
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, January 15, 2017

'Bigger than life' Dr M, Muhyiddin, Mukhriz kick off Bersatu

Outside Stadium Malawati in Shah Alam yesterday stood the top three leaders of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu): chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad, president Muhyiddin Yassin and deputy president Mukhriz Mahathir.
Though these were merely the life-sized cut outs of the three, it seems the supporters clad in red were delighted as they took turns to take photographs with the three of them throughout the day.
The image of the top three leaders were seemingly everywhere at the party's official launch yesterday, as there was also a huge backdrop with their illustrated portraits and 'Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai' (The Fight That Is Not Over) emblazoned at the entrance to the stadium, complete with a red carpet for more photo opportunities.
The trio appeared again on the itinerary for the event, as well as on some of the party merchandise being sold outside the stadium such as mugs, selling for RM18 each.
The veneration for the three leaders continued inside the stadium as the 5,000-strong crowd cheered wildly at their arrival later that night for the launch proper.
Najib booed
Video clips including excerpts from the Australian Channel 4 News segment on corruption in Malaysia related to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's brainchild 1MDB was played in the stadium before their arrival, during which the crowd cheered when Muhyiddin appeared on screen.
In contrast to the former Umno deputy's reception, anti-Najib sentiment was high among the crowd as every single time the Umno chief appeared on screen, the crowd booed loudly, with several shouting, "Turun Najib" (Najib resign).
However, it was clear that Mahathir was the star of the event, with the crowd intermittently chanting, "Hidup Tun," (Long live Mahathir) throughout the launch, especially during the former premier's speech, which received much thunderous applause and cheers.
Also during Mahathir's speech, when he asked rhetorically what the party would do if they were to form a new government after the next general election, the crowd immediately shouted, "Tangkap Najib" (Arrest Najib).
The crowd was just as enamoured with Mahathir's wife, Dr Siti Hasmah Ali.
When the Bersatu choir closed the event with one last song, there was great cheering and applause when Siti Hasmah started off the song singing solo, particularly when the big screens showed Mahathir singing along off stage.
Bersatu leaders were not the only ones in attendance last night, as fellow opposition parties had also sent representatives to the event.
Opposition leaders join in
PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali were present, along with several other party leaders like vice-president Xavier Jeyakumar and Kuala Langat MP Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid.
Amanah president Mohamad Sabu and vice-president Mujahid Yusof Rawa also attended along with DAP national vice-chairperson Teresa Kok.
PAS also sent their representative, Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar.
Malay rights group Perkasa's chief Ibrahim Ali and former Umno minister Zaid Ibrahim were also in attendance.
It is important that all opposition parties form a stable coalition before the 14th general election so they can fight as one against BN, Muhyiddin said in his speech last night.
And although their electoral pact with Pakatan Harapan was a step in the right direction, the former deputy prime minister said they are also in negotiations with "parties outside of Pakatan Harapan" to form a broad coalition.
"We might name this political coalition joined by all opposition parties Barisan Rakyat, to go toe-to-toe against BN," he said.
Multiracial-friendly party
Muhyiddin had announced when the party was first formed that Bersatu's membership is open to all bumiputera including Malays, the Orang Asli as well as Sabah and Sarawak natives.
Other races can also join the new political party, but as associate members, with no voting right and eligibility for party posts.
Though the crowd last night comprised almost entirely of Malays, Muhyiddin quickly stressed in his speech that they were a multiracial-friendly party.
To press his point, very early on in his speech Muhyiddin mentioned the Ponggal celebration taking place today, referring to his Hindu friend who had purportedly told him that he would be praying for the success of Bersatu today.
He also mentioned the Chinese calendar's coming Year of the Rooster, saying that many Chinese believe it is a very "lucky" year.
"It's very 'ong', as the Chinese say. So I hope the Chinese community will also support our party," he said.
Muhyiddin also mentioned that many statesmen had contributed greatly to the development of the nation, especially the country's former prime ministers such as Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak Hussein, Hussein Onn and Mahathir.
Last night was also the 41st death anniversary of Abdul Razak, Najib's father.
Among Abdul Razak's top legacies was the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda), founded to help eradicate Malay poverty.
However, Muhyiddin claimed in his speech that Felda was now being mishandled by Umno to the point of losing billions of ringgit.
He was echoing PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli's concerns over alleged mismanagement in the agency as well as Felda's purported dire financial situation.
Change a religious obligation
Muhyiddin also urged Bersatu members to fight for justice to save Malaysia, invoking the phrase "falyughayyir" from the hadith, which means change.
"Therefore 'change' is a religious demand.
"It is not wrong for us to change a corrupt leader, who is wrong. In fact, it is a religious obligation," he said.
Taking his turn to speak, Mukhriz said he was confident Bersatu and its allies could win the 14th general election, but only if they were willing to make sacrifices now.
"If we do not do anything, if we are not willing to sacrifice in the short-term and shake our legs hoping for someone to save the situation, or do the same thing over and over while hoping for a different result or even worse, if we were to give in to dedak (animal feed, handouts), then it would all have been merely a dream.

"A fantasy that will not come true," he warned.
Bersatu was formed in August last year, by Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Mukhriz, former Umno member Anina Saadudin, chairperson of a group of rebel Umno branch chiefs (Gabungan Ketua Cawangan Malaysia, or GKCM) Kamarulzaman Habibur Rahman, former Bendang Baru Umno Youth chief Akhramsyah Sanusi and student group Challenger leader Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman.
They had all been critical of Najib's administration, in particular his brainchild 1MDB, which is saddled with financial scandals.
The Registrar of Societies approved the party's registration in early September.- Mkini

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