
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Will Tajuddin be game enough to back Racial Equality Act?

YOURSAY | ‘What Tajuddin said is true – racism begets racism.’
Oxymoronictendencies: Aren't Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman's comments seditious? Racially divisive and inflammatory comments such as these seem to fit perfectly within the bounds of offences prosecutable under the Sedition Act.
Shouldn't someone be lodging a police report? Shouldn't the attorney-general (AG) and the inspector-general of police (IGP) be acting with the haste of which we know they are capable?
Or is the Sedition Act restricted exclusively to being applied against opposition politicians? Or perhaps as history has already shown, Umno members, led by by none other the PM himself, are free to make whatever racially decisive and inflammatory comments that they feel like with complete impunity; and the IGP and AG, of course, turn a blind eye.
Hypocrisy it seems is alive and well at the highest levels in Malaysia, perpetuated by the ruling elite from behind an impenetrable shield of kleptocracy and corruption.
Let me say a long overdue farewell to democracy and judicial independence in our sad country.
Stig: What's the issue if Chinese-owned private firms hire Chinese over Malays?
I’m not saying that this is the case, as employers usually hire on qualifications and cost, but even if it were so, why is a Chinese firm hiring a Chinese an issue?
If the civil service hire Malays, if the GLCs (government-linked companies) hire Malays, if Malay firms hire Malays, and now demanding that Chinese firms hire Malays, then who will hire the Chinese?
TimesAchanging: People like Tajuddin expects discrimination to go only one way. Only the government can discriminate ... nobody else can.
No doubt some Chinese firms do discriminate but it's their business and their money... they can do what they like. Is Tajuddin saying Malay firms don't discriminate?
Not Convinced: Indeed, what Tajuddin said is true – racism begets racism. Perhaps it’s time for him to get the government to implement a Racial Equality Act.
This will ensure non-discrimination in both the public and private sectors. Will he be game enough for that?
Tembikai: What is wrong with a job advertisement asking for applicants who know Mandarin or Cantonese if the company does business with China. There are over 60,000 Malay students in Chinese schools, so they are qualified to apply.
Do you mean that these firms must hire a Malay who cannot speak Mandarin and then hire another employee who can, just to pacify small-minded people who cannot even think beyond race and see the big picture?
Anonymous 1890491455255851: These types of politicians constantly blame others for any weaknesses of their own. This is what Umno is all about.
It is never about looking at themselves to see what their own problems are, but always about what others are doing to them. It’s time to take a good look at yourselves and get a reality check.
Odysseus: First and foremost, the public sector belongs to all and the government of the day has to ensure fairness in employment. Not only that, they should hire the best to run the country.
However, the private sector belongs to the entrepreneurs who run their own enterprise. These entrepreneurs are driven and motivated by the returns. So, they also hire whom they want and usually, the best to work for them.
Anonymous_1371550919: I have 15 Malay staff and five Chinese staff. My only partner is a Malay. As a firm, the staff gets on very well with each other.
I don’t discriminate against the Malay in terms of pay, bonus and most importantly, I respect their expertise. I wish the politicians will just shut up and for once do some real work.
Wg321: Tajuddin’s life-long allegation about Chinese-owned private firms refusing to hire Malays will be solved very soon.
According to a survey conducted by the National Education Advisory Council recently, 18% of students studying in Chinese schools are Malay. According to Professor Teo Kok Seong, the number of Malay students will increase each year.
Their research showed that within 10 years, more and more enlightened Malay parents are sending their children to Chinese schools so much so Chinese schools may become mainstream schools.
The Chinese employers will be delighted to employ Malays who can speak and write in three languages, i.e. English, Malay and Mandarin, from Chinese schools.
Since China is today the second largest economy in the world, to know how to write and speak Mandarin is a great advantage in the field of business.
In fact, American, Africans and Europeans are rushing to learn Mandarin because China is going to be the no 1 economic superpower in a few years’ time.
Anonymous 23651434356067: Accept the fact that as long as we are divided by race, there will be racist in every race. Who created the race in the first place? It is us.
But while our leaders talk nonsense, there are many private companies with various races working in harmony.
Just a Malaysian: A race that blames everyone for its failure is not going to get far. It’s time for Umno leaders to stop looking for scapegoats and motivate their followers to work hard and be competitive.

The globalised world waits for no one. Eventually all has to compete to survive. The faster Umno leaders face this fact, the faster the Malay race will progress. - Mkini

1 comment:

  1. setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
    sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
    sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
    saya buka FB ada seseorng berkomentar
    tentang EYANG WORO MANGGOLO katanya perna di bantu
    melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
    karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
    jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
    saya minta angka sama EYANG WORO MANGGOLO
    angka yang di berikan 6D TOTO tembus 100%
    terima kasih banyak EYANG
    kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
    rencana bulan depan mau pulang untuk buka usaha
    bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
    terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
    jangan putus asah HUBUNGI EYANG WORO MANGGOLO 0823-9177-2208
    tak ada salahnya anda coba
    karna prediksi EYANG tidak perna meleset
    saya jamin EYANG WORO MANGGOLO tidak akan mengecewakan


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