
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 16, 2017

Apandi, perhaps you’re the problem, not public perception

YOURSAY | ‘The AGs of Singapore, Switzerland, US and other countries have found irregularities in 1MDB but…’
Anonymous_1429175092: Attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali, perhaps you are the problem.
The AGs of Singapore, Switzerland, the United States and other countries have found irregularities in 1MDB, but you can't find any fault.
When the Swiss AG asked for your assistance, you allegedly refused to cooperate. Apandi, come out of your denial mode.
Shunyata: The AG's arguments might still hold a few drops of water if he hadn't totally embarrassed himself and his office by turning down the Swiss Office of the Attorney-General's request for mutual legal assistance.
That was the last straw, and no one other than himself has been able to look at him in the same light.
Odin Tajué: Apandi, until I began to subscribe to Malaysiakini some five years ago to follow significant news in Malaysia, I never thought of myself as someone bright but one with a below-average IQ.
However, soon after reading of statements made by many government leaders and senior ‘uncivil’ servants such as yourself, I was pleasantly surprised to discover the hidden genius in me.
I mean, if one supposed to be well-educated such as you, is unable to see why you have remained untouchable, or, as you have said, unshaken, then those who are able must be dazzlingly bright sparks.
The reason you are untouchable is simply that you have been appointed by the most powerful person to cover up for and defend him. Your sidekick, who has the power to arrest and press charges, are also there to do the same thing.
And that is the reason you have carried yourselves not with poise and composure as you have claimed, but with mendaciousness and arrogance.
Kim Quek: Apandi must be so ashamed of this load of rubbish that he had to find someone to deliver the speech for him.
And it must be meant for the rural folks, to be trumpeted by Umno propaganda outfits like TV3 and Utusan Malaysia.
Coming on the heel of both Treasury secretary-general Irwan Serigar Abdullah and Election Commission chief Hashim Abdullah claiming mistaken public “perception” as what is plaguing the country, Apandi’s speech, also blaming on wrong public “perception”, seems to be part of an orchestrated political propaganda, masterminded by Umno strategists to salvage the fallen image of the Umno political leadership in the prelude of an imminent general election.
It is now up to us to intensify our campaign among the same Umno-captive audience to drive home the truth as an antidote to the Umno propaganda.
Res Ipsa: If Apandi really was a man of principle and integrity, he should have showed up and personally presented the speech. It would have been interesting to watch his demeanour and expressions on stage.
And whether he has already mastered the art of putting up a straight face just like his master.
Iiiizzzziiii: It is a case of grand self-deception. If you tell a lie repeatedly and long enough, you will begin to believe in it.
Demi Rakyat: Of course, we question your commitment and independence.
After all, you said the billions of ringgit which PM Najib Abdul Razak received in his personal bank account were "donations from some Saudi royalty" while the whole world knows differently.
Ipoh PP: If someone deposited a large sum of money and I used it and returned the balance, would I have not committed an offence, Mr AG?
Anonymous 2443871479002035: Singapore has already exposed that Najib associate Low Taek Jho had impersonated himself as “Eric Tan” to open bank accounts as well as set up corporate entities.
Several bankers including Falcon Private Bank branch manager Jens Fred Sturzenegger, have been charged and sentenced with failing to comply with anti-money laundering regulations, not highlighting suspicious transactions and providing false information to authorities.
This included the transfer of billions of 1MDB money into Najib's accounts. And yet Apandi says there is no case.
Anonymous 2362021442199789: If the AG wants the AGC to be respected, it must act with full integrity, be fair and transparent.
If it fails to do so, do not blame the ordinary Malaysian for forming his/her own opinion based on his/her 'perception' of what the AGC is or is not doing.

Over the last 12 months, the decisions of the AGC with regards to the investigations over 1MDB and SRC as well as not providing assistance to Swiss OAG, who requested it under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, has given rise to severe negative perceptions.
Will 2017 be any different? Let us wait and see.
Samurai: According to Bar chief Steven Thiru: " This is in stark contrast to the developments in at least eleven countries - Australia, British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, and Venezuela - where there have been investigations, measures imposed on financial institutions, criminal prosecutions and convictions, and proceedings for forfeiture of assets."
How does one hold one's head up high, when one's colleagues in 11 countries appear to be blatantly saying the exact opposite about 1MDB?
Not to mention Singapore sending people to jail in related cases? The words 'thick-skinned' comes to mind.
James_3392: Apandi, the Bar Council withheld the customary congratulatory message on your appointment is not without reason, by now it proved beyond a shallow of doubt the wisdom of the council members who had collectively made the decision.
Negarawan: Trust, respect, and dignity. The AG and judiciary have completely lost all three.
The AGs of all the foreign countries who are actively pursuing and prosecuting the perpetrators behind 1MDB certainly put the Malaysian AG to utter shame.
Not Convinced: For an AG who lacks so much integrity, it is hard to imagine that he is a former top judge.- Mkini

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