilian evacuation of some of their border areas. 

The main reason I think is because of the intensification of Saudi airstrikes to dislodge Yemeni forces from inside Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have also intensified air strikes against schools, hospitals and other civilian targets in Yemen to terrorise the population. 

Horror of horrors (for the USA) the Saudi monkeys have also lost a Patriot missile system (the mobile launch pad with missiles and everything). I think the Iranians would have it in their hands by now.

Here are two news reports :

1. Saudi Regime Orders Evacuation of Bordering Areas with Yemen

interior ministry issued order to residents of districts in al-Dayer province in Jazan
al-Manar news : interior ministry gave 72 hours to residents to move
Al-e Zaidan and Al-e Malik tribes form largest populations in these areas 
disclosed the Saudi siege of their region
drinking water, food cut to pressure residents to leave 

border area covers 51 sq.km. and Saudis turning it into no man's land
Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid referred Saudi plans to evacuate area
Yemeni Saudi border hosting big population
Saudis attempting to empty them 
local residents will not be allowed to return to their homes 
regions will be divided among influential Saudi princes," Mujtahid said.

2. Report: Coalition in Row After Patriot Missile System Disappears in Yemen

Patriot missile of Saudi army disappeared in city of Ma'rib
starting row among coalition commanders and pro-Hadi militias
harsh disputes among Saudi coalition commanders, Arabic media quoted 
Saudi jets flying in Wadi Obeideh, Ma'rib and Shabwah to find the platform.
concern that the launchpad might have been stolen by al-Qaeda terrorists
Saudi army has several Patriot missile systems in Ma'rib city.

Yemeni missiles pounded Saudi positions in Southwestern provinces

Saudi military in Najran and Jizan under Yemeni missile attacks
Yemeni forces fired mortar at al-Tala'a and al-Shabaka bases in Saudi Arabia
Saudi site in al-Khoba of Jizan province also under Yemen's missile attack
Saudi trying to prevent Yemeni forces from advance deep into kingdom.

Yemen intensified operations in Jizan province inside Saudi
Yemeni army hit hard Saudi troops' in Khoba of Jizan province.
Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid disclosed Yemen's considerable gains in Jizan

Yemeni forces entered 10 km deep inside Jizan on Wednesday 
fierce clashes near Sameta region," Mujtahid said.

Yemeni army pounded strategic military base in Jizan with missiles.
Saudi's al-Sababeh military base came under Yemen's missile attack
Yemeni forces destroyed two Saudi armored vehicles in Rajla military base.
Saudis' Rajla military base in Najran destroyed by Zalzal-3 missile
destroyed number of tanks and military vehicles al-Masirah reported.

Yemeni army fired 13 ballistic missiles towards Saudi since July.
late July, Yemeni forces continued attacks against Saudi kingdom's Southern parts
killed several senior Saudi officers, including commander of 84th Division 
Yemeni forces fired missiles at Saudi tanks in Najran province
Yemeni Tochka missile hit Saudi base in Ahad al-Mosareheh region in Jizan

Conclusion : This is going to end very badly for Saudi Arabia. Very badly. The Kingdom may cease to exist.

Imagine a situation where the Yemeni Shiahs win this war and invade and hold southern Saudi Arabia. Then the Saudi shiah population in the east revolts and takes over the oil fields. The shiah majority in Bahrain also revolts and takes over Bahrain. Then the shiah majority in Iraq 'intrudes' into northern Saudi Arabia. 

The Saudi royal family would have fled and will be living in PantaiHillpark by then (along with the other strange Arabs who are already there).

There will be fighting between the Salafis and the Shiahs to control Mecca and Medina.

When you worship satan, this is what will happen. 

laa ta'budu syaitan - you should NOT worship the shaytan.

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